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The Iraq War 2003-2011

Time Line
March 20, 2003
President Bush announces in his My Fellow Citizens speech a U.S. ground invasion on Iraq because of suspicion that Saddam Hussein
(President of Iraq) was storing weapons of mass destruction.
This will be the start of a war against Iraq with added purpose of making several attempts on the life of Saddam.

April 9, 2003
Saddam Husseins rule of Iraq ends. Baghdad (capital city of the Republic of Iraq) comes under American control. Many Iraqis begin
destroying statues of Hussein and welcome the American troops cheerfully.
Saddam Hussein is arrested after hiding for almost nine months .He was found in a cellar of a farmhouse .This was one of the most
intense man-hunts.
January 30,2005
Iraq has its first free election in over 50 years.
October ,2005
Hussein goes on trial for killing 148 people in 1992
December 30,2006
Saddam Hussein is hanged in an execution chamber.

November 17,2008
Iraq congress agrees with the United States to pull out the American troops by the summer
of 2009-2011.
December 15,2011
American forces declare an end to their duties in Iraq.

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