San Marino Koen Van Heerde

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San Marino

San Marino, officially the Republic of San Marino, is a microstate surrounded by Italy, situated
on the Italian Peninsula on the north-eastern side of the Apennine Mountains. Its size is just
over 61 km
with an estimated population of over 30,000. Its capital is the City of San Marino,
its largest city Dogana. San Marino has the smallest population of all the members of the
Council of Europe.

In San Marino there is one university. This university is called the Universit degli Studi della
Repubblica di San Marino, or University of the Republic of San Marino.
It has six departments:
- Communication
- Biomedical Studies
- Economics and Technology
- Education and Training
- Historical Studies
- Law Studies

The university also has a library. There are 30,000 books and
500 journals. The school has two interdepartmental centers.
The Interdepartmental Center for Legal Services provides assistance to Departments, to the
Administrative Secretariat and the Center and Schools of the University. It is the body
responsible for the stipulation of contracts and agreements, bids for tender, insurance policies
and the relations with the magistrates and lawyers of the Republic of San Marino. And there is
the Interdepartmental Center for Engineering and Computer Services. This is the body
responsible for the introduction, use and management of computer resources and, more in
general, of technological resources, in the various offices and departments that make up the
University. The Center supervisions the gathering, processing and access to data in compliance
with current legislation.

If you want to study in San Marino, you would have to get there first. The fastest transport to
San Marino is by plane. There are three possible flights you can take to San Marino. The fastest
one is with KLM or Luxair and you travel via Luxembourg. This will take you three hours and
forty minutes. You can also fly with Lufthansa or Airberlin but that will cost you five hours and
fifteen minutes. The slowest one is with Swiss and you fly via Zrich and it will take five hours
and fifty-five minutes. Recommended is the flight with KLM via Luxembourg because it is way
faster. It will cost you a bit more, but you save two hours of your precious time.

When youre in San Marino, you need a place to live. Assuming that you will stay there for a
year, here are the costs of living in San Marino.
First, you need an apartment. Assuming you will live outside city centre, you will have to pay
on average 460 per month. This is 5,520 a year. You will also need public transport. A month
pass costs 35, which over a year will be 420. All the gas, water etc. will cost you 155 per
month. This will be 1860 a year. For the groceries 200 is needed per month. This will be
2400 a year. All of this amounts up to 10,200. San Marino is not a cheap country to live in,
the prices are around the same as in the Netherlands.

The public transport in San Marino is not that terrific. It is limited a lot, as there are no busses
in San Marino itself. The only bus there is, is the bus from Rimini to San Marino. But, in San
Marino a lot of taxis drive around. These taxis are probably the best way of public transport.
The taxis cost 1.50 a kilometer, which is average for EU prices. In San Marino, an antenna
tram is build. This enhances the quality of public transport, but it is not there yet.

In San Marino you have not that many media from the microstate itself. Most media is Italian,
which is of course normal, as they are landlocked by Italy itself and the country is not much
more than 60 squared kilometers. There is however one company, the Radioteleviosione Della
Repubblica di San Marino (San Marino RTV). This company has two radiostations, Radio San
Marino and Radio San Marino Classis. Next to that they have a television channel named San
Marino RTV. If you want to go on the internet in San Marino, the letter combination behind
the dot is sm.

In San Marino, two languages are spoken. First, of course Italian. This is spoken by all of San
Marinos inhabitants. Second, some people speak Emiliano-Romagnolo. This is a dialect in this
For studying in this microstate, you can get a scholarship. This will cover 5000 at its most and
you have to do HBO minimally. You can get this scholarship only once.

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