Quotes On Censorship: Albert Camus

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1. The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen. Tommy Smothers
2. Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime. Potter Stewart
3. Books won't stay anned. They won't urn. Ideas won't go to !ail. In the long run of history" the censor and the
in#uisitor have always lost. The only weapon against ad ideas is etter ideas. Alfred Whitney Griswold
$. % free press can e good or ad" ut" most certainly" without freedom a press will never e anything ut ad.
Albert Camus
&. To choose a good ook" look in an in#uisitor's prohiited list. John Aikin
(. Censorship in any form is the enemy of creativity" since it cuts off ideas. Allan Jenkins
). The first condition of progress is the removal of censorship. George Bernard Shaw
*. I suppose that writers should" in a way" feel flattered y the censorship laws. They show a primitive fear and dread at
the fearful magic of print. John Mortimer
+. Censorship is advertising paid y the government. Federio Fellini! Italian film director
1,. -ven to the present day" we so often condemn ooks that were written to fight the very things we claim to e
fighting. .ark Twain's Huckleberry Finn is so often cited as eing racist" when it was written against slavery and
racism. Jamey Flether
11. /reedom of the 0ress" if it means anything at all" means the freedom to critici1e and oppose. George "rwell
12. I don't elieve in censorship" ut I do elieve that an artist has to take some moral responsiility for what he or she
is putting out there. Tom Petty
13. The only thing that is oscene is censorship. Craig Brue
1$. There is a fine line etween censorship and good taste and moral responsiility. Ste#en S$ielberg
1&. 2ithout censorship" things can get terrily confused in the pulic mind. William Westmoreland

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