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Friendships Groups: Helping Kids Connect

Monday 30
June to Thursday 3
July 2014
First week of Easter school holidays
4 day intensive 1 hours per day
56 Billa Rd Bangor 2234
Ph: 9543 6902

An invaluable social skills program for children & teenagers to learn social interaction,
collaboration, problem solving, thinking through experience and develop friendships.
Our social skills groups provide guidance, while children explore their skills and build
their confidence.

Our groups are more than just learning the rules of social skills. It's about learning
from experiences and participation.

Our social skills model gives children support and the opportunity to practice their
interaction, allowing them to experience and express their feelings and frustrations
which may prevent their successes in interactions in everyday life.

The requirement for each group is based on the child's interest and ability to interact
with other children. Please call us to discuss this if you are unsure if your child is
ready. We have other programs to support this development prior to groups also.

We have children ranging from 4.5 years to 16 years. We group children according to
age and suitability to group and we have between 4-6 in each group depending on
interest and suitability.

Family Connections

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Registration Form:
Name of Child: ______________________________________
Names of Parents: ___________________________________
Phone number: _____________________________________
Mobile number/s: ___________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________
Date of Birth: ___________________ School Year: ________
School: ____________________________________________

Does your child have a diagnosis? If yes, please state below
Current GP and Paediatrician (if applicable):

Cost $400 ($100 per session x 4 , per child)

Method of payment:
Option 1- Bank transfer: Account Name: Family Connections Sydney Pty Ltd
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
BSB 062 333 Account No 1030 7646
Reference: Name of attendee
Option 2 FAHCSIA funding
CRN ______________________ - Please send your fahcsia letter with your registration
Option 3 - Medicare please send your ECP or mental health care plan letter from referring
Doctor with your registration form. Medicare covers part of the fee only.
Other: ______________________

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Please email / fax registration form
Fax: (02) 9543 9335
Once registration form is received, confirmation email will be sent.

Please provide a description of your child: (you can add pages if you like)

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