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Tech It Out
Michele Lockley
EDIC 515

A Plan for Revision


Starting Point
I did a five day lesson plan group project for SPED 540, and while it contains technology,
I want the student to be able to do more. I want them to do more than learn, I want them to
create deep understandings. This means that they not only understand the concepts, but the
concepts become a part of them. That concept is so important for our students, especially in our
world that revolves around everything digital. It is even more important for students with special
needs. Technology brings information and curriculum to life unlike anything else for these
students. Many are incapable of interacting with their peers or adults, but technology like the
iPad gives them a voice, a way to access knowledge, and a way to express themselves.
Original unit plan is attached, and contains all pertinent information in the Understanding
by Design lesson plan format. These are technology pieces that can be used to replace or extend
those lessons to reach more multiple intelligences, as well as give the students the opportunity to
use technology to explore and build their understandings. The unit is an exploration of the parts
of speech and utilizes the Schoolhouse Rock Videos as hooks to grab students attention. Their
role is that of a reporter, with their product being an article about an amusement park or carnival
experience. With these adaptations, students will still need to write, however their final product
can be a news report video based on a script they write instead of an article. Options for video
can be an interview, documentary or news report. Another adaptation that may be made is for
students to work in small groups when using this technology option. Students will need to
decide what they want to produce on the first day.


Sentence Carnival Unit Plan Technology Extension Activities
Original Authors Beth Engstrom, Randee Delaney, Michele Lockley, Tori Roan,
Aracely Worley
Technology Update Michele Lockley
Subjects ELA, Writing, Speaking
Grade/Level 3
grade, adaptable for 2-5
Time Frame 1 hour a day, five days
Time frame for lessons can be adapted to two days per
lesson to allow for extension activities
Three main aims of the
technology modifications
to this unit plan
1. Take the classroom closer to a paperless environment by
utilizing PDF annotation apps.
2. Providing more opportunity for students to use the
technology to explore and convey their ideas.
3. Build knowledge in academic skills as well as lay a
foundation for further technology advances.

Technology Extension Activities
Technology Information
Student Response
Socrative This free app allows students to respond to questions and teachers
will have the ability to check for understanding with the whole
class as opposed to those called on to answer. The app work
through smartphones, laptops and tablets.
Note taking, PDF Annotation
Notability One of the most popular apps. Instead of making more copies of a
work sheet, students can use an iPad to mark on a PFD, save it
with their name, and send it back. The app can also be used for
note taking, utilizing handwriting, typing and recording.
PDF Max Pro Another good app for working with PDF files with a little less out
of the pocket.
Video apps and online tools
PowToon Online video whiteboard creator. This has lots of graphics and
animations, but you can import your own pictures and clipart
Sparkol Whiteboard animation software that is beyond words
iMovie For use on the iPad or iPhone, this app provides complete
portability for filming with the device camera, editing, and sharing
from the device or on sites like YouTube.
Talking News A video app with a cartoon dog and cat. A cute alternative for
younger students.
Photo Editing
Picasa Free from Google, it is available for computers or as an app on the
iPad or android tablet. You can not only change the way a picture
looks, you can add text.

Changes to Lesson Teacher can use Socrative to do quick and easy checks for
Notability or PDF Max Pro can be used to replace paper
copies where possible. Students can send their completed
assignments back with their name added to the file name.
The various video applications can be used in the
production of a news report or documentary on an
amusement park or carnival experience.
Picasa can be used to edit photos as needed for the video
What these changes
mean for the students:
Students have the ability to use more technology to express
their understandings, not just explore.
More of the multiple intelligences are being utilized in the
creation of understandings, thereby boosting desired

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