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Your Natural Talents

Hello there and welcome again to Six Minutes. Do you know, I received a paper
from a good friend of mine in Great Britain, Paul Coughlin. And as I read it, its
something I want to read over a number of times, but theres a couple of points
in it that I wanted to share with everybody in Six Minutes. He calls it Individual
Success and Personal Goals Discovery ProcessSelf-awareness of Talents and
Authenticity. Listen carefully to this and Im going to ask you to think about this
for a while.

Before you can turn your talents into strengths, you have to know what they
are. This process will reveal and validate your natural talents, show what drives
and motivates you to use them, and determine your natural behavioral styles.
So the trick now is to sit down and give some serious thought to what your
natural talents are. Now listen to this, The most successful people align what
they do, with what they are naturally good at thats knowing yourself, and
also being and doing yourself. By defining your role according to your natural
talents, the return is on who you are, not just on what you do.

Youve got to recognize your talents and then youve got to align those talents
with what you do. Thats what youre naturally good at. So you want to make
sure youre spending your days doing what youre naturally good at and youll
never have to work again. Thats a beautiful concept, and its one voiced by
many people. I think Paul Coughlin brought it out here very well. This is Bob
Proctor. Thank you.

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