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King Hamlet Sr.

What happened before:
Appears as a Ghost three times in the play, Act I, Scene i, iv, v and Act III
Scene iv. This scene takes place in Act I, Scene 5.
In Act I, The Ghost first appears first to a duo of soldiersBarnardo and
Marcellusand oratio. Barnardo and Marcellus are afraid of the !host and ask
oratio to investi!ate and address him. oratio asks the !host to speak, and reveal its
secret. It is a"out to do so #hen the cock cro#s, si!nalin! mornin!, and the !host
instead disappears. In this scene, the Ghost is clearly reco!ni$ed "y all present as the
%in!, dressed in his full armour. It is also said that he had appeared to the castle
!uards at least t#ice "efore at e&actly the same time.
What he/she wants to do:
amlet Sr.'s intentions are am"i!uous to the audience, "ut as an actor the
purpose of his e&tended monolo!ue is clear. The character needs to convince amlet
to commit a terri"le crime, murder, under his name. is lines must "e passionate and
must appeal to amlet sense of virtue and (ustice. )ertain #ords need to emphasi$ed
to "rin! home the !ravity of crime that's "een committed "y )laudius and Gertrude
*such as +incest+,, and the actor must !o slo#ly to make sure the audience
understands #hat e&actly amlet Sr. is descri"in!.
-ri!inally amlet Sr. should act distant, like he doesn't really #ant amlet to
"e there. Then as he slo#ly reveals #hat happened to him, his an!er #ill "uild and
finally he #ill make a desperate plea to amlet to carry out his ven!eful act.
.riend of amlet from /niversity and serves as foil to amlet and his actions.
e is amlet's most trusted adviser and the only person #ho kno#s a"out his plans
includin! amlet's fei!ned madness. As an actor, oratio must "e played as a loyal
comrade and someone #ho cares for him. e must come off as +!enuine+, "ecause he
acts as a trusted vessel for the audience throu!hout the play. In Act 0, Scene 5 he has
(ust a fe# lines "ut in those lines he must demonstrate understandin! over amlet's
confession to "ein! mad and must "e #illin! to a!ree to take amlet's oath and not
tell anyone #hat happened in the scene.

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