How To Stay Motivated

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How to Stay Motivated

Hello there and welcome to Six Minutes. Do you know Im continually asked, Bob, how
do you stay motivated in this for so long? Next year it will be 50 years since I picked up
Think and Grow Rich. Ive been in this business going on forty two years. How do you
stay motivated? How do you keep going?

Well, I love what I do. Now when you love what you do, theres no trick to staying
motivated, theres no trick to keep going. You see, the difficulty for me is to quit.
Everybody is always after me to take a vacation. I dont want to go on vacation. I
dont want to go try and figure out what to do other than what I love doing. I love
doing what Im doing. Now do I take vacations? I do, but just to get them off my
backmy wife, my friends, my relatives, you know. I love what Im doing.

When you do what you absolutely love, you will never have to worry about staying
motivated. Ill be motivated until I take my last breath because I love doing this. Now if
youre not doing what you love, sit down and say, What would I like to do every day?
If I could do something and do it every day, what would it be? And make up your
mind youre going to do it. Dont worry about earning money, the money will come.
Give that some thought. This is Bob Proctor. Thank you.

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