Handy Dandy Guide To Nightclub Fights Social Natural PDF

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Handling Nightclub Fights

Your Handy Dandy Guide to Nightclub Fights

By: Gabriel Angelo
Feel ree to pass this along to anybody who is a nightclub addict! the
"ictim o bullies and douchebags! or will beneit rom this! and any
other reason and all the reasons! or #ust to ma$e yoursel eel good.
%hey&ll than$ you or it. :'
Be sure to "isit http://www.socialnatural.com or more great tips and
ad"ices on the art social s$ills dynamics mastery.
Handling Nightclub Fights ( Social Natural
%he nightclubs)
Ah yes! the scene where you*ll ind the hottest girls around! all dolled+
up! loo$ing their best as they can be)unortunately! with the added
unpleasantly o aggressi"e! testosterone+ueled guys under the
inluence o alcohol wanting to start shits! ma$ing your lie o getting
with these girls a li"ing hell.
%hese guys won*t hesitate to ruin your night and want to start ights
with you! and it is going to happen once in a while i you go out
regularly to the nightclub scene.
,-o what am . suppose to do when . get into a ight in a nightclub/0
%he best way to handle the ight is)to avoid them.
,1hat Gabriel/ %hat*s it/ %hat*s all you ha"e to say/0
. $now. . $now. You want me to show you some ancy mo"es and
techni2ues to $noc$ them dead. But all seriousness! the best way to
Handling Nightclub Fights ( Social Natural
handle ights in a nightclub is to a"oid them in the irst place.
.n martial arts! $ung u or e4ample! you master the martial arts to
ma$e amend with yoursel and your enemy so you no longer ha"e to
ight. You get good in martial arts to a"oid ha"ing to use it.
,But Gabriel what i somebody actually do ta$e a smac$ at you/0
5$! o$! now on those rare occasions! when that actually do happen! you
ha"e the right to deend yoursel.
. ha"e tal$ed about %he Art o 6on"ersational+6ombat 7u#itsu! when
somebody bullies or "erbally attac$s you! you turn it right bac$ on
them to ma$e they the ool they set out to ma$e you to be)
A popular term or this is ,amogging0 8alpha male other guy' or #ust
being ,amog0 8alpha male o the group'.
Handling Nightclub Fights ( Social Natural
But when it in"ol"es physicality! that*s a dierent story. .t wouldn*t
hurt to teach yoursel some martial arts)and it will also ma$e you
more conident $nowing you can deend yoursel at the sight o
. ha"e only been in one actual physical ight in a nightclub in my lie. .t
was 3::;am. . was dancing by mysel obli"ious to e"erything around me!
and these douchebags 8yes! they were douchebags' $ept wal$ing bac$+
Handling Nightclub Fights ( Social Natural
and+orth intentionally bumping into me! and then apologi<ing.
(* As an important side-note: one thing . want you to be aware o is
that these ol$s will intentionally do things that seem supericially
accidental 8such as a bump! drin$ spill on you'! and then gi"e an
,insincere sarcastic apology0 #ust to not push you o"er your boiling-
threshold. You want to get right bac$ at them! but that ,insincere
sarcastic apology0 is a way to dilute some o that anger! otherwise
you*ll be seem as the bad guy i you get boiled up ater their
supposedly apology. %his is a way o how they control you. 7ust be
conscious o this.)
As . said beore! the best way to handle a ight is to)avoid it! so the
irst couple times . let it go)no big deal= howe"er! they persisted! and
. told them politely to stop and e"en tried beriending li$e they were
my bros and mo"ed to a dierent area on the dance+loor.
. thought or sure they would stop! but the ith+time inally rolled
around! and . had enough and conronted the guy that bumped me)and
the ne4t thing . $new! . got punched in the ace rom one o the
riends rom behind and pushed really hard rom the other side rom
another riend. %hey grouped together and tried to ganged up on me!
but . $ept doing the roundhouse $ic$! pushing them bac$ until the
bouncers came and threw them out or initiating the ight! and .
beriended the bouncers! and whene"er . hit up that club those
bouncers always ha"e my bac$.
Handling Nightclub Fights ( Social Natural
(MARTA! ARTS T": 1hen you*re in a group ight! especially by
yoursel! you want to $eep your distance away rom your opponents as
much as possible and $ic$ them instead o punching them. . you
engage yoursel in close pro4imity with one person! you*re already
ocusing too much attention on that one person! and his buddies will
surround you and attac$ rom all sides)not to mention when you*re
grabbed on to. %hat*s why you would want to $ic$ to ta$e them down as
2uic$ly as possible instead o punch! as $ic$ing can reach a greater
distance and ha"e more orce upon impact than punching.)
But once again! as . ha"e stressed! the best way to handle a ight is to
a"oid it and pre"ent it rom occurring.
%he $ey is to beriend a lot o the guys so they won*t be the ones
messing with you later.
Now . want to introduce you to a techni2ue . called! ,paralleling the
.*ll demonstrate using that ight . had)
Handling Nightclub Fights ( Social Natural
Because . had this happened to me! this is a story . always tell in a
nightclub to beriend guys who loo$ li$e they might cause trouble with
me later. .*m really riendly to them! and . tell them this story how .
got in a ight in a nightclub with these douchebags.
By telling this story o what happened! they will consciously dissociate
themsel"es rom it by not wanting to be li$e those guys! by trying not
to be douchebags and starting a ight with me! or else they*re end up
li$e those guys.
.t*s $ind o li$e what you want to a"oid! you tell what would happen i it
does but in another scenario in the past.
@i$e or this e4ample! i these guys acted li$e douchebags! they would
get into a ight would me! and . would beat them up! and the bouncers
would still throw them out= thereore! they won*t act li$e douchebags
8not to me anyway' and pic$ a ight with me.
A parallel story o the past. . their beha"iors start to coincide with
this! history would repeat itsel. %his is paralleling the past to a"oid
the same uture.
Asing this techni2ue ,paralleling the past!0 you can a"oid a lot o
potential ights! and e"en ma$e riends that night with a lot bu guys
who would ha"e your bac$.
Handling Nightclub Fights ( Social Natural
Hope you ha"e en#oyed your little handy+dandy guide to nightclub
ights. Cemember please eel ree to pass this along to anybody you
D.-. . you e"er ha"e any 2uestion! send them to me at
as$gabrielEsocialnatural.com. .&ll be sure to read them.

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