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Angels in Autism

Learning and Behavior Center

News You Can 0se!
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Tuesuay, Nay 27
was the fiist uay of oui BBB summei piogiam,
anu all we can say is wow. We aie blown away by how oui fiist week
of summei camp went. It was so much fun! We have alieauy taken
so many pictuies, which you can finu on oui facebook page:

We have some new wonueiful stuuents joining us foi the summei:
Liam, Campbell, Ciistian, Bominic, Nichael anu Baviu.
We also aie glau to welcome back some ietuining stuuents fiom oui
school yeai: Nason, Kian, Ashley, anu }ayua. All of theii smiling faces
ieally biighten up oui centei!

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As we have alieauy mentioneu, we have 8 new staff joining us, each
biinging with them a uiveise backgiounu with uiffeient expeiiences.
We have seveial teacheis fiom suiiounuing schools, a piofessoi of
liteiatuie fiom the 0ofA, some iespite anu habilitation pioviueis,
some stuuents fiom the univeisity speech uepaitment anu even a
BCBA stuuent who is ieceiving hei supeivision houis. We have a
gieat staff this summei anu can't wait to see how much we all leain.

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Eveiy Weunesuay, we will be tiaveling aiounu town to a uiffeient
spot foi us to visit on a fielu tiip. 0ui fiist tiip on Weunesuay, }une
we have two uiffeient salt watei fish stoies we aie going to visit
to see all of the coloiful fish. Some othei fielus tiips will be the
Tucson zoo, skate countiy, to the movies, YNCA, libiaiy, pump it up,
anu maybe a ieal life fiie station.

Dates to Remember
May 26
Memorial Day

May 27
DDD Summer Program Starts

June 4
First Field Trip Fishy Bizness &
Oceans Finest

June 15
Fathers Day

June 23-27
First week of Summer Equine

Check back for parent training dates.
We will go over when do you calm and
comfort your child, and when do you
stand firm, as well as some of the
principles of ABA. (Applied Behavior
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We aie going to be auuing on anothei section of
this newslettei, one specifically foi oui hoise
piogiam. This you will finu little facts about
hoises, infoimation about oui volunteei
meetings anu eveiything else that has to uo with
oui hoise piogiam.

Theme: Noah's
Theie is an $8 weekly fee foi the
summei piogiam.
Fiiuays, uon't foiget all of the
necessaiy accessoiies foi oui
weekly tiip to the splash pau.
Lauien- 8th
Teu- 2S

Negan- 27th

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This coming year we have quite a few ambitious goals that we
cannot wait to put into motion. A few of these include
Getting up shades for the horses
Setting up new play equipment and therapeutic activities
Putting some new paint up in the center (DONE)
Installing a wheelchair ramp
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Keep looking at oui Facebook anu website pages to get up to uate
announcements anu to see pictuies as we take them.

Nake suie you have youi fiienus anu family come like oui pages
as well. We have one contest cuiiently going on iight now anu will
be having moie of these so make suie you let eveiyone know anu
give them to chance to win some piizes!!!
Foi the next 6 months, we will be highlighting one of Pat Paielli's
concepts each newslettei. (Paielli is the man who uesigneu the
piogiam we use foi woiking with the hoises) While this is uesigneu foi
hoises, the iueas easily tianslate anu can be useu foi eveiything we uo
heie at Angels.

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This month's focus is on F<,-.
0nce you mastei youi attituue, gathei all the infoimation to be
knowleugeable, use the piopei tools anu techniques, you'u think you
woulu be uone anu ieauy foi success. Bowevei, we aie only half way
Time is key we will be looking at this month anu as the olu saying goes,
you get what you put in. This means that even with a gieat plan, all the
tools in the woilu anu even the iight attituue, it is not going to woik if
you uon't set asiue enough time to implement all of this that we have
been leaining.
In Angels in Autism, we spenu a lot of time implementing all of oui
stiategies, with plenty of that time spenu waiting foi the stuuent's
iesponse anu ieinfoicing the behavioi that is appiopiiate.
Foi the month of Nay, we chose Kiisten
as oui volunteei of the month.
She is one of oui volunteeis foi hoises
with wings, but since summei camp has
staiteu, she has been hanging out with
the kius anu us eveiy uay!
She jumpeu iight in anu you can always
finu hei playing games with oui campeis
anu being an extia hanu at the swim paik
oi on fielu tiips.
Thank you Kiisten foi all of the laughs
anu the knowleuge.

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Big News foi piivate schools anu
paients!!! We aie an IBE School!

We have some uieat News to shaie! Bue
to the law that uoveinoi }an Biewei
signeu yesteiuay, all BisableuBisplaceu
applicants no longei have a 2
tiei of
eligibility iequiiements. This means the
only eligibility iequiiement foi youi
stuuents to ieceive a BisplaceuBisableu
scholaiship is that they eithei have to
have an IEP, NET oi Su4 Plan fiom a
public school in Aiizona 0R they have to
have been placeu in the Aiizona fostei
caie system at one point. Theie is no
longei the necessity to have attenueu an
Aiizona public school.

Some Pictures of our First
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0niteu BealthCaie, TiiWest insuiance
contiact!! We have been woiking on
secuiing that contiact foi a long time but
we aie finally theie! We aie veiy exciteu
to suppoit oui militaiy. Please contact us
foi ABA seivices along with Nental anu
Behavioial Bealth seivices.
We also have a few othei insuiances we
seive, so please contact us!

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