Unit Plan Final Draft

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Name: Heather Dishman

Unit Plan:
Subject Area:
Social Studies
Grade Level:
Unit Title:
Evolution of

(focused on student using
(focused on teachers using
%nstructional "bjectives
Tools and #esources
7.1.4 Global Technology-
Describe significant
technological innovations and
scientific breakthroughs in
transportation, communication,
medicine, and arfare and
analy!e ho they both
benefitted and imperiled
humanity. "#ational Geography
$tandard 11, p. %&'
Technology $tandard(
)-1%.**.+. collaborate
in content-related
pro,ects that integrate
a variety of media
"e.g., print, audio,
video, graphic,
simulations, and
$tudents ill design a
.oer.oint, .re!i, or
.oToon presentation
using /icrosoft 0ffice.
Group presentations ill
select a topic about a
eapon, tactic, uniform,
etc., used during the
1ar. $tudent
presentations ill
include images, data,
and personal
observations of their
selected topic. Groups
ill be assigned by the
instructor accordingly.
$tudents ill present
their findings.
.oer .oint
.ens, .encils
$mart 3oard
The Civil War
7.1.4 Global Technology-
Describe significant
technological innovations and
scientific breakthroughs in
transportation, communication,
medicine, and arfare and
analy!e ho they both
benefitted and imperiled
humanity. "#ational Geography
$tandard 11, p. %&'-
)-1%.**.+. collaborate
in content-related
pro,ects that integrate
a variety of media
"e.g., print, audio,
video, graphic,
simulations, and
+-4.56.%. use digital
tools to find, organi!e,
analy!e, synthesi!e,
and evaluate
7sing the app, The
Civil War Today,
students ill select and
read about the life of an
individual ho lived
during the *ivil 1ar.
$tudents ill then read
the 8headlines9 of historic
nespapers to find a
piece of technology,
tactic, or mention of
civilian life. $tudents ill
then create their on
#espaper and ma,or
headline using /icrosoft
publisher or $mart #ote
.en, .encil
$mart 3oard
World War I
7.1.4 Global Technology-
Describe significant
technological innovations and
scientific breakthroughs in
transportation, communication,
medicine, and arfare and
analy!e ho they both
benefitted and imperiled
humanity. "#ational Geography
$tandard 11, p. %&'-
+-4.56.%. use digital
tools to find, organi!e,
analy!e, synthesi!e,
and evaluate
7sing an i.ad, students
ill scan the QR codes
that ill direct them to a
ebsite on eapons
used during the Great
1ar. $tudents ill dra
an image of the
eapon"s- and rite a
paragraph about it.
;5 *odes
.en, .encil
World War II
7.1.4 Total 1ar > *ompare and
contrast modern arfare and its
resolution ith arfare in the
previous eras? include analysis
of the role of technology and
civilians. "$ee 7.%.1? 7.%.+-
"#ational Geography $tandard
1+, p. %1&-
)-1%.**.+. collaborate
in content-related
pro,ects that integrate
a variety of media
"e.g., print, audio,
video, graphic,
simulations, and
+-4-%.**.+ use a
variety of media and
formats to create and
edit products to
information and ideas
to various audiences
7sing iMovie, students
ill create a video that
portrays life on the battle
front, civilian life, or a
soldier9s life. @ideos ill
be presented and
.en, .encil
Vietnam War
7.1.4 Total 1ar > *ompare and
contrast modern arfare and its
resolution ith arfare in the
previous eras? include analysis
of the role of technology and
civilians. "$ee 7.%.1? 7.%.+-
"#ational Geography $tandard
1+, p. %1&-
)-1%.*6.+. use a
variety of media and
formats to design,
develop, publish, and
present pro,ects "e.g.,
nesletters, eb sites,
presentations, photo
$tudents ill vie Smart
Note Book and an
activity that shos the
history of the ar and
the different types of
eapons and tactics.
$tudents ill follo the
instructional lesson and
complete the $mart
#ote 3ook activities.
$tudents ill then have
$mart 3oard
=andout of
a debate ith their class
mates on arfare and its
progression of eapons
and tactics since the
<merican 5evolution.

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