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Begin Each Day

Hello there and welcome back to Six Minutes. Do you know, this morning I am reading a
little book that I was given for my birthday. It is a hundred years old. It is by Genevieve
Behrend. And there is something here that is really good and that you can use today.
She said, It is good to begin each day with the resolution not to hurry, and not to leave
any work or any task unfinished. I want you to think about that for a moment.

Stop whatever you are doing right now and ask, Do you have the points, the things
that you are going to do today, do you have them listed? You dont want to overdo
things, but you want to be very productive. Now the objective is: I am not going to
hurry and I am going to complete every task. I will leave nothing unfinished.

Now give some thought to that. Spend four or five minutes thinking of that. Review your
list and make a decision, an irrevocable decision in your mind, that you are not going
to hurry and you will leave nothing unfinished. I guarantee you, you are going to feel
good all day. This is Bob Proctor and thank you.

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