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Essay 1

The morning was especially dark and gloomy. When setting

off for school, Johan carried along an umbrella in case it rained.
He was proven right because as soon as he reached the main
road, it started to pour.
Some one hundred metres from school, Johan was shocked
to see a motorcyclist lying on the path next to the road. He
seemed to be in pain and was holding on to his elbow. His
damaged motorcycle lay on the ground next to him.
The man identified himself as Encik Kassim and asked for
help. Johan pulled out a piece of cloth which he had earlier
packed for his art project. He bandaged the mans elbow. Then
Johan spotted a telephone booth across the road. However, when
he dug into his pockets, he realized that he did not have any coins.
He flagged down a passing car and explained the situation to the
driver. The driver very kindly gave him some loose change.
Johan dashed across the road to the telephone booth and
called the ambulance. Luck must have been on his side. The
ambulance arrived in just ten minutes and took Encik Kassim to
the hospital.
Johan was late for school that day but the class teacher
accepted his explanation. About a week later, the principal came
to his class with a new Mathematics teacher. To Johans surprise,
the new teacher was Encik Kassim, the man whom he had helped
that rainy season.
Essay 2
Yesterday, on 9 June 2014, I was walking home after football
practice when I witnessed a snatch theft. It was about 6.30 p.m.,
and the incident took place at the bus stop along Jalan Merpati.
The lady, whom I later discovered was Miss Ani, was waiting at
the bus stop. She had a big brown bag slung over her shoulder.
Two men on a motorcycle rode towards her. The pillion rider was
a tall and thin man. He grabbed the bag, cut the strapped with a
small blade and pushed Miss Ani to the ground.
The men on the motorcycle then quickly rode off towards
the roundabout. There was a lot of traffic but the motorcycle
managed to weave in and out the traffic. They, then quickly
disappeared in the direction of Old Town. The license plate on the
motorcycle was WWD 552. It was dark red motorcycle. I dont
know the make and model. Both men were wearing white
helmets, T-shirts and long pants.
Miss Ani had fallen down and was bleeding from lacerations
on her elbows and right knee. She was shocked and was crying
but thankfully she was not badly hurt. She said her wallet and
mobile phone were in the bag. I helped her stand up and gave her
a drink. I helped her stand up and gave her a drink. We then
quickly went to the nearest police station.

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