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1he sole purpose ol our creation is 'bdah
(worship ol Allh ). Allh says:
AnJ navc crcatcJ jinn anJ mcn cn|y jcr my wcrsnip.
Allh , through lis mercy, sent Ambiy to
guide us in this regard. 1hey taught Allh's
servants the method ol lullling the purpose lor
which they were created. lrom the various lorms
ol 'bdah taught by the Ambiy , one is du'.
kaslullh has said:
uu' is tnc csscncc cj 'iuJan. (1irmiJni)
le also said:
uu' is 'iuJan. (1irmiJni, Auu uwuJ, un Vjan)
le has urged his Lmmah to hold last to this special

lorm ol 'bdah:
o scrvants cj A||n, nc|J jast tc Ju'. (1irmiJni)
le has also warned those who do not supplicate
to Allh :
A||n is anry witn tncsc wnc Jc nct ask jrcm uim.
Allah also declares:
ca|| Vc: wi|| rcspcnJ tc ycu. nJccJ, tncsc wnc
arc tcc prcuJ tc wcrsnip Vc wi|| cntcr janannam
JisraccJ. (!:e)
kaslullh encouraged the believers to engage
in du' by continually mentioning its virtues,
explaining its db (etiquettes) and also teaching
the words ol hundreds ol du's, which are scattered
throughout the books ol ahdth. 1he $ahbah
were bestowed with the great ni'mah ol emulating
their beloved in all matters, as were the pious
individuals who lollowed in their lootsteps. 1hey
were all absorbed in this quality ol turning to
Allh in all matters and supplicating to lim,
asking lim to lull their needs, no matter how
insignicant they may be. may Allh reward

them all in abundance, lor il kaslullh had not
practically taught the words and lormulae ol du's,
and il the $ahbah and the pious 'ulam had not
preserved and transmitted this priceless treasure
to us, it would have been virtually impossible lor
people weak in un like us to know how to ask lrom
Allh .
lurthermore, the 'ulam and muhaddithn
conlerred a great lavour upon us by producing
various compilations ol supplications, choosing
lrom the hundreds that are to be lound in the
treasure ol ahdth. One such compilation is Al-
lizb Al-A'zam, compiled by mull 'Al Al-Qr . lt
is divided into seven parts, one lor each day ol the
week, in order to lacilitate regular recitation with
ease. 1his compilation was part ol the ma'mlt
(prescribed practices) ol the great luminary in
the eld ol tazkiyah and ihsn, 8haykh-al-ladth
ladrat mawln muhammad 7akariyy .
1he book in your hands is an abridged version ol
this very compilation. 1aking into consideration
the dihculties people experience in carrying out
ma'mlt in our times, due to heavy commitments,

lack ol barakah in time and also through lack ol
resolution, ladrat 8haykh-al-ladth instructed
his very close disciple and khallah $ul lqbl
madan to prepare an abridged version ol Al-
lizb Al-A'zam.
with great ehort and care ladrat $ul $hib
accomplished the task, choosing supplications
lrom Al-lizb Al-A'zam that were comprehensive
and established through authentic sources. may
Allh reward him in abundance lor this great
lavour upon the Lmmah.
lt has been my desire lor some time that this
compilation be published with an lnglish
translation, so that those living in lnglish speaking
countries can acquire its benets in lull. Lpon my
request, my dear mawln muhammad chothia
rendered the lnglish translation through the
orace ol Allh . lt was then checked and edited
by my dear mawln 8ulaymn lhula. may Allh
reward their ehorts. mn.
1his particular compilation is lor those people
who are unable to read the complete version due
to lack ol time or weakness. As lor those who have

included in their practices the habit ol reciting the
complete Al-lizb Al-A'zam, it is necessary that
they continue with their normal practice, lor that
is the desired and prelerred choice.
l request and urge all my brothers and sisters to
include this compilation in their daily practices
and read it with regularity. lnsh'allh, they will
reap unimaginable benets in both worlds, as
any practice carried out with continuity, however
small, is very much beloved to the creator.
How Often ShouId You Read the Abridged
AI-Hizb AI-A'zam?
1. ll possible, read the complete book daily.
2. ll not, read one part daily.
!. uuring auspicious nights and days and blessed
places, e.g. 'Aralt, laylat-ul-Qadr, etc. try to
read the complete book.
How to Read the Abridged AI-Hizb AI-
1. 1ry to study the translation now and then so

you become lamiliar with the supplications.
2. uo not make it a habit ol reading only, beseech
Allh with total concentration.
!. kead with total humility and a sense ol great
need, and beg lrom Allh .
4. ll you are able to, then shed tears and weep
while reading, il not, then adopt the appearance
ol weeping.
. uo not read with the intention ol getting your
needs lullled only, read with the intention ol
(Shaykh) Muhammad Sa!eem Dhorat
AI-MusjId An-Nubuwi
Mudinuh Munuwwufuh
9th Rumudn uI-Mubfuk 1430
29th August 2009


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lriJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
1. O Allh, send Your 8pecial mercy upon
muhammad and upon the lamily ol
muhammad , just as You sent Your 8pecial
mercy upon lbrahm and upon the lamily
ol lbrahm . lndeed You are lraised, lxalted.
O Allh, send blessings upon muhammad and
upon the lamily ol muhammad , just as You sent
blessings upon lbrahm and upon the lamily
ol lbrahm . lndeed You are lraised, lxalted.
All praise is lor Allh, cherisher ol the worlds, the
most lenecent, the most mercilul, master ol the
uay ol }udgement. Only You do we worship and
only You do we turn to lor assistance. ouide us
to the straight path: the path ol those whom You
have lavoured, not ol those upon whom is Your
wrath, nor ol those who are astray.
kaslullh has said that in 8rah al-ltihah there is cure lor every
illness. (uram)
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lriJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

2. O Allh, send Your 8pecial mercy upon
muhammad , the Lnlettered lrophet, and
upon his wives, the mothers ol the believers, and
upon his descendants and his household, just as
You sent Your 8pecial mercy upon lbrahm
and upon the lamily ol lbrahm . And send
blessings upon muhammad , the Lnlettered
lrophet, and upon the lamily ol muhammad ,
his wives, his household and his descendants, just
as You sent blessings upon lbrahm and the
lamily ol lbrahm out ol all the (people ol the)
worlds. lndeed You are lraised, lxalted.
!. O Allh, send Your 8pecial mercy upon
muhammad and grant him a position ol
nearness to You on the uay ol Qiymah.
4. O Allh, send Your 8pecial mercy upon our leader
muhammad and upon the lamily ol our leader
muhammad , according to Your liking and pleasure.
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lriJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

. O Allh, send Your 8pecial mercy upon our leader
muhammad and elevate him to the position
ol Al-waslah and the highest level ol paradise.
O Allh, place his love in (the hearts ol Your)
chosen servants and his lriendship in (the hearts
ol Your) close servants and his remembrance in
(the hearts and on the lips ol) the high ranking
servants. may peace, Allh's mercy and llessings
be upon him.

6. O Allh, send Your 8pecial mercy upon the soul
ol our leader muhammad lrom among all the
souls, and send Your 8pecial mercy upon the body
ol our leader muhammad lrom among all the
bodies and send Your 8pecial mercy upon the
grave ol our leader muhammad lrom among all
the graves.
. O Allh, send Your 8pecial mercy upon our leader
muhammad whenever he is remembered by those
who remember, and send Your 8pecial mercy upon
our leader muhammad whenever his remembrance
is neglected by those who are negligent.
Al-waslah is the highest level in paradise. kaslullh said: lt is a rank
in }annah that only one ol Allh's servants shall attain, and l have hope
that it will be me." (muslim)
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lriJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

8. O Allh, send such mercies upon our leader
muhammad and upon the lamily ol our leader
muhammad that are a means ol pleasing You,
and lullling his right (over us), and elevate him to
the stage ol Al-waslah and to the place ol praise
You have promised him. And grant him a betting
reward on our behall, better than any reward that
has ever been granted to any lrophet on behall ol
his ummah. And send Your 8pecial mercy upon all
his brothers, lrom the lrophets and the pious.
O the most mercilul ol the mercilul.
9. O Allh, send Your 8pecial mercy upon our leader
muhammad , who is Your 8ervant and Your
messenger, and send Your 8pecial mercy upon
the believing men and women and muslim men
and women.
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lriJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

10. 1ruly, Allh and lis angels send salutations
upon the lrophet , O you who believe, send
salutations and abundant greetings upon him
(too). O Allh, my kabb, l am present and obedient
to You. may the salutations ol Allh, the lind,
the mercilul, and ol the chosen angels, and the
lrophets , $iddqn, martyrs, the pious and
- O cherisher ol the worlds - all things that say
Your praises be upon our leader muhammad ,
the son ol 'Abdullh, the 8eal ol the lrophets, the
leader ol the messengers and the pious servants,
the messenger ol the cherisher ol the worlds,
the witness (on the uay ol }udgement), the giver
ol glad tidings, the caller towards Allh through
Your permission and the beacon ol light. And may
peace be upon him.
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lriJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

11. O Allh, accept the intercession ol our leader
muhammad ,which is the greatest intercession,
and elevate him to the highest rank and give
him whatever he has asked lor in this world and
the herealter, just as You gave to lbrahm and
ms .
12. O Allh, send Your 8pecial mercy upon our
leader muhammad and upon the lamily ol our
leader muhammad , his companions, children,
household, descendants, lriends and lollowers
and upon us along with them all. O the most
mercilul ol the mercilul.
1!. O Allh, send Your 8pecial mercy upon our leader
muhammad and on the lamily ol our leader
muhammad . O Allh, grant and provide lor
us sustenance lrom Your hall, pure and blessed
sustenance, which will save us lrom having to ask
lrom any ol Your creation.
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lriJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
14. O Allh, lorgive me and lorgive the believing men
and women and the muslim men and women,
those who are alive as well as those who have
passed away. And (also lorgive) our brothers
who brought laith belore us, and do not allow
our hearts to leel any malice towards those who
have believed. Our kabb, You are most lind, most
1. O Allh, raise us (on the uay ol }udgement) among
the group ol the lrophet and enable us to lollow
his sunnah, grant us death on his religion and
make us lrom his group. O Allh, send Your 8pecial
mercy and peace upon our leader muhammad ,
Your 8ervant, Your lrophet and the Lnlettered
messenger and upon his lamily and companions.
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lriJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
16. O Allh, l ask You lor all those good things lor
which Your messenger muhammad (may Allh
most high send lis 8pecial mercy and peace
upon him and his lamily) asked You, and l seek
reluge with You lrom all those evils that Your
messenger muhammad (may Allh most high
send lis 8pecial mercy and peace upon him and
his lamily) sought reluge lrom. You are the only
one who can be turned to lor help, and lor You
is only to convey (the message ol truth). 1here is
no power (to do good deeds) or ability (to avoid
evil deeds) except with the help ol Allh, the most
ligh, the oreat.
Ab Lmmah addressed kaslullh saying, O lrophet ol Allh, you
have supplicated by means ol many du's which we cannot remember."
kaslullh said, 8hall l not guide you to that which encompasses all ol
them7" le then taught him this du'. (1irmidh)
And may peace be upon the messengers. And all
praise is lor Allh, cherisher ol the worlds.
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5aturJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
1. Our kabb, grant us goodness in this world and
goodness in the herealter, and save us lrom the
punishment ol the lire.
2. 8ay: O Allh, lord ol the lingdom, You give
power to whom You wish and take it away lrom
whom You wish, You honour whom You wish
All praise is lor Allh, cherisher ol the worlds.
(lraise) equal to the number ol lis creation, which
pleases lim and (is equal to) lis words, which
never cease. O Allh, send Your 8pecial mercy,
peace and blessings upon our leader muhammad
and upon his lamily and companions, according
to Your liking and pleasure.
1his was the most lrequently recited du' ol kaslullh . (lukhr,
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5aturJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

and disgrace whom You wish. All good is in Your
control, You have power over all things. You make
the night enter into the day and the day enter
into the night, and bring lorth the living lrom the
dead and the dead lrom the living, and You give
beyond measure to whom You wish."
!. O my kabb, grant me noble ohspring, indeed, You
are the learer ol all prayers.
4. Our kabb, we have believed in what You have
revealed and have lollowed (the teachings ol) the
messenger , so record us among those who bear
. Our kabb, You have not created this (world)
without purpose. You are lree lrom all laults. 8o
protect us lrom the punishment ol the lire. Our
kabb, indeed whoever You admit into the lire,
You have disgraced. And there will be no helpers
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5aturJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
lor the sinners. Our kabb, we have heard a caller
calling towards mn, believe in your kabb,"
and so we have believed. Our kabb, lorgive our
sins and pardon our misdeeds, and cause us to
die only as one ol the righteous. Our kabb, grant
us what you have promised us through Your
lrophets and do not put us to disgrace on the
uay ol }udgement. lndeed, you do not go back on
Your promise.
6. O my kabb, make me and my descendants lrom
those who establish $alh. And our kabb, accept
our prayer. Our kabb, lorgive me, my parents and
all the believers on the day when reckoning will
take place.
. O my kabb, have mercy upon my parents as they
brought me up in my inlancy.
8. O my kabb, increase me in knowledge.
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5aturJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
9. O my kabb, l have been ahicted with pain, and
You are the most mercilul ol the mercilul.
10. O my kabb, do not leave me alone, and You are the
best ol inheritors.
11. 1here is no god besides You, You are lree lrom all
laults. l am lrom those who have sinned.
12. O my kabb, lorgive and have mercy, You are the
most mercilul.
1!. Our kabb, make our spouses and children a source
ol comlort lor us, and make us leaders ol the ood-
14. O my kabb, l am in need ol whatever goodness
You grant me.
1. l seek reluge with Allh lrom being one ol the
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5aturJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

16. Our kabb, do not cause our hearts to deviate alter
You have guided us and grant us Your mercy.
1ruly You, and You alone, are the lestower.
1. O Allh, you are my kabb, there is no god besides
You. You have created me and l am your bondsman
and as lar as possible l abide by my solemn
promise and covenant (to be obedient to you). l
seek reluge with You lrom the consequences ol
my wrongdoings. l lully acknowledge the lavours
that You have bestowed upon me, and l conless
my laults. lorgive me, as only You can pardon

18.O Allh, l ask You lor all those good things lor
which Your messenger muhammad (may Allh
most high send lis 8pecial mercy and peace
upon him and his lamily) asked You, and l seek
reluge with You lrom all those evils that Your

1hese are the most comprehensive words with which repentance can
be made. lt has been termed the '8ayyid-al-istighlr' in the ahdth.
kaslullh said, whoever reads this du' with conviction in the
morning and dies belore the night will be lrom the people ol }annah, and
whoever reads it with conviction during the night and dies belore the
morning will be lrom the people ol }annah." (lukhr)
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5aturJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
messenger muhammad (may Allh most high
send lis 8pecial mercy and peace upon him and
his lamily) sought reluge lrom. You are the only
one who can be turned to lor help, and lor You
is only to convey (the message ol truth). 1here is
no power (to do good deeds) or ability (to avoid
evil deeds) except with the help ol Allh, the most
ligh, the oreat.
And our nal call is that all praise is lor Allh,
cherisher ol the worlds. And may Your 8pecial
mercy and peace be upon the leader ol the
messengers and pious servants, and upon his
lamily and companions, through Your mercy, O
the most mercilul ol the mercilul.
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5unJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
1. O my kabb, grant me the ability to be gratelul lor
the lavours You have granted me and my parents,
and (grant me the ability) to perlorm those acts ol
virtue that please You. And grant me goodness in
my ohspring. l repent only to you and l am lrom
those who have submitted.

2. O our kabb, lorgive us and our brothers who
brought laith belore us, and do not allow our
hearts to leel any malice towards those who have
O Allh, all praise is lor You as bets You. 8end
Your 8pecial mercy and peace upon muhammad
as bets You. And deal with us as bets You. lt
is only You who should be leared and who can
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5unJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

believed. Our kabb, You are most lind, most
!. O Allh, l ask You by saying that l bear witness
that only You are Allh, there is no god besides
You, (You are) the One and the lndependent, who
begets not, nor is le begotten, and there is none
equal to lim.
4. O Allh, l ask You lor lorgiveness and salety in my
laith, my lile, my lamily and my wealth.
. O the living, the 8ustainer (ol all), l seek help
through Your mercy. 8et right all my ahairs and
do not entrust me to my nals lor even the blinking
ol an eye.
6. O Allh, l ask You lor good health along with laith,
kaslullh has said that whoever makes du' using these words, his
du' will be accepted. (lbn mjah)
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5unJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

laith along with good character, deliverance
(lrom the consequences ol sins and punishment)
lollowed by success (in the lile herealter), and Your
mercy, 8alety, Your lorgiveness and lleasure.

. O Allh, lorgive my sins and make my home
suhcient lor me and grant me blessings in my
8. O Allh, place nr into my heart, my eyes, my
ears, to my right, to my lelt, behind me, in lront
ol me, above me and beneath me. O Allh, grant
me nr, place nr in me, my nerves, my esh, my
blood, my hair, my skin and my tongue. llace nr
in my soul and increase me in nr, and make me
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5unJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
9. O Allh, distance me lrom my sins as you have
distanced the east lrom the west.
10. O my kabb, grant taqw to my nals and purily it,
You are the lest lurier and You are its ouardian
and master.

11. O Allh, grant me an easy reckoning.

12. O Allh, assist me in remembering You, being
gratelul to You and worshipping You in an
excellent manner.

''ishh once lound kaslullh perlorming tahajjud salh and in
sajdah he was reciting this du'. (Ahmad)
kaslullh taught mu'z this du' to recite alter salh. (Ab uwd)
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5unJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
1!. O Allh, set right lor me my religion which is a
protection lor my ahairs, and set right my world
in which l live, and set right my herealter towards
which l am to return.
14. O my kabb, lorgive and have mercy, You are the
most mighty, most lonoured.
1. O my kabb, save me lrom the oppressive people.
16. O my kabb, help me against the mischievous
1. O my kabb, l have wronged mysell, so lorgive
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5unJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
18. O Allh, l ask You lor all those good things lor
which Your messenger muhammad (may Allh
most high send lis 8pecial mercy and peace
upon him and his lamily) asked You, and l seek
reluge with You lrom all those evils that Your
messenger muhammad (may Allh most high
send lis 8pecial mercy and peace upon him and
his lamily) sought reluge lrom. You are the only
one who can be turned to lor help, and lor You
is only to convey (the message ol truth). 1here is
no power (to do good deeds) or ability (to avoid
evil deeds) except with the help ol Allh, the most
ligh, the oreat.
lure is your kabb, the kabb ol honour lrom
what they ascribe. And may peace be on the
messengers. And all praise is lor Allh, cherisher
ol the worlds.
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VcnJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

1. O Allh, You know what l conceal and what l
disclose, so pardon me, You know my needs, so
lull my request, You know what is within me, so
lorgive my sins.
2. O Allh, l ask you lor benecial knowledge,
abundant provision and cure lrom all illnesses.
O Allh! O mighty 8overeign! O most lavouring!
8end Your 8pecial mercy and peace upon our
leader muhammad and his lamily.
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VcnJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
!. O Allh, grant me contentment with what You
have given me and grant me blessings in it, and
be a good guardian over everything ol mine that
is beyond my supervision.
4. O Allh, guide me, purily me through taqw and
lorgive me in this world and the herealter.
. O Allh, make laith dear to us and beautily
it in our hearts, and make disbeliel, sin and
disobedience hatelul to us, and make us lrom the
rightly guided.
6. O Allh, give us death in the state ol being
muslims, and join us with the righteous people
(in the herealter), that we may neither be shamed
nor placed in tribulation.
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VcnJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

. O Allh, nothing is easy except what You make
easy, and You can make dihculties easy when You
8. 1here is no god but Allh, most lorbearing, most
lind. lure lrom all laults is Allh, lord ol the
mighty throne. All praise is lor Allh, the cherisher
ol the worlds. l ask You lor all those things that
bring Your mercy, all those things that guarantee
Your lorgiveness, protection lrom every sin, a
share ol every virtuous deed and salety lrom
every act ol disobedience. uo not leave a single
sin ol mine unlorgiven, nor any anxiety, dihculty
or harm that has not been alleviated, nor leave
any need which is pleasing to you unlullled. O
the most mercilul ol the mercilul.

kaslullh said, One who has a need he wants Allh to lull or a need
lrom a person that he wants lullled, should perlorm ablution well, read
2 raka't, praise Allh, send salutations upon kaslullh and then read
this du'." (1irmidh)
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VcnJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

9. O Allh, only in Your mercy do l have hope, so do
not entrust me to my nals lor even the blinking ol
an eye, and set right all my ahairs. 1here is no god
but You. O the living, the 8ustainer (ol all), only
through Your mercy do l seek help.
10. O Allh, save me lrom harm by making me suhce
with what is hall, and through Your orace, make
me independent ol everyone other than You.
11. O Allh, remover ol distress and worry, acceptor
ol the prayers ol the troubled, the All mercilul in
the world and the herealter and the most mercilul
in them both: only You can have mercy upon me,
so show me such mercy that will lree me lrom the
need lor mercy lrom everyone but You.
1his du' was taught by kaslullh lor assistance in the repayment ol
a debt. kaslullh added that even il the debt is equal to a mountain it
will be repaid. (1irmidh)
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VcnJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
12. O Our kabb, indeed we have believed, so lorgive
our sins and save us lrom the punishment ol the
lire. And there is no power (to do good deeds) or
ability (to avoid evil deeds) except with the help
ol Allh, the most ligh, the oreat.
1!. O Allh, the controller ol hearts, turn our hearts
towards Your obedience.
14. O Allh, l ask You lor guidance, taqw (piety),
chastity and independence (ol the need to turn to
anyone other than you).
1. O Allh, l seek reluge with you lrom opposing the
truth, hypocrisy and bad character.
16. O Allh, Your lorgiveness is more extensive than
my sins, and l have more hope in Your mercy than
my deeds.
A companion came into the company ol kaslullh complaining ol his
multitude ol sins. kaslullh made him recite this du' three times and
then said, Allh has lorgiven you." (lkim)
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VcnJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
1. O Our kabb, indeed we have believed, so lorgive
our sins and save us lrom the punishment ol the
18.O Allh, l ask You lor all those good things lor
which Your messenger muhammad (may Allh
most high send lis 8pecial mercy and peace
upon him and his lamily) asked You, and l seek
reluge with You lrom all those evils that Your
messenger muhammad (may Allh most high
send lis 8pecial mercy and peace upon him and
his lamily) sought reluge lrom. You are the only
one who can be turned to lor help, and lor You
is only to convey (the message ol truth). 1here is
no power (to do good deeds) or ability (to avoid
evil deeds) except with the help ol Allh, the most
ligh, the oreat.
lure is your kabb, the kabb ol honour lrom
what they ascribe. And may peace be on the
messengers. And all praise is lor Allh, cherisher
ol the worlds.
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1ucsJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
1. O Allh, inspire me with correct guidance and
save me lrom the evil ol my nals.
2. O Allh, l ask You lor Your love and the love ol
those who love You and (l ask you) lor those
actions that will bring me Your love.
!. O Allh, make Your love dearer to me than my
own sell, my lamily and cool water.
O Allh, You are pure lrom all laults, lor You is
all praise, blessed is Your name, exalted is Your
majesty. 1here is no god besides You. O Allh, send
Your 8pecial mercy, blessings and an abundance
ol peace upon our leader muhammad and his
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1ucsJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

4. O Allh, grant me Your love and love lor those
people whose love will be ol benet to me in Your
. O Allh, just as you have provided me with things
ol my liking, grant me the strength to use them in
those ways that are to Your liking.
6. O Allh, lree my heart lrom those things ol my
liking that You have withheld lrom me, that l may
turn towards those things that are to Your liking.
. O controller ol the hearts, keep my heart steadlast
on Your religion.
8. O Allh, l ask You lor such laith that does not waver,
blessings that do not cease and the company ol
our lrophet muhammad (may Allh, most ligh
send lis 8pecial mercy and peace upon him and
his lamily) in the highest level ol the everlasting
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1ucsJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

9. O Allh, l am weak, so strengthen me in seeking
Your pleasure and rmly lead me towards
virtue and make lslm the greatest source ol
contentment lor me.
10. O Allh, make the provision you give me during
my old age and in the last stages ol my lile the
most abundant you ever give me.
11. O Allh, make the best part ol my lile its end, my
best action the last and my best day the day l
meet you. O ouardian ol lslm and its lollowers,
keep me steadlast on lslm until l meet You.
12. O Allh, l ask you lor prosperity lor mysell and
those associated to me.
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1ucsJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

1!. O Allh, make me very patient and very gratelul.
And make me small in my own eyes and great in
the eyes ol others.
14. O Allh, l ask You lor Your orace and Your mercy,
as no one possesses them besides You.
1. O Allh, lord ol the lrophet, our leader muhammad
(may Allh, most ligh send lis 8pecial mercy and
peace upon him and his lamily), lorgive my sins,
remove anger lrom my heart and protect me lrom
misleading tribulations lor as long as you keep me
16. O Allh, l seek reluge with You through Your
greatness - there is no god besides You - lrom
Your leading me astray, You are the living who
will never die, whilst jinn and men will die.
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1ucsJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

1. l seek lorgiveness lrom Allh the oreat, besides
whom there is no god, the living, the 8ustainer
(ol all), and l repent to lim.
18.O Allh, l ask You lor all those good things lor
which Your messenger muhammad (may Allh
most high send lis 8pecial mercy and peace upon
him and his lamily) asked You, and l seek reluge
with You lrom all those evils that Your messenger
muhammad (may Allh most high send lis 8pecial
mercy and peace upon him and his lamily) sought
reluge lrom. You are the only one who can be
turned to lor help, and lor You is only to convey
(the message ol truth). 1here is no power (to do
good deeds) or ability (to avoid evil deeds) except
with the help ol Allh, the most ligh, the oreat.
kaslullh said that Allh will lorgive the sins ol one who recites this
du' when he retires to bed even il they are equal to the loam on the water
in the ocean, or equal to the leaves on the trees, or equal to the grains ol
sand in a mound, or equal to the number ol days ol the world. (1irmidh)
may 8pecial mercy, blessings and peace in
abundance lrom Allh be upon the lest ol
creation, our leader muhammad , and upon
his lamily and companions, through Your mercy,
O the most mercilul ol the mercilul. mn. O
cherisher ol the worlds.
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wcJncsJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
1. O Allh, there is no lile but the lile ol the
2. O Allh, keep me alive as a person ol humble
means, grant me death as a person ol humble
means and raise me (on the uay ol }udgement)
among the people ol humble means.
!. O Allh, make me lrom those who are pleased
when they do good and repent when they sin.
Our lord, lor You is all praise - abundant, pure
and eternally blessed. may Allh the oreat send
lis 8pecial mercy and peace in abundance upon
the lest ol creation, our leader muhammad ,
and upon his lamily and companions.
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wcJncsJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
4. O Allh, protect me, just as a newborn child is
. O Allh, we ask you lor a heart that weeps, is
humble and inclined towards Your lath.
6. O Allh, make Your love the most beloved ol all
things to me, and Your lear the most leared ol all
things to me. kemove lrom me all worldly wants
by instilling in me a longing to meet You. And
when You make worldly people pleased with their
worldly possessions, grant me pleasure through
Your worship.
. O Allh, all praise is lor You in thanks, and we
are obliged to You lor the lavours You have given
through Your orace.
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wcJncsJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
8. O Allh, l ask You lor the ability to perlorm those
deeds which please You, true reliance upon You
and lavourable expectations ol You.
9. O Allh, open the ears ol my heart to Your
remembrance, and grant me obedience to You and
Your lrophet and the ability to live according
to Your look.
10. O Allh, pardon my sins, lor You are most
lorgiving, most oenerous.
11. O Allh, purily my heart lrom hypocrisy, my
actions lrom riy (ostentation), my tongue lrom
lies and my eyes lrom treachery, You are aware
ol the treachery ol the eyes and what the hearts
12. O Allh, l make a pledge with You that You will
never violate. l am but a human, so whichever
believer l have harmed, abused, hit or cursed,
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wcJncsJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
turn those into mercy, purication and such
closeness that gains Your nearness.
1!. O Allh, do not entrust me to my nals lor even the
blinking ol an eye, and do not take away lrom me
those good things that You have given me.
14. O Allh, save me lrom the evil ol my nals and
grant me the resolve to do what is most correct in
my ahairs.
1. O Allh, lorgive me, have mercy on me, accept my
repentance, indeed You are the lver kelenting,
most mercilul.
16. O Allh, lorgive my sins, whether committed in
seriousness or in jest, mistakenly or with intent,
as l have committed all these types ol sin.
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wcJncsJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
1. O Allh, lor You is such praise as You Yoursell
have expressed, and lar better than anything we
can ever utter.
18.O Allh, l ask You lor all those good things lor
which Your messenger muhammad (may Allh
most high send lis 8pecial mercy and peace
upon him and his lamily) asked You, and l seek
reluge with You lrom all those evils that Your
messenger muhammad (may Allh most high
send lis 8pecial mercy and peace upon him and
his lamily) sought reluge lrom. You are the only
one who can be turned to lor help, and lor You
is only to convey (the message ol truth). 1here is
no power (to do good deeds) or ability (to avoid
evil deeds) except with the help ol Allh, the most
ligh, the oreat.
lure is your kabb, the kabb ol honour lrom
what they ascribe. And may peace be on the
messengers. And all praise is lor Allh, cherisher
ol the worlds.
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1nursJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

1. O Allh, lorgive my sins, grant me excellent
conduct, purily lor me my livelihood, grant me
contentment with the provisions You have given
me, and do not let me pursue anything that You
have diverted away lrom me. Allh is the greatest.
Allh is the greatest. Allh is the greatest.
O Allh, by virtue ol all praises belonging to You, and
there being no god besides You, the Ahectionate,
the lenelactor, the creator ol the heavens and the
earth, O the One lull ol majesty and lonour, O the
living, the 8ustainer (ol all), l ask that You send
Your 8pecial mercy and an abundance ol peace
upon our leader muhammad , who is Your
8ervant and messenger, and upon his lamily and
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1nursJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

2. O Allh, make death beloved to those who believe
that our leader muhammad (may Allh send lis
8pecial mercy and peace upon him and his lamily)
is Your messenger.
!. O Allh, make lear ol You and Your remembrance
the concerns ol my heart, and make my ehorts
and desires be lor those deeds that You love and
nd pleasing.
4. O Allh, grant me blessings in death and in what
happens alter death.
. O Allh, relieve me ol all anxiety and sorrow.
6. O Allh, grant our leader muhammad the rank
ol Al-waslah, and place his love in (the hearts
ol Your) chosen servants and his lriendship
in (the hearts ol Your) close servants and his
remembrance in (the hearts and on the lips ol)
the high ranking servants.
''ishah reports that kaslullh said that the one who recites this
du' 2 times daily and dies in his bed will die as a martyr. (1abrn)
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1nursJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
. O Allh, grant me the best ol what You give to
Your pious servants.
8. O Allh, open the locks ol our hearts with Your
remembrance, and complete Your blessings and
lavours upon us and make us lrom among Your
pious servants.
9. O Allh, make my inner sell better than my outer
sell, and make my outer sell virtuous.
10. O Allh, grant me the ability to do what You love
and what pleases You, in my words, deeds, actions,
intentions and character. lndeed You have power
over all things.
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1nursJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)
11. O Allh, make my heart inclined towards Your
un, and protect us with Your mercy.
12. O Allh, truly You are the oreat creator. 1ruly,
You are All-learing, All-lnowing. 1ruly, You are
lorgiving, mercilul. 1ruly, You are the lord ol the
oreat 1hrone.
1!. O Allh, make me lrom those who relied upon You
and You were suhcient lor them, and lrom those
who asked You lor guidance and You guided them,
and lrom those who asked You lor assistance and
You assisted them.
14. O Allh, do not disgrace me despite being aware
ol my condition, and do not punish me despite
having complete power over me.
1. O Allh, assist me during the hardships and
agonies ol death.
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1nursJay A|-uizu A|-A'zam (AuriJcJ)

16. O Allh, make our lrophet our guide, and his
laud (ol lawthar) our destination.
1. O Allh, lorgive me, have mercy on me and unite
me with the most ligh companion.
18. O Allh, l ask You lor all those good things lor
which Your messenger muhammad (may Allh
most high send lis 8pecial mercy and peace
upon him and his lamily) asked You, and l seek
reluge with You lrom all those evils that Your
messenger muhammad (may Allh most high
send lis 8pecial mercy and peace upon him and
his lamily) sought reluge lrom. You are the only
one who can be turned to lor help, and lor You
is only to convey (the message ol truth). 1here is
no power (to do good deeds) or ability (to avoid
evil deeds) except with the help ol Allh, the most
ligh, the oreat.
lure is your kabb, the kabb ol honour lrom
what they ascribe. And may peace be on the
messengers. And all praise is lor Allh, cherisher
ol the worlds.

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