Guy Martin Wednesday, 11 June, 2014 10:28:20 AM Hong Kong Standard Time

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The Missing Convict.

All cells are dark right? This question was bubbling around in my head when I was
transported here with the rest of them. By them I mean the other prisoners. I know what
youre thinking and yes I am a jail convict. I had every reason to be one. Still no one
believed my side of the story. Youll believe me right Jon?
He didnt say anything, however he had every reason not to. Jon was born mentally
unstable and was diseased with collapsing bone structure. I wont go into all the details but
you must know one thing I would do anything for him.
Now where was I, oh yes my side of the story. It all started when the doctor came to my
minuscule at saying that you were dying! It shook me up real bad I went crazy, I needed
to nd some money fast or you would be dead in the next twenty-four hours! I didnt know
want to do so I robbed a bank shot a man in the process trust me I didnt mean to. It was
the worst thing I had ever done in my entire life. Anyway after that I took off, paid for the
surgery for you and in the end it turned out great, you were ne! Unexpectedly, I didnt nd
a way out of this very easily, two weeks later I was found guilty and taken to the ice-cold,
death-lled prison.
Scraping at the wall I sat there thinking of Jon all alone in the cold of my apartment
and all the stupid things Ive done in my life. Suddenly it hit me! If I dont escape from this
agonizing place Ill probably be taken to the electric chair. A shiver went down my spine
when I thought of it. So I scraped out an escape plan on the oor, I hid it under my bed
when the guards came at night. Until the day nally came to leave. So after the slop I had
in the repulsive mess hall I wandered out with the crowd, and thats where my journey

Guy Martin Wednesday, 11 June, 2014 10:28:20 AM Hong Kong Standard Time
When the crowd thinned out I jumped through a laundry and landed with a soft
bounce into a pile of damp and clammy prison outts. Soon after I jumped out, wiping the
sweat from my battered clothes. When I looked up I saw the back of an extremely obese
guard, at the time I wondered how even became a guard. I quickly grabbed the chair that
was by the desk and knocked him out cold. I thought he would probably wake up in a
couple of hours, just enough time to escape! After stepping over the large man, who was
lying unconscious on the ground, I made my way up the stairs just in time to dodge out
sight from the guards. After ten minutes of climbing, hiding and even ripping barbed wire a
siren went off! Instantly I dashed for the closest exit until I came face to face with a guard.
He quickly bashed me on the head with his pistol with me retaliating with a punch to the
face and he was out cold! I took his pistol and began to sprint hoping over the guard and
went full speed ahead. Approaching the door I eyeballed the vast prison grounds, ooded
with spotlights, and guards marching around. Suddenly footsteps echoed behind me! What
should I do? Quickly, I smashed the door on my right and dove into the nearest cabinet I
could nd. It was cramp but I tted. I observed the guards from the small hole in the
cabinet. Then in came the warden! He searched from top to bottom, before leaving he
looked right down on the oor and saw a blood trail! I must of caught my leg on a shard of
wood when I kicked it down! Luckily a sound chirped off in the distance, the warden slowly
turned around not taking is eye of the cabinet and the began to run off to the distant sound
along with the other guards! I clambered out of the dusty cabinet and climbed out the
nearest window. As soon as one foot hit the oor all spotlight launched themselves on me.
I had mere seconds to nd a getaway vehicle before the bullets started piercing me. There
it was, a huge open roof jeep ready to go! I launched my body into the car and hit the
ignition! Bullets sprayed of the car doors and a few shattered the windows. In the rush,
one lucky shot smashed through the door and penetrated my upper kneecap! I swerved

Guy Martin Wednesday, 11 June, 2014 10:28:20 AM Hong Kong Standard Time
around on the road clutching my blood-covered leg. The metal was burning through my
leg, the pain was unbearable, but I was so pumped! I couldnt give up now, could I?
I grabbed the wheel again and began the nal frontier. There was one last object to
overcome the metallic, over looming, concrete wall! I didnt have a choice so I gritted my
teeth, while hitting the acceleration pedal with my foot, and began the nal sprint!
Grabbing the chunky pistol from my belt I took a few shots and the fence, it barely even
So there I was sitting ,in a battered old car, not standing a chance of escaping until I
peered down at the pistol. It was coated in oil! There was reserve fuel canisters by the
door. I pored the oil into the empty water bottles until they overowed I had found them in
the car along with the lighter in the survival pack! The re was majestic with all the different
reds, oranges and yellow colors exploding from the mouth of the bottle. I had just created
my own bombs. I lobbed two at the fence but the rest at the murderous guards that were
trailing me. I was home free! In a blink of an eye I was gone and escaping through the vast
Thats it. When I came back I loaded you into the car and here we are now in
London away from the police and government from the states. I know you may not think
this is the right thing to do but look at yourself Jon. Do you now understand I did it for you
not for the riches but to keep you alive, because who am I kidding your all I have now no
friends, Mum or Dad, no one to look after me just you. Hey but anyway what do you say
we watch some television before you go to bed okay? A nod of approval was given. Im so
glad I nally told him I thought. It had been two years since the prison break and I admit
Im not perfect but Im certainly not a bad person. Thats what I lived by for the rest of my

Guy Martin Wednesday, 11 June, 2014 10:28:20 AM Hong Kong Standard Time
life so now you know the real story of the last two years of my life. So dont listen to what
the police tell you or what youre parents say it was all for Jon. Okay?

Guy Martin Wednesday, 11 June, 2014 10:28:20 AM Hong Kong Standard Time

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