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For Immediate Release: June 10, 2014

President Obama Signs Farmer-Supported

Inland Waterways and Port Infrastructure Bill
(Camp Hill) Pennsylania Farm !ureau says le"islation si"ned #y President $#ama %ill in&use mu'( needed
inestment in )meri'a*s inland %ater%ays and port in&rastru'ture system+ ,(e -+.+ House and .enate
oer%(elmin" passed t(e /ater Resour'es Re&orm and 0eelopment )'t (/RR0)) last mont(+
1,(e ne% &undin" &or lo'2s, dams and (ar#or maintenan'e pro3e'ts %ill (elp t(e -nited .tates maintain its
'ompetitie adanta"e oer ot(er 'ountries in moin" a"ri'ulture produ'ts a'ross t(e nation and around t(e
%orld,4 said PF! President Carl ,+ .(a&&er+ 1,(e ne% inestment %ill also 'ontri#ute to e'onomi' "ro%t(,
in'ludin" t(e 'reation o& ne% )meri'an 3o#s+4
,(e le"islation is #ein" (ailed &or streamlinin" t(e permittin" pro'ess and addin" re&orms t(at s(ould
si"ni&i'antly redu'e 'osts+
1,(e additional &undin" %ill 2i'25start numerous lo'2s and dam pro3e'ts t(at (ae #een delayed, in'ludin"
one alon" t(e 6onon"a(ela Rier in .out(%estern Pennsylania,4 added .(a&&er+ 1,(e improement pro3e'ts
and repairs are essential &or -+.+ seaports to #e ready &or 'ompetition t(at %ill 'ome &rom ot(er nations a&ter t(e
e7pansion o& t(e Panama Canal is 'ompleted+4
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau is the states largest farm organization with a volunteer membership of more
than 58,300 farm and rural families, representing farms of every size and ommodity aross Pennsylvania!

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