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Ac t i vat i ng t he SAP Ear l yWat c h Al er t on

Sol ut i on Manager 7.0
Be s t Pr a c t i c e f o r So l u t i o n Ma n a g e me n t
Version Date: November 2008
Applicability, Goals and Requirements........................................................................... 2
Best Practice Procedure.................................................................................................... 4
Preliminary Tasks .........................................................................................................4
Activating the EarlyWatch Alert in SAP Solution Manager........................................5
Step 1: RTCCTOOL Service Preparation Check.....................................................5
Step 2: Set up of the Service Data Control Center ...................................................7
Step 3: Define your Solution Landscape and allocate the Systems.......................17
Step 4: Access the Results in the SAP Solution Manager.......................................25
Further I nformation........................................................................................................ 31
Applicability, Goals and Requirements
To ensure that this Best Practice is the one you need, consider the following goals and
Goal of Using this Best Practice
SAP EarlyWatch Alert is a tool that regularly provides customers with information about the
performance of their SAP systems. It is fully integrated into the SAP Solution Manager, and
is included in the maintenance agreement with SAP, at no extra cost. By running and
monitoring SAP EarlyWatch Alert you can increase system stability and performance for your
entire solution landscape. For this reason, SAP strongly recommends activating SAP
EarlyWatch Alert for all productive systems.
SAP EarlyWatch Alert gathers performance data using a data collecting mechanism that runs
as a background job.
This data is sent from the satellite systems to your central SAP Solution Manager system for
processing and evaluation. The EarlyWatch Alerts for your satellite systems are also the
basis for further analysis, via EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions or via Service Level Reporting.
If the overall rating of the SAP EarlyWatch Alert is red, the service results will automatically
be sent to SAP Support. If all sessions are rated yellow or green, results will be sent to SAP
Support once every four weeks.
Since the reports provide a history of a systems performance, EarlyWatch Alert aids the
analysis of performance related problems which may occur.
Staff and Skills Requirements
This Best Practice can be applied by any experienced SAP system administrator.
System Requirements
SAP Solution Manager 7.0
ST400 SP15
ST-SER 2008_1 SP3
Satellite system:
This Best Practice is based on the use of SDCCN, and so the systems in your system
landscape need an SAP R/3 version of 4.0B or higher.
Satellites on basis releases below 4.0B can only use SDCC. Regarding data collections in
such systems, please see SAP Note 216952.
Data sources for EarlyWatch Alert:
Depending on the managed system, EarlyWatch Alert can use data which is collected via
SDCCN or which is reported into the Solution Manager Diagnostics Tool. For example, the
EarlyWatch Alert for a CRM system reads data stored in the Business Intelligence InfoCubes
of the Solution Manager Diagnostics.
This Best Practice describes the basic steps for systems containing an ABAP stack only,
where the administration of the EarlyWatch Alert session data is executed by SDCCN in the
satellite system itself.
EarlyWatch Alert can also be set up for J ava components, such as Enterprise Portals.
Prerequisites and setup for this are described separately in a user guide attached to SAP
Note 976054.
Duration and Timing
Duration: Assuming you have successfully installed the SAP Solution Manager, and defined
the satellite systems, you need approximately half a day per satellite system for the initial
implementation of the steps recommended in the central service preparation in SAP Note
91488. In addition, you require around 15 minutes per connected SAP system to set up
transaction SDCCN (Service Data Control Center).
Timing: Implement the steps from this best practice document prior to the Going Live period
of the relevant satellite systems.
Best Practice Procedure
Preli minary Tasks
Before executing this Best Practice, install the SAP Solution Manager and define the satellite
systems. To do so, you can use the Set-Up System Landscape wizard in the SAP Solution
Manager Implementation Guide (IMG). You can find this under Configuration Basic
It is crucial that the correct component is chosen for each maintained system, as this will
determine which checks are executed in the EarlyWatch Alerts and other sessions. For more
information, refer to the SAP Service Marketplace at
In each system, apply the steps from SAP Note 91488 (Central Note for Service Preparation).
This will ensure that the connections to access the systems directly are set up, that the
service tools are up to date, and that the performance collectors and OS collectors run.
The SAP Note also points to further notes with specific recommendations for certain SAP
components, database platforms and basis releases.
SAP Note 1257308 FAQ: Using EarlyWatch Alert is the central note for additional steps
specific for certain ST-SER releases and general procedures when using the EarlyWatch
Acti vating the EarlyWatch Alert in SAP Solution Manager
Step 1: RTCCTOOL Service Preparati on Check
Program RTCCTOOL is delivered via addon ST-A/PI (see SAP Note 69455). It is a service
tool that establishes a connection to SAP and accesses an up to date list of required actions
and SAP Notes which are necessary to prepare your system and to successfully perform a
service session.
Execute program RTCCTOOL in transaction SE38 to verify that relevant required actions
and SAP notes have been successfully implemented. If necessary, import any required
updates. All SAP notes displayed with yellow and red traffic lights must be reviewed and
implemented. Those displayed with green traffic lights are up-to-date and successfully
implemented. (Figure 2.)
Addon ST-A/PI also contains data collectors, as well as other tools which are needed to
execute service sessions. To enable smooth processing of session data it should be kept up
to date in both SAP Solution Manager as well as all satellite systems.
For more detailed Information, refer to SAP Note 69455.
Figure 2: Report RTCCTOOL
Step 2: Set up of the Service Data Control Center
The Service Data Control Center (transaction SDCCN) is a service tool that provides you
with an overview of your SAP EarlyWatch Alert sessions and controls the data transfer
between your satellite SAP systems and the central SAP Solution Manager system. It also
controls the data transfer to SAP where applicable. SDCCN also controls the update of the
service definitions both on your SAP Solution Manager system and the satellite systems.
The basic set up of SDCCN is described below, for further details on set up and use of
SDCCN, refer to SAP Note 763561.
SDCCN must be set up on the central SAP Solution Manager system as well as all relevant
satellite systems.
SDCCN is available with addon ST-PI 2005_1. For details see SAP Note 539977.
ST-PI 2005_1 must be installed. The newest available support packages for this
addon should also be installed. This can be verified using RTCCTOOL, as described
Destination SAPOSS to SAP must be functional. For more information see SAP Note
The user executing the activation must have the necessary authorizations, that is,
role SAP_SDCCN_ALL, containing profile S_SDCC_ADM_N
SDCCN can be initialized manually/locally, or centrally from the SAP Solution Manager
Manual Initialization of SDCCN
Call SDCCN. When you call SDCCN for the first time, all tabs will be empty.
Initialize SDCCN locally via Utilities ->Activate:
Figure 3
This action will trigger several individual processes:
Destination SDCC_OSS will be created, as a copy of SAPOSS.
AUTO_SESSION_MANAGER (the controlling job for the older tool SDCC) is
descheduled where necessary.
The customizing settings for the various task types are filled with the default values.
A task of the type Maintenance Task and one of the type Service Preparation
Check are created.
The Task Processor (J ob Name /BDL/TASK_PROCESSOR) is created. This is the
controlling background job for SDCCN.
You will see a log which documents if these steps were executed successfully:
Figure 4
SDCCN now contains 2 tasks:
Figure 5
Defining RFC Destinations for SAP Solution Manager Systems
The SAP Solution Manager system must have RFC destinations that point to SAP. These
RFC destinations are used to connect to SAP for various reasons:
Forwarding SAP EarlyWatch Alerts with RED ratings to SAP
Updating Service Definitions from SAP
Checking for data model updates, which include data used during EarlyWatch Alert
processing, for example new Hotnews
The original RFC Destination is called SAPOSS and should normally already be configured
in your system. Otherwise, you can create it using transaction OSS1. If you have problems
with RFC destination SAPOSS, see SAP Note 33135.
As mentioned above, during initialization, SDCCN creates its own copy of SAPOSS. This
copy is called SDCC_OSS.
In SDCCN ->Goto ->Settings ->Task specific ->RFC destinations ->Settings ->RFC
destinations you can check which destinations SDCCN knows.
Figure 6
At the bottom of this screen you will also find this icon which can be used to test the
listed destinations.
In this list, you can also see which SAP Solution Manager system is flagged as master
system. Setting a master system ensures that the satellite system takes the service
definitions from the master SAP Solution Manager. It also ensures that during the data
collection important information about the satellite can be imported from the SAP Solution
Manager system. If a satellite system is connected to several SAP Solution Manager
Systems, choosing one of these as "master" will not prevent communication with the other
SAP Solution Manager systems. SAP Note 1075827 (Master Flag in SDCCN) contains
further details.
SAP recommends that the SAP Solution Manager system itself is also monitored via
EarlyWatch Alert. The destinations SDCCN can use for this purpose are either called NONE
or SM_<SID>CLNT<nr>_BACK. They must also be listed in the above screen, but must be
added after initialization. Destination NONE should already exist in SM59.
SM_<SID>CLNT<nr>_BACK can be created as for any other satellite system, as per the
description below.
If an SAP Solution Manager system has its own *BACK destination flagged as master, the
service definitions will automatically be taken from SAP, via SDCC_OSS. However, the
setting enables the collection of information about components and so on, as described in
SAP Note 1075827, and therefore is still valid.
Defining RFC Destinations for the Satellite Systems
Each satellite system must have an RFC destination that points to the SAP Solution Manager
system. The RFC connection is used to transfer data collections to the SAP Solution
Manager system, for any service session scheduled for delivery in that SAP Solution
Manager system. This includes SAP EarlyWatch Alert sessions.
The connection to the SAP Solution Manager system must be listed in
SDCCN ->Goto ->Settings ->Task specific ->RFC destinations ->Settings ->
RFC destinations. The relevant destination is called SM_<SID of SAP Solution
It is generated in the SAP Solution Manager system and, after generation, is automatically
entered in SDCCN in the satellite system.
Set up RFC Destinations from SAP Solution Manager to the Satellite Systems
Manual generation of the *BACK destination
The*BACK destination is needed in the SDCCN of the satellite system, to be able to
exchange session data with the SAP Solution Manager system.
It is created from within transaction SMSY in the SAP Solution Manager system.
The following prerequisites are needed:
A working dialog connection such as *TRUSTED or LOGIN. Once the *BACK
destination is created, these can be deleted again.
A communication user for the BACK RFC connection in the SAP Solution Manager
system with the following authorization profiles and roles:
S_CMSREG (SAP_S_CSMREG) ->Central system repository data
SAP_SV_FDB_NOTIF_BC_ADMIN ->Service Desk messages
SAP_SUPPDESK_CREATE ->Service Desk messages
If the *BACK RFC connection is created with the RFC Generation function in the system
landscape maintenance (SMSY), the system can be set to automatically create an
authorized user:
1. Call transaction SMSY. Use icon other object to choose the system to which you want to
generate the RFC connection.
Figure 7
2. Double-click the link for the ABAP-based main instance of the system for which you want
to generate RFC connections
Figure 8
3. Go to change mode.
4. Choose a client in the Clients tab.
5. Choose Generate RFC Destinations
Figure 9
6. Choose the type of RFC connection you wish to generate
Figure 10
7. Choose the user options. In the above example, a new user and password will be
8. You can enter the RFC destination of a server group for load distribution in the Attributes
group box.
You can find more information in the section RFC destinations of the Security Guide; this
can be found at ->SAP Components ->SAP Solution Manager
<current release>
Central activation of SDCCN vi a Transaction SMSY
It is possible to activate the SDCCN in the various satellite systems from within your SAP
Solution Manager system.
The user executing the activation has the necessary authorizations in the satellite
system, that is, role SAP_SDCCN_ALL, containing profile S_SDCC_ADM_N
The license key must be installed in the satellite system
The current version of the ST-PI Add-on (ST-PI 2005_1_<Release>or higher) is
installed in the satellite system
The satellite systems are defined in System landscape maintenance ( SMSY)
The prerequisite READ_RFC connection has been generated
RFC destination NONE for the SAP Solution Manager system itself is available
1. Choose Environment ->Solution Manager Operations ->Administration SDCCN.
Figure 11
This brings you to a dialog box in which the connected systems and their status are shown.
Systems which can be activated are flagged with the symbol Activate. Active systems are
flagged with the symbol Execute in the Call SDCCN column.
2. To add a system in the overview, choose Insert. All systems for which you wish to activate
SDCCN must be displayed in this overview. In the example below, TT5 has just been added.
Figure 12
3. To activate the Service Data Control Center, click on the Activate symbol:
4. In the next screen, we recommend to click Yes, to connect this system to the SAP
Support Portal. This will create destination SDCC_OSS
Figure 13
5. If SDCCN was successfully activated, you will get a green rating in column SDCCN
Figure 14
6. To call the Service Data Control Center, click Execute.
For further information, choose the Information symbol. The dialog box Help is displayed.
7. At this point, you can also decide to make the SAP Solution Manager system the master
system for the satellite system. This ensures that the satellite system takes the service
definitions from the master SAP Solution Manager. It also ensures that during the data
collection, important information about the satellite can be imported from the SAP Solution
Manager system. SAP Note 1075827 (Master Flag in SDCCN) contains further details.
Step 3: Define your Solution Landscape and allocate the Systems
To be able to monitor a satellite system via SAP EarlyWatch Alert, the system must be
integrated into a logical component, which in turn must be integrated into a solution.
The following steps must be executed:
Create a new solution
Create a logical component
Add the logical component to the solution
Mark systems in logical component which are to be monitored in this solution
To assign a system to a logical component and to create a new one, you can also use the
wizard Assignment to a logical component which can be started from displaying the system
in SMSY. Also, the previously mentioned Set-Up System Landscape wizard will allow you
to start it.
For a detailed description on how to set up your solution landscape, you can refer to several
1. SAP Solution Manager documentation at ->Media
2. I Tutor simulation at ->SAP Solution Manager 7.0 ->
Technical roles ->Technology Consultant & System Administrator ->System and Solution
Maintenance (SMSY) ->System Landscape (SMSY) - Creating Systems
3. Online documentation of your SAP Solution Manager.
A brief overview is given below.
Create a Solution
Access the Solution Overview in your SAP Solution Manager system (transaction
Click . Enter the name and language of the new solution; then click Continue.
Figure 15
In the next screen, you will get confirmation that the new solution has been created and has
been assigned an ID number.
Figure 16
Creating a Logical Component:
SMSY or System landscape maintenance, select Logical Components ->Right click ->
Create New Logical Components
Figure 17
Fill in the name of the new logical component, choosing a name in the customers name
Select the correct product, and ensure fields Product Version and Main Instance are filled
correctly; then confirm.
Figure 18
The next screen shows the newly created logical component, ready to be filled with systems.
Click in the cell with the relevant role, and from the F4 help, choose the relevant combination
of system and client.
Figure 19
Save your selections once all relevant cells are filled.
Assign Logical Components to a Solution
Access the Solution Directory to assign the new logical component to a solution:
/nsolution_manager ->Access solution ->Solution Landscape ->Solution Landscape
Select which combination of system and client should be monitored in this solution: right click
on the relevant cell and choose Put in Solution.
In the Solution Directory, you can also check which systems are already included in an
established solution.
Figure 20
The systems in the green cells are included in the solution.
Continuous Automatic Monitoring:
After the logical component has been added to a solution, the first SAP EarlyWatch Alert
session is automatically created for each system marked for monitoring, with the current date
as session date. All subsequent SAP EarlyWatch Alert sessions will, by default, be
scheduled once a week, on Monday. The sessions each have their own unique session
number, which you can see when you hover the mouse over a session in the list of
EarlyWatch Alerts for the solution. For monitoring to work, this session number must be
shown in the SDCCN of the corresponding satellite system.
The Maintenance Task in SDCCN in each satellite system executes a session refresh to all
destinations in the list in SDCCN ->Goto ->Settings ->Task specific ->RFC destinations ->
Settings ->RFC destinations.
Figure 21
If the connections work, the sessions are brought into SDCCN in the satellite systems, under
the session numbers described above.
The log of the Maintenance Task documents this activity as a task of the type Session
Each session in SDCCN for which data is collected and transferred produces a log also.
When data has arrived in a session in SAP Solution Manager, you will see this icon
in the overview of EarlyWatch Alert sessions, which indicates that the session is ready for
processing. The next background job SM:EXEC SERVICES will automatically process the
data, that is, execute and rate the EarlyWatch Alert session.
If you wish to change the default scheduling of the EarlyWatch Alerts you have to change the
settings in the SAP Solution Manager system.
Via transaction solution_manager -><Solution Name>->Operations Setup ->Solution
Monitoring ->EarlyWatch Alert ->Link Setup EarlyWatch Alert you can get to the
EarlyWatch Alert Administration area (transaction SOLMAN_EWA_ADMIN). This is based on
BSP (Business Server Page) technology from ST400 SP15.
Here, you can change the default settings for the session dates; the transfer to SAP and the
archiving of the EarlyWatch Alerts (see the Online Help for more information).
Here, you can also decide if a system should be included in the EarlyWatch Alert for
Figure 22
EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions
The EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions (EWAfS) enables its users to gain an overview of the
current status of entire solution landscapes within one consolidated report. This overview
includes historical developments, aggregated solution KPIs and detailed statistics about
dedicated systems of the solution. The solution-based report consolidates alerts generated
by the regular EarlyWatch Alert monitoring services and classifies them, to identify potential
areas for improvement, such as performance or stability.
EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions is particularly useful for the monitoring of systems which
participate in the monitoring of your documented Business Processes. The report tool
accesses the Solution Manager Solution Repository where the Business Processes are
documented, and so provides a link between standard EWAs and individual core business
processes with regard to performance evaluations.
As EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions is composed from information contained in the data
collections of the individual EarlyWatch Alerts, it must be scheduled after the last individual
EarlyWatch Alert for the contributing systems has been processed.
If the selection of systems differs from the proposed default selection, you should ensure that
all systems relevant for the business process are taken into account in the report.
This is based on the assumption that the solution landscape was previously created to reflect
the systems participating in the core business processes, and that these core business
processes were maintained in the Solution Manager Solution Repository.
EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions can then provide a specific evaluation of the performance of
these core processes. Otherwise, only the most frequently used transactions are evaluated.
The monitoring service EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions depends in some parts on the Solution
Manager Diagnostics (SMD) in conjunction with the Solution Manager BI. The reporting
capabilities of the EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions are restricted to the products available in
the SMD. For details on supported products see SAP Note 1040343. All other products and
product releases will not have report output.
EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions also requires the following minimum prerequisites in the SAP
Solution Manager:
ST-SER 700_2008_1
ST Release 400, Support Package SP15
Further information about EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions can be found in SAP Note 1040343.
More information is also in the RKT Learning Maps for SAP Solution Manager: ->SAP Solution Manager 7.0 ->Technical roles ->Technology
Consultant & System Administrator ->->EarlyWatch Alert (EWA), Service Level (SL) and
Solution Reporting ->SAP EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions Introduction.
Step 4: Access the Results in the SAP Solution Manager
To view the reports for both SAP EarlyWatch Alert and EarlyWatch Alert for Solutions in your
SAP Solution Manager system, access the relevant solution, then choose Operations ->
Solution Monitoring ->EarlyWatch Alert
Figure 23
All of the SAP EarlyWatch Alert sessions which were generated for all systems in this
solution are displayed.
All the SAP EarlyWatch Alert sessions are assigned a rating. You can access a HTML
version of the report for any session with a rating by clicking on the link next to the rating icon.
The HTML reports are not stored. You also have the possibility of generating a permanent
Word report, by clicking on the Word icon.
To access the actual checks of an individual EWA session, click on this icon .
If a session with a scheduled date of more than one day in the past has not been rated, it will
be assigned an overdue icon. . Clicking on the link for this session will bring you to a
screen from which you can access SDCCN in the satellite system, to check if there are any
problems with the settings there.
Figure 24
Automatic Emailing of Reports
It is also possible to have the reports emailed automatically to nominated email addresses.
This can be set up either for the entire solution or for individual systems.
Entire Solution
1. Call the SAP Solution Manager (transaction SOLUTION_MANAGER).
2. Open the solution.
3. Choose Edit - Automatic E-mail transmission. A dialog box is displayed.
4. Choose Create E-mail. A second dialog box is displayed.
5. Select a session name and report type from the Input Help, and specify an e-mail
6. Confirm.
7. The session type and the e-mail address are displayed in the first dialog box. Click
on to leave.
Figure 25
Individual systems
1. Access the maintenance view of table DSWP_SYS_EMAIL
2. Choose New Entries
3. Enter the following values:
Object ID (use F4 help to select solution)
SAP system ID (use F4 help)
E-Mail address
4. Save your entries.
As soon as the next session is rated, a report will be sent to the specified e-mail address.
Additional sessions:
If you wish to check if any changes you made to a satellite have an effect on the EarlyWatch
Alert report for that satellite system, you do not need to wait for next weeks regular
EarlyWatch Alert session to be executed. Instead, you can create an additional session:
Figure 26In the next screen, you can select for which satellite system in this solution you wish
to create the session, and which type of session you wish to create.
Figure 27
After you have selected a date for your additional session, it will appear in the overview of
sessions, together with the regular periodical sessions. At the bottom of the screen, you will
see a message stating the session number of the additional session:
If you wish to execute this session immediately, access SDCCN in the satellite system.
From the To do tab choose Task ->Create ->Refresh sessions. Choose the relevant
*BACK destination, and choose to execute this task Now.
Figure 28
This will create an individual task Session refresh which will be executed as soon as a
background process becomes available.
The session refresh will bring the new additional session into the SDCCN overview of tasks
To do.
You can then mark this session, and via Edit Start now force an immediate start of the
data collection and transfer.
Figure 29
You can check the session log for the progress of the task. Once the data transfer to the
*BACK destination has been completed, you can go back to the SAP Solution Manager
system to force an immediate processing of the data.
Refresh the overview of EarlyWatch Alert sessions. The additional session should now show
the icon indicating that data is available: .
Click on the link for this session to get to the next screen:
Figure 30
If you select Start service processing all EarlyWatch Alert sessions in this solution which
have data available will be processed. At the end of this job the additional session you
created will also have a rating. You can then access the report as described above.
Further Information
Useful Notes
SAP Note 1257308 FAQ: Using EarlyWatch Alert
SAP Note 1170668 The role of SAP Solution Manager in Remote Service Delivery
SAP Note 91488 SAP Support Services: Central preparation note
SAP Note 1172939 Technical prerequisites for remote service delivery in SSM
SAP Note 976054 Availability of EWA for Non ABAP components
SAP Note 569116 Release strategy for Solution Manager Service Tools (ST-SER)
SAP Note 930747 Service Delivery on SAP Solution Manager (Recommended Notes)
SAP Note 69455 Service tools for Applications ST-A/PI (ST14 & RTCCTOOL)
SAP Note 539977 Release strategy for Add-On ST-PI
SAP Note 763561 Service Data Control Center (SDCCN) - FAQ
SAP Note 1075827 Master flag in SDCCN
SAP Note 216952 Service Data Control Center (SDCC) - FAQ
SAP Note 762696 Grey rating for EarlyWatch Alert
SAP Note 33135 Guidelines for OSS1
SAP Note 1040343 EarlyWatch Alert (EWA) for Solutions
Useful components:
SV-SMG-SYS: Problems in defining a system in transaction SMSY
SV-SMG-OP: Problems which may occur during the creation of the EarlyWatch Alerts
in the SAP Solution Manager system
SV-SMG-SDD: Problems with SDCCN
SV-SMG-SER-EWA: Questions regarding the content of the EarlyWatch Alert reports
BC-UPG-ADDON: Questions which occur during the implementation of addons
XX-SER-NET: Questions regarding destination SAPOSS
Once the EarlyWatch Alert is set up and running there may be problems which may occur
later on in the life cycle of a satellite system. The EarlyWatch Alert report section Service
Preparation gives detailed information about which problem occurred, and which corrective
steps can be taken.
Background Information and References
You can find more information about the SAP EarlyWatch Alert Service in the SAP Service
Marketplace under the quick link EWA (
More information about the SAP Solution Manager in the SAP Service Marketplace under the
quick link solutionmanager (
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