Imran Fem Lab 2

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Fem Lab Report 30-04-2014


Fem lab task no #02

The problem to be considered is schematically in fig. We consider flow across a cylinder and
look at the wake behind the cylinder.

There are following some steps to make the model from its creation to the final step;
First of all I made a circle with three vertices and the diameter of circle is 1 cm.
Then I made the rectangle domain with four vertices and using line command.
After that I used face to the rectangular domain, by picking the command Operation >
Geometry > Face. Without making face we cannot provide the nodes to the domain.
Divide the entire wireframe into five different parts and made them face.
In the last step, I used the mesh command to mesh the whole rectangle, as you can see in
below figure. For completing this step, followings commands were used Operation >
Mesh > Face.
Fem Lab Report 30-04-2014

Firstly I meshed the face 01.then face 02 and so on up to the final face 05.



Fem Lab Report 30-04-2014

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