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Good afternoon to the judges, teachers and my fellow friends. How are you guys
today? I hope all of you are in the pink of health. Well, all speak English right? But I hae one
!uestion in my mind. How many of us are comforta"le in using and talking in English. I#m not
sure a"out you guys, "ut I used to feel really uncomforta"le to talk in English. I hope I am not
now "ecause that#s what I want to talk a"out today. $How to get comforta"le with English%.
&hat#s the topic of my speech.
What is our main pro"lem in speaking English? We are often afraid of other#s opinion
a"out our fluency and mistakes we made while talking. &hese were my "iggest pro"lems that
preented me from using English in my conersation. We are afraid that people will laugh at
our mistakes. We are afraid that they will mock us. Well, if they do, let them enjoy it. We don#t
hae to pay attention to it. &ake it the other way around. 'on#t think that they are mocking us,
think that they are telling us that me made mistakes. (o, ask them how to say the sentence
properly and learn from them. throw away all the negatie perception we hae a"out other
and you will "e surprised on how much the other will "e helpful for you to improe your
speaking skills. Beliee me "ecause it works for me.
)nother way to get comforta"le with English is with using it as often as you can. 'on#t
only use English when you hae to use for e*ample when you hae to present something for
your teacher. +se it wheneer you hae a chance for e*ample when you greet your friends,
you order your food in your faourite stall and you can also use it with your family mem"er.
+sing English often will help you to get familiar with the language and help you not to feel
weird applying it in your conersation. ,et me tell you a true story. I hae a friend and is ery
!uiet. -ou cannot hear him saying anything at all. If you speak to him, he will reply with
nodding his head or a smile. &hat#s all. .y teacher introduced a new rule when I was in year
/. )ll pupils are only allowed to conerse in English in the English class. &hose who fail to do
so will "e fined. .e and my friends take it as a joke "ecause it is not possi"le at all for him to
know what language we use to conerse "ecause he will not "e with us all the time. We
seldom used English to conerse in front of him. We just remain silent. &his timid and !uiet
li"rarian took it seriously. He started using English to talk to those who chat with him and
"eliee me, in just a"out 0 months, he talk "etter English than most of us. )ll our teachers
praised him and made him the icon we supposed to follow.
-ou won#t get comforta"le using English if you don#t use it in your daily life. I hae
mentioned it "efore. But what can help you to use it? -ou should spend your time with the
right crowd. 1hoose friends who use English to conerse and try to spend more time with
them. 2riends like this will help to use more English in your life. &he more you use the "etter
for you. -ou will feel strange to use English in a crowd that don#t help you to use it. 3ust
imagine that you use English to conerse to those who always reply to you in other
language. (ooner or later you will feel alienated and you will stop using it. &hat#s why you
need the right crowd to help you to get comforta"le with English. &hey#ll reply to you in
English and help you when you get stuck with your sentence. (o, you will feel at ease and
English will neer "e a "urden for you.
I am not trying to preach here. I am just sharing my thoughts. I am not saying that I
am a good English user or speaker. It#s just that I am comforta"le with my English and don#t
feel weird using it. I am sure all of you can also get comforta"le with English and "e a great
English user. 'on#t hesitate or think that it is impossi"le. Een the word impossi"le spells 4I#
4.# 56((IB,E. -ou can if you "eliee you can. Beliee in yourseles and you will een
surprise your own self. (tart today and I wish you all the "est to "e a confidence English
user. &hank you.

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