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1-3 Retirement Road GCT 001-669-265

Kingston 5
Tel 746-9189

April 6th, 2011


This module was designed to work to in conjunction with the IMAS Application to
achieve the objectives of inventory control and inventory management. This module
outlines the various procedures and control to be adopted and implemented to ensure the
objectives are met.

Setting up each stock item, stock categories and suppliers are the initial process in getting

Stock categories includes broad heading in which the individual items are placed. E.g.
snacks, juices and dairy. The system also allows for you to assign a tax rate to the
category if it is different from the default tax rate.

Its also good to setup your suppliers information such as name, address telephone and
salesperson name and cellular number. The system assigns a unique number to each
supplier. This will help in generating the re-order report which shows all items below
their reorder levels to be ordered. This serves as a kind of purchase order by supplier.

All stock items requires a unique code or identifier , full description , cost price, selling
price, mix and match information for quantity discounting, supplier and re-order level.

The system can manage up to seven (7) locations separately. All stock item entered is
available in all locations but the quantity level will be different.

The Point Of Sales option will automatically reduce stock levels while the receival
increases the stock levels. However if you are not using the direct Point Of Sales you can
use stock transfers to still maintain inventory levels.

evelopment Ltd.


The system is mostly anchored on the fact that what you buy is what you sell. This
simple means however you identify the goods you received must the exactly the way you
identify what you sell

IMAS Upgrade: Version 6.0 of the IMAS Application must be installed on all computer
systems. This version provides a rigid inventory control.

Database Server: It is recommended that a centralized database server is installed that
with the capability of maintaining the performance of receivals and sales to ensure the
accurate of inventory balances. The minimum specifications are a follows:

MSI Graphics Main Board
1 Gigabyte DDR2 Memory
500 Gigabyte Hard Drive SATA
512 Video Accelerator
Microsoft Windows 2003 SERVER Operating System

This must be placed in a cool area and properly maintained and monitored attached to
proper network rack for the fastest possible speed.


Training is critical in the success of the IMAS inventory control process. Training must
be done at all three (3) levels, Management, Supervisors and Cashiers.

Cashiers Training:

These users must be competence in operating the Point of Sales facility
efficiently. With the barcoding method this should be easier and smoother than any other
method currently. The cashing and voiding of sales operation at the point of sales level
must be fully understood. Please note, management must decide on whether the voiding
or removing of items at the point of sales may be done by the cashiers or whether
supervisors authorization will be introduced. This is necessary to remove the
authorization which it currently built in the IMAS Application.

Cashiers must ensure that the correct payment method is selected during the Point Of
Sales option. Incorrect selection can cause lengthy read-off check backs. As a note of
caution, non cash payment methods must be balance back with electronic read-off from
bank terminals such as debit and credit card machines.

Supervisors Training:

Supervisors must be training to

Void sales invoices if there is an error or the customer returns goods for alternative
purchases or reimbursements.

The prompt and proper reading-off, of all cashiers sales report. This is critical to the
integrity of the IMAS System. The read-off process update the sales reporting of the
IMAS System and ensuring that the cashiers shift is closed and reset to accumulation of
the cashiers totals. It is recommended to print the Z-Out Report for each cashier. This
must be balanced with the cash counted, credit & debit card slips and any cheques
After all cashiers are balance the a Audit Trail and Non Cash Payment Report must be
generated to be balance with the individual cashiers report. This will ensure that all
cashiers are read off and all sales and monies are accounted for.
These must be files in a hard cover binding folder for record keeping.

The receival, transfer and pricing of goods must be entered by a senior supervisor
personnel which must be identified my management during implementation,
This supervisor MUST oversees the posting of all receival of purchased goods from the
supplier, the assignment of barcode of each product, the tagging of all products before
they reach the shelf , the correct pricing of goods including wholesale and special pricing
and the transferring (dispatching) to the different stores.

Receivals must be matched with each invoice from the suppliers. If a defined invoice is
not available one must be done my Management for the receival process showing code,
description, barcode assigned and quantity received and costing.

Because some product do not have a standard identifier code, one MUST be assigned
along with a barcode and be tracked so that the same item is not assigned two or more
code or barcode.

A receival report must be printer once a week to monitor and audit the receival process.
After items have be entered as receival, the tagging and pining process is next.

Items can be transfer by request or by availability to the different stores. I double print
MUST be generated for each transfer. One must be kept at the receival area and signed
by the dispatcher, while the other is sent with the goods to the receiving store, where the
quantity and type are checked and signed for. This copy must also be filed and stored at
the receiving store location.

Management Training

Checklist of procedures for Management

Check and Monitor the number of Users on the system and or print the user log.
Check the Audit Trail on a daily basis
Prints the sales report on a weekly basis to see the Sales and Cost of Sales for the
Print a overall inventory listing that will show the inventory levels for all location
on a monthly basis. This is necessary for accounting purposes and gives you an
idea of your inventory levels overall
There is a Sales by Quantity report with shows which stock items are moving the
most to those moving the least. This will give you an idea of those stocks to be
reordered and those you might want to promote in a sale promotion.
Inactivity Sales Report showing items that have not been sold for a particular
Sales By Department to show how each category of goods are contributing to
stores overall performance and how each store is doing overall.


Hardware and Suppliers

A 70 % deposit is required and the balance on delivery of all equipment.
This includes server, barcode scanners, barcode printers, barcode labels and report


Training is charged at $ 3,000.00 per hour and it is estimated at minimum that the
allocation of training is as follows:

Cashiers 3 hrs @ $ 3,000.00 $ 9,000.00
Supervisors 5Hrs @ $ 3,000.00 $15,000.00
Management 3Hrs @ $ 3,000.00 $ 9,000.00

Payment is due upon completion of implementation
Setting up of network configurations $ 1,500.00 per terminal
Payment is due upon completion of implementation


IMAS Application Ver 6 $ 80,000.00

Payment is due upon 7 days after installation.
Prices do not include GCT

Thanks in advance.

(Managing Director)

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