Pre Assessment Holocaust

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Welcome to your 12th grade Holocaust History class. This year we will be covering a lot of
ground, but before we get started I would like to get to know you better and enjoy learning most!
How many children are there in your family?
What number are you in your family?
What do you enjoy doing most outside of school?
What are subjects you in enjoy in school? Why?
List any afterschool activities you are involved in and what drew you to them.
Who is someone you admire? Why?
Do you like sharing your ideas, thoughts, and questions you have during class time?
What are you most confident and proud of?
Have you ever visited a country outside of the United States? If so, where?

What are you excited/interested in learning most about this year in our History of the Holocaust
How do you like to present your knowledge?(Write your favorite i.e. your most favorite #1 to
your least favorite #9)
___Writing a paper ___ Journaling ___ Taking tests ____ Making a website
___Writing a manuscript to a play ___Presenting a project ___Making a collage ____Painting
__Other (please list any other way you like that is not listed

How do you learn best? (Mark True or false. Please write underneath what works best if its
___Working in small groups or pairs
___Using technology

___Creating art projects

___In quiet settings

______________________________ ______________________________
___Taking notes

___Having outside reading assignments

______________________________ ______________________________
___Memorizing facts

___Doing research projects

______________________________ ______________________________

___Having a syllabus/calendar of due dates

______________________________ ______________________________
___Writing papers/essays

___Using peer editors

______________________________ ______________________________

Where does your family originate from? (Please list paternal and maternal)
When did your family members come to the United States?
Is there anyone in your family that was or is a survivor of the Holocaust?
What is your connection to the Holocaust?
Do you have any prior knowledge or experience in learning about the Holocaust? If so, please
What were factors, if any, that led to WWII?
Who were the leaders in Europe during WWII?
Who were the leaders in America during WWII?
What years did WWII consist of?

What countries in Europe were more loyal to the Jews?


How do we define a righteous gentile in this time period, and still today?

Tell us a little bit about your pre-assessment: Describe, generally, what you're pre-assessing and how the preassessment results can inform your instruction in various ways.
specific example where youd potentially modify or design (aka differentiate) a specific planned unit
or lesson, based on the results of one or more pre-assessed question. Identify exactly which pre-assessment
question(s) or activity(ies) would help inform that decision

In this pre-assessment my goal is to get a general understanding of the students personal and
scholastic background, and of their classroom preferences. I want each student to know that I am
interested in getting to know who they are and want to be a partner in their learning. This preassessment will also help throughout the year because I will be able to relate to the students and
make connections that will be directed at students prior knowledge, assets, or interests. In my
pre-assessment I am evaluating who each individual student is. I want to know about them and
what makes them tick. I am curious about their interests in activities as well as their home life
and family background. I believe for this course, it will give me a good idea as to who I am
teaching and what information might be more readily accessed at home and through experiences
or prior knowledge. This will allow me to see what each student is interested in, who they
admire, what they enjoy, are good at, and what will make each student be most successful and
able to apply their knowledge. I believe these questions will enable me to relate different
learning techniques and strategies. A lot of my pre-assessment focuses on family background and
personal experiences. I think that with this understanding, I will be able to generate topics that
are relatable to the students while connecting them to the Holocaust. I will also be more capable
to see what they connect to both on a personal level and experiential level to make lessons more
significant. I want to know how students learn and understand best to better apply the
information more meaningfully. With this evaluation, my main goal is to see what I can do to
enable students to learn at their best level as a class and individually. I believe that this will
better inform me of students prior experiences and what they may already be more familiar
with. I will more readily be able to direct my focuses on areas of deepening understandings,
eliminating confusion and directing areas of interest. I also am able to get a sense of what
students enjoy being involved with actively outside and inside of school so I can try to connect
their learning with their interests and understand why they are drawn to certain modalities,
people, and experiences. I also think that the questions at the bottom of the assessment enable me
to see any background on historical information that they know or do not know. Overall, I
believe with this assessment I will be able to gather an understanding of who the student is,
through family background and experiences; how the student learns best, applies their
knowledge, and communicates.
In the last question in page one and the first four questions on page three I think that if a student
had more connections with recently immigrating, grandparents who were in the Holocaust, or
previously visiting a European country; I might designate certain students to work on a more
specified interview and research project of their own families. Using the true and false and
students numbering of how they learn and present their knowledge best I would try to link
students in certain learning environments that will be best influential on their positive learning
experiences. Also it will give me perspective on how students best learn, participate, explore,
and remember information. I believe that there are a lot of differentiation opportunities. For
example: ensuring that students have notes prior to a class, giving students different
opportunities and choices to present in various ways which will complement their strengths by

enabling them the creativity to choose how to present. Also, for a student who is much stronger
in history; stretch their knowledge by using anchor activities, centers, research based projects, or
outside readings to ensure these students are challenged sufficiently.

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