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Semester reflection 1
As a student, I have greatly grown in knowledge. Before this semester I had no idea how many
variables had to come into play in order for something so seemingly simple to happen.
Sometimes variables are contradicted in the presence of another variable. Now, I understand
just how important each of these variables are and why some contradictions do happen. I also
understand that, no matter how much time goes on, the effect that these variables have never
The kite project that I did for Geometry class is evidence of my growth. In this project, I had
to build a kite with very specific measurements in order for it to fly. Whether or not the kite
would fly depended solely on the variables that came into play. First, the kite had to be
perfectly balanced so that the kite would be stable and not lopsided, then that variable was
contradicted by the variable of wind that had to be caught in the kite in order for it to stay in
the air. It was amazing how important weight and balance and size were just for the kit to hover
the preferable two minutes and even form the centuries ago when kites were being used
everything is still the same.

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