Part 2

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Section 2
Lista 9, also known as PROGRESA CIVIL, focuses on the beliefs of freedo of e!"ression, securit# of
the "eo"le, "rotection of nature and stabilit# o$erall% &e encoura'e forei'n trade and international relationshi"
and are coitted to inter$ene in the "ri$ate sector onl# when necessar#% &e base our "art# on res"ect, honest#
and trustworthiness% &e belie$e in (ustice and e)ualit# for all and ho"e to build a better future throu'h
education and lon'*ter $isions su""orted b# the "eo"le% &e belie$e in the checks and balance s#ste and
want "eo"le to ha$e re"resentation no atter where the# li$e, what their econoic conditions are, what reli'ion
the# follow or an#thin' of the sort% &e want to be all inclusi$e and discriinate no*one% &e want "eo"le to
ha$e a $oice and for the countr# to ad$ance as a whole%
Soe issues that # "art# focused on were the followin'+ ,irst of all, the ain 'oal that we wanted to
achie$e was to diinish the "o$ert# le$el b# creatin' ore (obs throu'h the "ri$ate industr# and b# brin'in' in
forei'n teachers, in order to raise the "ublic school le$el% In addition, we want to increase national securit# b#
brin'in' in Aber Alerts and b# "ro$idin' hi'h )ualit# courses our "olice officer and fireen, in order for
the to be "re"ared and hi'hl# educated to e!ecute their (ob corrects% &e also "lan on i"ro$in' our internal
econo# throu'h touris and "reser$in' the natural habitat, instead of e!"loitin' it for "etroleu% ,inall#, we
encoura'e freedo of s"eech and want to res"ect the indi$idual ri'hts of all%
Section 3
-% Introduction
a% .ae /Andrea Ordone01
b% Position /President1
c% Pro"osals and View Points
i% Political
ii% Econoic
iii% Social2Intan'ible
3% Politics
a% Ri'hts
i% .atural Ri'hts ust be res"ected
b% Constitution
i% Aendents can be added
ii% Constitution should be stable and little alterations should be ade, if an# at all
c% Votin' and Elections
i% Votin' should be o"tion /onl# for "eo"le who reall# care1
4% Econoics
a% Internal Econo#
i% ,ocus on stren'thenin' internal co"anies and anufacturers
ii% &e can no lon'er be de"endent on "etroleu, find other o"tions
b% E!ternal Econo#
i% .eutral /no fa$oritis of i"orts or e!"orts1
ii% International Relations should i"ro$e
c% O$erall
i% &e .EE5 trade /too sall to be self*sufficient1
6% Social2Intan'ible
a% Education
i% I"ro$e "ublic schools
ii% 7rin' in teachers
iii% Educate others to anal#0e and )uestion decisions for
electoral and econoic "ur"oses as well as inno$ators
b% 8ealth and &ellfare foundations
i% don9t 'i$e "oor one#, 'i$e the a (ob
:% Closure
a% Suari0e
i% I want to know #our o"inion and #our thou'hts and e$en thou'h I a# not
like what #ou ha$e to sa# #ou will alwa#s be allowed to sa# it and all to"ics will be u" for
ii% ;our ri'hts will be "rotected and #ou will alwa#s be heard
iii% Ad$anceent in econoics trou'h international relations
i$% Education and 8ealth < Priorit#
$% Protection of wildlife < =ouris
b% ,inal essa'e
Section 3
,ellow classates, candidates, teachers and staff+
As >artin Luther ?in' said, we ha$e learned to fl# as birds and how to swi as fishes, but we still ha$en@t
learned the si"le art of walkin' side b# side as brothers and sisters% =his is what Lista 9, a 'rou" of -4
indi$iduals, wants to chan'e% E$en thou'h we are all uni)ue we should treat each other as e)uals seein' as we
all ha$e the sae ri'hts and freedo% Corru"tion is not a word in our dictionar#% I stand u" here as a friend, and
as an e)ual who will res"ect each and e$er# one of #ou% I will be #our $oice, I will be concerned and willin' to
hear all of your "ro"osals to de$elo" our countr#% &e co"letel# disa'ree with, insecurit#, loss of freedo,
stealin', and e$er#thin' that has e$en the ost inute bad intention% &e want to increase securit# in this
countr# b# introducin' aber alerts% An aber alert is an eer'enc# res"onse s#ste that disseinates
inforation about a issin' "erson /usuall# a child1, b# edia broadcastin' or electronic roadwa# si'ns% &e
also want to allow international relationshi"s while at the sae tie focusin' on how we can stri$e as an
indi$idual countr#% &e want what@s better for our "eo"le, we seek for a better life and we as"ire to becoe a
united countr# with "roud Ecuadorian citi0ens, with "eo"le who feel safe inside their countr#9s borders% As
"roud citi0ens, we will do whate$er is "ossible to cancel the decision to e!"loit the ;asuni since it is a "ri$ile'e
to our countr# that we shouldn9t be 'ettin' rid of% &e onl# desire and want what we know we are ca"able of
fulfillin'A whether it is in the short or lon' ter% In conclusion, we want to becoe "eo"le who can walk side b#
side as brothers and sisters% &E SA; .O =O I.EBCALI=; and &E SA; .O =O I.DCS=ICE Vote for lista
9 with #self as President, and Andrea OrdoEe0 as Vice President, so to'ether we can de$elo" a countr#

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