Children Learn What They Live

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If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn

If a child lives with hostilit!, he learns to fi"ht
If a child lives with fear, he learns to #e a$$rehensive
If a child lives with $it!, he learns to feel sorr! for himself
If a child lives with ridic%le, he learns to #e sh!
If a child lives with &ealo%s!, he learns what env! is
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel "%ilt!
If a child lives with enco%ra"ement, he learns to #e confident

If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to #e $atient
If a child lives with $raise, he learns to #e a$$reciative
If a child lives with acce$tance, he learns to love
If a child lives with a$$roval, he learns to li'e himself
If a child lives with reco"nition, he learns that it is "ood to have a "oal
If a child lives with sharin", he learns a#o%t "enerosit!
If a child lives with honest! and fairness, he learns what tr%th and
&%stice are
If a child lives with sec%rit!, he learns to have faith in himself and in
those a#o%t him
If a child lives with friendliness, he learns that the world is a nice $lace
in which to live
If !o% live with serenit!, !o%r child will live with $eace of mind
With what is !o%r child livin"(

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