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IntroductiQIl .

_ _ _ _

KCS 55A Compass System.

KI525A lndicator

The Slaving Meter _ Operating Instructions ... _ Operating Procedures

vectors to intercept a radial _

Turn to intercept a Victor Airway __ Negotiating a dogleg in a Victor Airway Ai,rway inrercepnon.

Holding Pattern . _ .

II LSApproach-FrOilt Course .. LOCApproach-BackCourse __ System Components

.. , ",3

· . .'I .. ,5,6

.7 _ _ 8,9

... 10 . __ 11

.12 . .. 13

· .14 . 15 16 ... 17'

· . 18 _ 19

KAP200 AutopilotSystem .

KAP 200 System Panel checklist ,

KFC200FlightContwISystem "..... 20

KFC200SystemPaneIChecklisl. , , .. 21

KFC 200 System Components. .., ,. . .,., , . , 22

KFC 200 System Integration. , . . . . . .. .... 23

Modes of Operation Flight Director System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,24

Operating the KFC 200 System, , 25

Syslem Safety-Integrity Monitors , , .. _. . .26

Preflight Test ..... , , ... , , , , ... , . , , , , , , , , , , , ... , , , ... , ,27

Flight Director Mode (FD) . . , , , , , , , .. 28

Autopilot Engagement CAP} ..... , , , , , , , , , , .. , . , 28

He'ading Seleci/Preselect Mode (HDG) , , , , , .... , , , , , , , .. 29

Navigalion(NAVIARMand NAVCPLD} Mode , , , " ,.,30

Approach {APPRIARM and APPRICPLD) Mode , ., , ,. , .. 31

BackCourse(BC)Mode ., , , , , , , , , , , 32

Go·Awund Mode , , . .. . _ , , .. _ .. , . , .. , 32'

Optional Altitude Select. , , .. , .. , ... , , , . , .. , , , , , , , . , . , 32

Altitude Hold (AlT) Mode , .• , ,. _ " ,,33

Manual Electric Trim _ , , . . . . . . . . . . . , .. 33

Control Wheel S.teering .. _. . .. _ .. , .............•..... , , .... , , ... 33

IKFC 200 Operating Procedures TakeoffandCllimbtoSelecledAllilude. _. Outbound on front Course for Procedure Turn 10 ILSApproactn .. , , , ...

Franl Course ILS Approach with Mi~ssed

Approach and Go·Around , ... , , , , ... , •.

RNAVCapture, ..... " .. ,' ..........•..

, 34,35

. , 36,37

• ... 38,39 40,41

General Emergency Procedures" . ,., ..... ,.

Disengage APIYAW DAMP Automatic AP Disengagement

Manual Electric Pitch Trim Disengagement

Eng.ine FailUre in MIlE Aircraft (Coupled) System weight and power requirements, King Warranty Service .... , ..... , ,

.., ... 42

............ ,,,._ ." ..... 43·

....... , , .... , , , , , Backcover


Tile pressures of single-pilot instrument flying in today's busy air traffic envimnment can place some very critical demands on your skill and concentration.

To help you stay on top of the situation, King has designed the KAP/KFC 200 systems to provide affordable flight control sophistication for your high-performance single or piston twin.

In this Pilot's Guide you'll find answers to most of your questions regarding the periormance capabilities and basic operational requirements of these advanced-design King systems.

IMPORTANT: This Pilot Guide provides a general description of the various operational characteristics of the KAP{KFC 200 Flight Control Systems. However, operation of these systems should not be attempted without first reviewing the specific information in the FAA approved Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement for your particular aircraft type.



The KCS 55ACompass System, which includes the KA 51 B Slaving Control and Compensator Ul"lit, the KMT 112 Magnelic Siavingi Transmiller and the KG 102A Directional Gyro as well as the KI 5:25A Pictorial Navigation Indicator is an Integr,al part 01 bolh the KAP 200 and KFC 200 systems.

The panel-mounted' KI 525A PNI combines the display functions of both lhe standard

Directional Gyro and IheCourse Deviation Indicator's -VQR'ILOC/Glideslope ir110rma~ion to provide the pilot with a single visual presentaton of the complete navigation situation. Thus, it gr'eatly simplifies course onentatlon, inlerception and tracking, while eliminating Ihe need for scan coordination between two separate indicators.


(actual size)

NAVWarning Flag

Lubber Line

Compass Warning Flag

Dual Glideslope Pointers

To-From Indicator

Heading Selleel Hug

Symbolic Aircraft

Heading Select Kno:

VOR and LOC Deviation Bar

Course Select Knob

VOR/LOC Devia.tion Scale

Compass Card

The KI 525A Pictorial Naviqalion Indicator is formation into one compact display, By proIhe panel display lor the' KCS 55A Compass viding a simple, comprehensive visual preSystem. It replaces the standard directional sentation of the aircraft's heading ano posigyro and course deviation indicator (COl) in lion in relation to a desired course. the pilot's the aircraft's panel. combining slaved nsad- naVigation workload is conslderably reo ing and VORfLOC/Glideslope deviation in- duced



Compass Gard-Rssponding to the input from the slaved directional gyro, this card rotates within the display so that the aircraft heading is always at the tap, under the lubber line.

Lubber Line-A fixed white marker at the tap a! the display that indicates aircraft magnetic heading on the compass card.

Symbollc Aircratt-A fixed representation of the actual aircraft This miniature aircraft always points toward the top of the display and the lubber line,

SelecteQ Course Pointer-On this two-part arrow. the "head" indicates the desired VOR or Localizer course and the 'tail" indicates the reciprocal. This pointer is set by rotating the course select knob.

Course Select Knob-Used to rotate nhe course pointer to the desired course on the compass card. This knob corresponds to the Omni Bearing Selector (OBS) on standard NAV lndlcators.

VOR/IRNAV and LOC Deviation Bar-This bar corresponds to the "left/right" needle an standard course deviation indicators. When the aircraft is precisely on the VOR radial or Localizer course, it farms the center section of the selected course pointer and will be positioned under the symbolic aircraft. When off course or approaching a new course, it will move to one side or the other, Since the entire VOR and Localizer dlsplay rotates with the compass card, the angular relationship between the deviation bar and the symbolic aircraft provides a pictorial symbolic display of the aircraft's posltlon wilh respect to the selected course.

Devialion Scale-When tuned to a VOR' frequency, each white dot represents 2" 01 devlation lell or right of course. When tuned to a Localizer. the deviation is \120 per dol, In RNAV "APPA'" mode the scale is II.! nm per dot. In RNAV "ENIROUTE" made the scale is 1 nm per dot.'

"This is true of all King and most other RNAV systems,

Heading Select Bug-A movable orange marker on Il1e outer perimeter of the display, used primarily 10 select the desired heading you wish to fly. This desired heading is coupled to the KAP 200 Autopilot or KFC 200 Flight. Director to provide the "Heading Select" lunction.

Heading Select Knob~Used to rotate the heading select bug to a desired poilnl on Ihe compass card,

To-From Indlcalor-A white triangle near the center of the display that indicates. with reference to the OBS setting. whether the course selected is "to" or "from" the selected VOR station and/or RNAV waypoint.

Dual Glideslope Painters-Chartreuse Irian.gular pointers on either side of the display amp into view when a usable Glideslope sig" na: is received E1Jld retract out 01 view when Ihe Glideslope sigmal becomes marginal, During all ILS approach. Ihese pointers represent the vertical orientanon of the aircraft with respect to the center of the Glideslope beam, When on Glideslope. the painters will align with the center markers on the Glideslope scale.

Glideslope Deviation Scale-White dots on each side of the display which, in conjunction with the Glideslope pointers, indicate either "above", "below", or "on Glideslope" durung an ILS approach.

Compass Warning Fla,g-A red Ilag labeled "HOG" becomes visible in the upper right quadran! of Ihe display whenever the electrical power is inadequate or the directional gyro is not up to speed. Compass failures can occur which will not be annuncialed by the "HOG" flag, Therefore. periodic cornpanson wit Ii Ihe standby compass is advised.

NAV Warning Fla9-A red flag labeled "NAV" becomes visible In the upper ieft quadrant of the display whenever a usable VOR or Localizer signal is not being received, If RNAV is installed and the svstem is in RNAV mode, both VOR and OM!" must be usable before the NAV Jlag will disappear.

Sla;,o,ln9 Maler

Clockwise Adjustment

Sllave and Free Gyro

Internally Lighted

(actual $ize)

COlJrnterelOekwise Adj,ustment

Slaving Meter

Slal'irng Meter-This meier lndlcates any diiferernce between the displayed Ilea ding and the magnetic heading. Right or up dsflecnon indicates a clockwise error of the cornpass card. lLeft or down deflection lndlcatas a counterclockwise error of the compass card. Whenever tile aircraft is in a turnanc the card rotates. it is normal for lhis meter to show a full deflection to one side or the other.

NOTE: Du ring leveillighl il is normal lor the meter needle 10 continuously move irom side to side and to be fully deflected during a turn, If the needle stavs fUJlly deflected, lett or right, during level fligh!, the free gyro mode can be used 10 center lt, as descrjbad below.

Slave and Free Gyro Switch (KA 51A)When depressed, the system is in the slaved gyro mode. When the bunon is in the outer position (not engaged) tile syslem is in the free gyro mode. (KA 51B)-Operalion is identical except switch is pulled and moved to tM appropriate position.

Clockwisel counterclockwise Adjustmenls

Clockwise Adjustment (KA 51A)When the system is in tile free gyro mode. depressing tM clockwise manual heading drive button will rotate the compass card \0 the right to eliminate left compass card error (KA 51 B)-Operation is identical except switch is held \0 clockwtse position.

Counlercl.ockwise Adjustment (KA 51 A) When the system is in the free gyro mode, dspresslnq the counterclockwise manual l1eading drive button will rotate the compass card to the left to eliminate right compass card error. (KA 51 B)-Operation is identical e,xcept switch Is held to counterclockwise position.

The KA 51 B Control and Compensator Unit is a smaller slaving accessory which has replaced the KA 51A. The KA 518 can be mounted eilher vertically or horizontally. and provides all the slaving modes and capabilities 01 the lIarger KA 51 A.


1. Until power is applied 101M KCS 55A System, and the directional gym is up 10 speed, a red flag labeled "HOG" will be visible in Ihe upper right quadrant of the K15.25A Indicator. In operation, Ihis warning flag will be vislble whenever the power being supplied is inadequate or the gyro is not up to speed.

2. With the application of power to theKCS 55A System, and. 9Yro up to opsratinq speed, the red "HDG flag should disappear from view

3. lithe KCS 55A System is in the slaved gyro mode, the compass card will automaHcally fast slave at the rate 01 180 degrees per mimrle toward Iheaircral'l's magfleluc headiflg. (Immediately after applying power, tnls compass card movement should be quite visible.) It will continue to last slave until the proper magnetic Ileading is indicated, after which it will slave at a constant rate of 3 degrees per minute to keep tM system aligned with the earth's magnetic field,

Under some conditions ~t is possible lor the system 10 stop slaving exactly 180' Irom the correct heading, If this should occur, move the Man/Auto switch 10 the Man position. Holatethe compasscarci ± 10" Irom the incor· rect headin9' by holding Ihe OW ICOW switch 10 one side, and then return the system to slaved: operation by moving: the Man I Auto switch back to the Auto position. The system will Ihen slave to the correct heading,

4, For Iree gyro operation, check the slaving meter to determine whether there is ,ight or lell deflection. Then hold the CWfCCW switch to center the neecle and properly align the system with the earth's mOtgnetic field, A check with the standby compass is recommended to assure there is approximate ,agreement.



5. Unlil a usable navigation signal is being received by the KCS 55A system, a red flag labeled "NAV" will be visible in the upper lell quadrant of the KI 525A Indicator. In operation, this warning flag should be visible whenever an inadequate navigatiol1 signal is being received.

6, For normal navigation to or from a VOR or VORTAC, set the NAV receiver to Ihe desired VOR or VORTAC frequency and Ihe red navigation Ilag (NAV) should disappear trcrn view il a usable signal is being received.

7. Rotate the course selecl knob 10 position the course pointer to the desired VOR' course.

8. The VOR deviation oaf represents tile selected course and Ihe relationship of this bar to the symbolic aircraft in thecenlerol the instrument visually presents the actual relationship of the selected course to your aircraft heading. (In other words, jj Ih!! symbolic aircraft on the display indicates approaching the deviation bar at 45', thai is the angle at which your aircraft is actually approaching the selected course.)

9. To prepare lor an ILS approach, tune lhe NAV receiver to the desired Localizer frequency. If a usable Localizer signal is being received, the NAV warning lIag will dlsappear.

10. For a Ironlor back course approach, rotale the course select knob to set the course pointer on the inbound localizer COU~5e. As with normal navigation (#6 above), the laC deviation bar represents the desired course. The relationship between this bar and Ihe symbolic aircraft gives a true picture of your

aircratt's position with respect 10 the t.ocahzer course, Always selting the course pointer 10 Ihe inbound Localizer course provides the correc: devialion bar sensing whether flying a trent or back course approach.

11. The GMeslope Deviation pointers snoutd become visible On both sides of the display when a usable Glide'slope signal is received. If they do not come into view" a usable' Glidestope signal is not being received,

12. The Ghdestope pointers indicate the relative pos.tion of the Glid'eslope path with respect to the aircratt. (In other words, it the pointers are above the center marker, the aircrau is berow the Glidestope,)

Abnormal Circumstances

• II the Warning Flag (HDG) appears during operation, tile compass care indications will be in error Power may be rerooveo lrorn the KG 102A Directional Gyro by pu.lI>ng the approprials cireuil breaker, The Selected Course, VORILOC Deviation Bar, the NAV 118g, and' the To/From lndicator will remain in operation,

• It me Navigation Warning. F'Iag, (NAV) appears during operation, there are several possibiliues: (1) the NAY receiver is not turned on, (2) the NAV receiver is improperly tuned, (3) the ground VOR or LOC station is rnaltonchoninq, (4) the aircralt is, oul of range otthe selected ground station, (5) the aucran NAV receiver has rnauuncnoned. (The compass card Will continue 10 display the arrcratl heading even II a usable NAV s~gnal is not beiflg received.) (6) II In RNAV mode the DME has maHunctioned.

.11 tile Glideslope pointers remain out of view durin!;! a fronl. course ILS approach, ellher Ihe aircratt Glideslope receiver 0" the ground station Glideslope transrnuler is malfunctioning Glides~ope is Uisually not available during a back. course approach .. [The VOR and LOC course display will continue to tunction normally even if a usable Glideslope signal is not being received)

• A continuous large deitsctlonot the Slaving meter or large discrepancies between the magnetic compass and the KI525A compass card may indicate a failure in the Slaving system. If a stavirng tailure should occur, the Man/Auto switcfl shouldbe moved to the Man position. to select the tree gyro mode. tnen, by holding the CW/CCW switch to the appropriate side (he compass card can be rotated to the correct head'ing as indicated. on the standby compass. The KCS 55A system should 'continue totunctlon normally except Ihe Mading information will be solely derived Irom the KG 102A Dkectlonel Gyro; there will be no automatic heading correctlon and ,jDeriodic adjustments must be made manually to correct lor precession by reference to the standby magnetic compass, as with any olrscttcnal gyro.

NOTE: ll is desirable to disconnect the aulopilot under the fo!IOwing conditions.

1, HOG flag comes into view

2, System is in Fast Slave

3, During manus: slaving

The' system has the capability 10 supply the autopilot with anautomatic disconnect signal under mess conditions.

NOTE: For system 'limitations in your particular aircraft type, reler 10 your Flight Manual Supplement.




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Procedures with me KGS 55A

The next few pages depict a normal flighl departure from MKC en route to STL via Victor Airway V" 12. (The charts shown here are for illustration purposes only. not to be used lor navigation.) Careful study of these photographs of l'he KI 525A PN I should give you a better idea of how simple and comprehensive the display really is.




Irntercept a Radial

Alter takeoff from Kansas City, we select a headi ng 0160" with the heading bug 10 lntercept lhe lID· course to Napoleon (ANlX) VOR. Selected! course pointer is set on 110" with the course knob. The KI 525A Pictorial Navigation Indicator conveniently and accurately displays Iheintercept angle.

t1JH'I'I"w:iHe j..,dULh,oJ

NkJn.i MQr

83e l Jl

Sky ......... 077" l 2'Z.

WliltEI Sll :.:...: .. ,


Afi 86P t


The VOR deviation 'bar begins to center as we approach ins 110" course to Napoleon. The K~ 525A PNi makes it possible to inlercepl the new course smoothly. without overshootinc 'or 'bracketing. One method 01 doing this is 10 adiust your heading so I.hal ~he lop 01 the 'deviation bar always touches the 'lubber line. As your aircraft heading approaches the new course: the deviation bar will swing towards the center and the angle of intercept will decrease.

IiSIS (1)50


Turn to Intercept a Vietor Airway

The "TO" indicator starts 10 swJng (0 "FROM" as you fly over the Napoleon VQRTAC station. At this time. set the selected course pointer on the V,"2 course 01 088°.

As YOLl begin your left (urn to track V·12, notice that the KI 525A PNI continuously displays an accurate picture otthe relationship between your aircraf! and the ANX OOB 0 radial.

Once again. you can make a precise. coordinated course interceplion by adjusting your heading to keep the top 01 the deviation bar touching the lubber line.


When the deviation bar is, centered and aligned with the course arrow, you are on course, Nolice that correction lor wind dri'ft-in Ihis case. a 080· heading on a 08S' course-is completely automatic as lang as you keep the deviation bar centered.


About midway between Napoleon and Columbia (CSI), you switch to the CBI VOR and the TO/FROM indicator immediately swings to "TO", Also note the course arrow should be moved Irom OSS· 10 090·, which is the V-12 inbound course 10 CBL






As you fly over the Columbia station, the iO/FROM indicator changes to "FROM", Since the outbound course lor V-'12 from Columbia to Foristell (FTZ) is 098·, you now set the selected course pointer on 098· and tly to keep the deviation bar centered.

Near the Heman intersection you switch to Foristeii VORTAC and move the course arrow to 100~ which is the V-12 inbound course to FTZ. ihe iO/FROM indicator changes tro "TO",



,,..IN,,L CO,..f'-OL AJill •• n

15C. 110""':11 TO'll'" f:"LiOld TO .I'!ID OINQ. .000 'illl 5111 !U I..OVI:5, !UfMH· .... L ",-"II. (;~"flnl' Oft

!"MIAT~ ~"'~I..Ic. ... r,O.NS 1'0" Ol.lA n, ~

crV/( MEMORI. (YM ::...= 26

OO .. TIIIIO .. ;tONI( 1."It'CT!'ltt: 11200 .,.'C1C1ll,f'

8 ..



Airway Interception Your clearance is V-12 10 Foristell, then V-14 to Ihe SI. Louis (STL) VORTAC. direct Lambert Field. Approaching lhe FTZ station, the heading bug is on 100' as a reference lor the V-12 course or as heading cornmand for the autopilot, if used. Select the'S!. Louis VORTACon the NAV receiver and set the course pointer on ths STL 0610 course.

AS you cross the !Foristell VORTAC, Ihe deviation bar will align wilh the course arrow. Now set the heading bug to 061" and turn lefllo follow V-14 to tine STL VORTAC.

You are now estab!isned on V-14, flying lathe STL VORTAC. Once again, if you fly to keep the deviation bar centered, correction for wind d rill will automalically be accomplished.

NOTE: For system limitations refer to your Flight Manual Supplement.


1. Approachling the STL VORTAC. the contrailer asks you to hold southwest of the VORTAC on the 2440 radial. right turns. You are now over the station wilh a 0i64' course selected (the TO/FROM indicator has swung to "FROM"). Set your heading bug to the reo clprocal or outbound heading of 244" for easy reference and 'begijn your right tum holding pattern.

3, Outbound, you are using Ihe heading bug as a reference for 244', The 244' radial is off the right w~ng and parallel to your outbound course.


Holding Pattern

2. Halfway Ihrough Ihe outbound turn, the KI 525A display shows the deviation bar behind the symbolic aircraft. You know, therefore, that you must evenlually fly back 10 the radial in order 10 be on course durillg the inboumJ leg of the holding pattern,

4, Hallway through your turn 10 the inbound 064'colJlse, the KI525A shows the symbolic aircraft approaching the deviation bar at a riight angle. By keeping the top 01 the deviahan bar DO the lubber line. you can complete your turn and roll out precisely on course.

NOliE: For system limitations refer to your Flight Mallual Supplement,

ILS ApproachFront Course

~. You are vectored from the holdi,ng pattern to the 13-mile DME are, The aircraft is tuming, with the heading bug set 011 170· to interce pi tile l.ocalizer. You have already set the selected course pointer on lhe unbound ILS course 130·a.nd tlie Ki 525A shows the localizer course is directly ahead. The Glideslope pointers came into, view wh.en the ILS frequency was tuned, since a usable Glideslope signal is being received.

3. The KI 525A. shows you that you have intercepted the Localizer course. The Glideslope pointers have started to center, altl10ugh the display [ndicates your aircraft is 8ml below the glidepath at this point.

2. Capturing the ILS course can be accomplishedl without overshooting or bracketing wrth the same tedmique you' used in intercepting an enrouts course: Simply keep the top of the deviation bar 011 th.9 lubber line and coordinate your turn umll the bar HS centered with the course arrow. Each dot on the LOC deviation seale represents 112" deviation when tuned to an ILS frequency.

4. You are nowcontered oilihe localizer alld the Glideslo,pe, Once again, the KI 525A. shows your aircralt is crabbed about 005" to the right 10 maintain tt19 t.ocanzer course.

NOTE: For system. limitations refer to your FIi'gl1t Manwal Supplement.


LOC ApproachBack Course

f "'


1. You are outbound 011 the back Localizer course. having already set the course pointer to the inbound front course at 238°, The head· ing !bug is p. reset at 193" for the. p rpcedure turn, (Smce there IS usually no GI!deslope signal on a back course, the Glideslope pointers are out of sight.)

3" Now you've reset Ihe heading marker to Ort3" and made a 180° turn to this heading. This 0130 heading will intercept the back course. The KI 525A clearly pictures the course you are 10 intercept and the' angle of interception.


II a back course approach is required, it can be accornpli~hed as easily as a front course approach. The course arrow should always be sst on the fmnl COurse Inboul1d Localizer course, This will result in ccnvenuonel plctorlal davianon sensing even on back course. The KI 525A display

gives you an accurate picture oi where you are at ali limes dunng the approach and the procedure turn.

2. During the procedure lurn outbound, the deviation bar shows pictorially that the aircran (as represented by the symbolic aircraft in the center of the KI 525A) is ftyin~ away from the localizer centerline at a 45 angle when Ihe heading marker is under Ihe lubber line. Note thaI len-ri9ht deviations 01 1M course bar give '''lIy-lo indicators, just as on the tront course,

4. You have smoothly intercepted Ihe back course. Since the course arrow is set on the front course (238"). the KI525A shows a true picture of the situation . .~iying inbound on the back course. 'fou may reset the head'irng marker to 0580 for easy reference.

NOTE: For system limi.tatjons ref'e, to your Flight Manuall Supplement.


The KI 525A Pictorial Navigation Indicator is the panel dusplay for the KCS 55A Compass System. It combines the lunctions 01 the standard directional Qym and the VORl LOC/Glideslope deviation indicator.

The' KG 102A Directional Gyro provides the gyro-reference for the system, Power may be hom either 14 or 28 volts DC. Re· mots mounted.

Tl1e KMT 112 Magnetic SlaVing Transmitter senses the creclion 01 the earth's magneluc lietd and continuous'y transmit" this Information to correct lor gyro drill. Remote mounted usually In a wingtip.

The KA 51 B Slaving Control and Compensator Unit is panelmounted, lit provides selection ,of "slaved gyro·' modes lor the system and manual slaving w,hen the system is in "Iree gyro" mode. The meter indio cates proper slaving operation. 14 and 28 volt lighting options available.



With this lower-cost KAP 200 control system option, King offers you basic Autopilot-only flight capability.

An air driven, panel-mounted KG 258 Vertical Gyro replaces the v-bar Flight Command Indicator in this system. There are no Flight Director "v-bar' computed commands or "Go-Around" modes.

A KC 292 Mode Controller replaces the KC 290 used in the KFC 200 System. The KC 292 has a servo trim indicator in place of the KC 290"s Flight Director button.

When there is no rnocs selectee and the autopilot is engaged, the basic Autopilot mode is wings level and pitch attitude hold. All the modes described for the KFC 200, with the exception of GO-AROUND, are included in the KAP 200 system.

Thus, with the exceptions of the Flight Director and GO-AROUND mode, the affordable KING KAP200 system retains the mostdesi.rable features of the KFC 200 system. These include Pictorial Navigation Indicator, complete mode annunciation and workload reducinq operational modes.


KAP 200 System Panel Checklist:

The KA 285 Mode Annunciator Panel tells the pilot when his selected mode has been received and accepted by the Autopilot 1.lighl computer, and, if an "armed" mode has been selected, it notifies the pilot when capture has been ini~iated_ I'ntegrat marker beacon lights and trim failure warning are also inctuded.

The KG 258 Vertical Gyro is a standard airdriven attitude reference indicalor styled no match Sitver Grown avionics. The KG 258 features a prornlnsntly-placed DH (Decision Height) annunciator light lor use with the aircratt's radar al!imeter.

The KI 525A Pictorial Navigation lndicatcr was described on pages 5 and 6_

The KC 292 Mode Oontroner is used 10 tum on the Autopilot system and 10 select a.ll operating modes. A solenoid-held switch engages the Autopilot, and five pushbutton sw~tches are used to select the desiredl modes. A verticaJ trim wacker switch, servo trim indicator, and preflight test button are' also contained in this unit.




D~ ,



The TSO',d King KFC 200 Fl.ight Director/Autopilot is a complete 2-axis (pitch and roll with altitude hold) integrated system with professional 3-inch,ght Director displays An optional 3·axis configuration with yaw damper mode is available for some aircraft at slightly higher cost.

The basic 2-axis system provides all standard operating modes and functions, plus important pilotoriented features usually found only in larger, more expensive equipment.

The "brain" behind thls whole system is the solid-state KG 295 Flight Computer. ~t provides computed pitch and roll commands which are displayed as visual guidance commands on the V-bar of the KI 256 Flight Command Indicator.

Electric trim is also provided, along with an automane autopilot irlm system.


KFC 200 System Panel Checklist:

The KA 285 Annunciator Panel annunciates all vertlcal and lateral Flight Director-Autopilol system modes, including all "armed" modes prior to capture. It telts ~he pilot when his selected mode has been received and accepted by the system and iI an "armed" mode is selected when capture has been initiated. II also has inlegral marker beacon lights and trim failure warning.

The KI 256 Flight Command Indicator (Fel) displays the following information.

Pitch and roll attitude Pitch and roll commands

OH (Decision Height) annunciation

when used with radar altlme~er

Tile KI 256 FCI contains, an air driven vertical gyro. Engine(s) must be running, pressure system operating and gyro up to speed before system will operate'

The KI 525A Pictorial Navigatjon Indicator displays constantly slaved gyro magnetic heading information, along with VOR/LOCI RNAV course deviation and Glideslope dev!afiion indications, (See pages 5 and 6.)

The KC 290 Mode Controller contains six pushbutton switcbes for turning on t~e Flight Director and selection 01 all FD modes; a solenOid-held switch lor Autopilot engagement; a vertical trim rocker switch ami a preflight test button,

The KC 291 Yaw Mode Controller is inslarled adjacent and to the right 01 the KG 290 Mode Controller when the optional yaw (rudder) axis is Included in the KFC 200 system. The yaw axrs is wired so that it automatically engages when the Autopilot is engaged. DISengagement of the yaw damper is accornplished by pushing the button on the KC .291 or the AlP disconnect on Ihe control wheel.

ro Nilli ARM III


ffiC ue


KFC 200 Control System Components

KII 256 IFlight Com"'<lnd Indlc,alar

K! 525A Pictorial Na.lligiJItion Indicator

Manual Elet:ltic Trl'm


01 scormecl/ Tri nil Interrupt

'c----- VOR1LOCIRNAVDevlal.lon

KC2.9<5 fligM computer Contains;

Logic & A.n;llog .summing Altitude Sensor Trim/PitchfRoll

Servo Ampllliers Power

Pitch Attitude/ RDII. Attitude

PilCh Comm;lndl Roll Command

He<ldlrlg Sel.ecl. or$1; Datum


Mode Controller

Ron Servo/Mount

KS 2711AlKM 275

Itch Trim


S ZT2IA/KM 276

Static Pressure


Wheel Steering

Go-Around! on Throttle

(this is II 2-axi5 5y,slem)

3rt! axl:; system

KC: 291 Yaw Controller


KRG331 Rate Gyro Mount

Yaw Servo/Mounl KS 2711 AJKM 275

IiCC Vaw Computer

KFC 200 System Integration

The adjacent system diagram shows the cornponentsot tile KFC 200 .integrated Hight Control System and Iheir relationships,

The system has a number of inputs-and outputs: Sensor outputshowe-ln mCl; Computatlon input shown in blue; Display outputs shown 'in orange; A'ircraf'l control shown in greetl. All sensor informatiO.n Ipitch and roll reference; .Heading error or course datum: RNAV/VOR/lOC/GS deviation and flags; Marker receiver and static pressure (altitude) is ted into the KC 295 Flight Computer.

The IFlight Computer computes roll and pitch steering commands. These two commands are routed fio the KI 256 Flight Comma~d ~ndlcator, .where they are displayed on tihe V-bar as VISual gUldancs commands. These steering commands are also fed to lhe Autopilot computation circuits con-

tained in the Flight Computer a ~

the aileron,elevat or tnrn commands . utopilot. An optional yaw

nel is available, but it is independent of pitch and, roll commands.

Using the same pitch and roll command's for FlightlD~rector and Autopilot provides totally consistent Flight !)irector steerir1g command and Autopillot control. There is no dtsaqreernent in computation. The Autopilot simply converts the pitch and roll steering commands from 1M Flight Computer. displayed on the V-bar in Ille Fel, into Ihe required elevator and aileron posHion commands.

Full integration of IFlight Director and Aulopil,ot allows the pitot to delegate tile manual eHort 01 flying the aircraflt to' the Autopil-ot while mcnhorlnq its activity with the Flight Direclor.

Modes of Operation Flight Director System

V' Trifm (PUch Altilude'l- ,

All ltu del

N~vlgau~ (N~ (VORIRNAV)

Fligl:ll Ol,eet", (FD)


Altltud'e Hoi d (A LT}




"" App roe c h (A'PI'R) (II.S, VO R or R N.A VI

Flight Director Guidance and Command to Autopilot

Attitude Refe'rence --------- Power on and no modes selected. Fel displays aircraft attitude and PNI; dis, plays aircraft heading. Command V-bar is biased all! of view. Aircraft engine must be running tor pressure to be applied to Fel attiludegyro,

Flight Director Mode

Flight Director (FD) --------- Command V-bar will appear and command winglS level and pitchatlitude of lila aircraft at the lime 01 mode selection.


Heading (HOG) ---------- Select desired heading on PNI, then salee! HDG mode 8"nd the system will command the necessary bank 10 tum 10 and maintain the sellec!ed heading.

Navlga\Q (NAN) (VOR/ANAVj ------ Bank command to capture and track a selected VOR or RNAV course.

Approach (APPA) --~~------ Bank and pitch commands to capture

(ILS, VOR or RNAV) and track LOC and Glideslope for precision approaches, .. bank command to capture and track VOR and RNAV courses for non-precision approaches.

Reverse Localizer (BC)I--------Bank command to capture and track a reverse LOC course .. , Glideslope is locked out.

AAM----------------Slandby mode to compute automatic capture point for NAV, AIPPR or Be.

CIPLDI--------------Active mode for NAV, APPR or Be.

Go Around (GA) ---------- Wings level and pitch up command to proper missed approach cllimb attitude.

Alitltude Hold (ALT) ---------- Pitch command to maintain engaged altitude.

Vertical Trim'------------Pitch connmand 10 adjust altitude at 500 !pm while in All. Hold: or pitch attitude al a rate 011 d'eg/sec when not in Alt. Hold,.

Autopilot (AP) Elngag---------Alrcraft control surfaces (allerons and elevators) smoothly respond to all selected Flight Director mode commands with automatic pilch trim. Engages Yaw Damper if present.

Pitch Synchroni:;ze/'----------Manlual Flight maneuvering without tile

Control Wheel Steering need 10 disengage and reengage the AUltopilot/Flight Director and Autopilot; Synchronizes the pitch axis.

Yaw Damper (YO) Engag--------System senses motion around yaw axis.

(optional system) and autornatlcally rnovas rudder to oppose yaw.

Autopilot DisconntliCU Trim Unterrupt

Pi'lch Syncl Control Wheel Steenn!!

G,g On Throttle

Typical Control Wheel Switch Arrangement:s


Operating the KFC 200 System

There are eleven 111) modes of operation thai are provided by the KFC 200 system 10 offer the pilot F~ighl Directml Aut'opilot commands in response to his selection 01 desired modes on the Mode Controller.

Most of these modes are activated by pushbutton switches on the Mode Controller. These pushbuttons operate with alternate action. The first depression of the pushbutton activates a mode; tile second depression cancels it, if it has not already been automatically deactivated. Annunciation of the mode selected appears on the annunciator panel.

Any operating mode not compatible with a newly-selected mode will be automatically cancelled in favor of the pilol's latest selection. This lets the pilot advance

along his fligllt sequence without the inconvenience of having to manuauy cancel modes. For example. i! In NAV CPLD mode, selection of Heading will automatically cancel NAV.

The Basic Mode of System Operation

The system will be in the Basic Altitude Reference or "Gyro" mode with engine running and aircraft "power on," but no modes selected (Anl1l.)nciator Panel blank), This provides indicalion of aircraft heading on tne Pictorial Navigation Indicator. and roll and pucn altitude on the Flight Command indicator. The FCI Command v-bar is biased out of view.

NOlE: For system llrnltatlons refer to your Flight Manual Supp.fement


System Safety is Assured by Integrity Monitors.

The KFC 200 monitors the validity 01 the system sensors and the Flight Computer to alert the pilot when sensor information is faul~y and when the system cannot respond correctly 10 command signals.

"Invalid" 5t9nals provide visual warning by means of the Ilags and annunciators. "Invalid" NAV signals are ajso routed to the KFC 200 switching logic 10 "lock OLJI" modes which will not operate reliably.

Mosllailures in the slaved compass system would be annunciated' by a HOG nag and the system would not allow selection of the Heading mode.

The illusirations above show the KFC 200 Flight Director cockpit displays with all warn-

ing flags in vtew, ..

Flight Command Indicator warnings:

Fligl'nt Director (FO) Command V-bar will bias oul 01 view whenever the FD mode is not selected; when FD internal power is inadequate and wMn gyro excitation Informalion is invalid.

The Piclo:rial Navigation Indicator


warnings: A HOG flag indicates that the compass information is not reliable. A NAV flag indicates that a valid NAV Signal is not being received,

When an I LS channel is selected on the NAV receiver and a valid Glideslope signal is received, the G\ideslope pointers will drop into view. Gtideslope coupling usuall'y occurs at Outer Marker, when the Glideslope is intercepted and APPR CPLD. II, alter GS coupling. the GS painters disappear, the system will flash the GS Annunciator and revert Irom GS back to Pitch AUitude Hold. If the GS pointers return into view the system will revert back to GS coupled. The NAV warninq flag indicates an invalid Localizer but has no ettect on Glid'eslope operation.

The Trim warning light in the lower rignl corner of the Annunciator Panel will light when an Autotrim fallure occurs or when the trim breaker is pulled. It writ also flash at least four times when the TEST switch on the Mode Controller is depressed.

~.JI., .~ \l~ s:


\ .. - _l !Lrlr', I"

PreUight Test Determines, Before Takeoff, that the System is Operating Normally.

With power on, all clrcuit breakers in, and engine fi.JMing, allow 3 minutes for Ihe gyros to come up 10 speed.

Check the $.Iaving switch position on tile KA 51 B Slaving Mete~, making, sure you are in slaved gyro mode, and compare the compass card on the KI 525A with your magnetic compass. (See your KCS 55A Pilot Guide for more detailed lntcrrnatlon.)

Wil,h no modes ellgaged. depress 1M Preflight Test button on the MOde Controller. All modes, will be ennunclated on the Annunciator Panel, including Marker lights, and the red Autotrim light will flash. AI least four flaShet;; are needed to indicate proper A:uto' trim monitoroperation.

Tile pilotlits! engages the Fllighl Direclm, either bydepressing the FDoulton or Pilch Sync (CWS) button, This wm synchronize the Command with tMexislin,g aircraft pitch and command wings level. Next, engage the Aulopi:lot and apply force to the controts to determine lithe Autopilot call be overpowered.

NOTIE: The Autopilot will not wnen the Flight Director is not operabng.

To confirm proper operanon of all servos (except Yaw Damper), synchronize Ihe Fligh{ Director for wings level. Commandnose up with FD VerticaJ Trim control. Alter 3 seconds

you should observe the elevator trim wheel turning in Ih,e dlrectlon commanded,

Re-syncl1ronize the FD for wings level by using the CWSbuHon, then command nose down wilh FD Vertical Trim control. Afler 3 seconds you. should again observe Ihe elevator trim wheel turning in the direction commanded. Re,syn.c tile FD.

Now set the heading bug under the lub, ber line on YOU!f PNland ellgage HOG SEL mode, Move the heading bug to 1M right and 10 the left and ocserve if the controls operate as commanded ..

Disengage the AP and check alrcran manual pitch. trim. Set Irimto takeoff pos-ilion. This concludes the prefl1gllt test.

IMPORTANT: Tllis Pliol Guide provides a general cescupnon of the various opera tional characteristics 01 Ihe KFC 200 Flight Control svstern. However operauon of the system should not be allempled WIthout lust revIewing your FAA Approved Aucrah Flight Manual Supplement lor complete svstern familiarization

Pertinent limitations, procedures and warnmg statements from your aircrau Flight Manual Supplement are contained in this Pilot's GUide


UP "j~i' ' U.~f CAUTION. Overpowering the Autopilot in Ihe pitch axis in Ilig ht for periods of 3 seconds or more will resull in Ihe autotrim system opsratIng In [he direction to oppose the pilot and will. Iherefore, cause an increase In the pitch overpower forces. and If Autopilot is disengaged. will resull In a pitch transient control force. Operation of the Autopilot on the ground may cause the aulotrrn to run because 01 back force generaled by elevator downsprings or puot induced forces



The Flight Director mode is acnvated by depressing the "FO" button on the Mode Controller.

The FCI Command v-oar will appear and provide the pilot with steenng commands to maintain wings level and the pitch altitude thai existed at the time 01 Flight DIrector engagement. To fly the Command V-bar, the pilot will bank and pitch the aircraft to pul the orange delta wing" aircratt" inlo, the V-bar. The command is satislied when the V-bar aligns symmetrically at the top of the o:range delta wing.

If Pilch attuude IS changed. recycling the FD button will synchronize the Command V-bar 10 the new pitch allilude.

If a change only ill the commanded pitch altitude is desired. the Control Wheel SteerIng (CWS) button installed on the pilot's control wheel allows the pilot to synchronize the Command v-bar (in the FD mode With Autcpnot disengaged) withoul removing rus hand lrorn the control wheel.

The Flight Director can atso roe activated by direct setection of any specrhc mode, whrch will activate the Command V-bar. Such selection will illuminate both FD and the appropriate annuncrator mode

Speciial note: The FD mode must be activated before the Autopilot can be engaged.

The Vertical Turn swucn may be used 10 adj,ust the selected pitch altitude up or down at t deglsecond.


The Autopilot IS engaged by moving the solenoid-held AP switch on the Modle Controller to the ·ON" position.

CAUTION Prior to Autopilot engagement. the pilot should make sure the V-bar commands are satislied. This will prevent any rapid changes in Ihe aircralt's flight path when the Autopilot is engaged

The Autopuot prowdes two-axis (pilch and roll) stabilization and aotornauc elevator tum as well as automatic response to all selected Flight Director commands.

lnstauenon of opuonal 3rd axrs lrudder command) will damp out yaw osculauons and provide automatic turn coordination

Upon Autopilot disconnect. ali Aural Alerler will sound a Sonalerl tor 2 to 2'/2 seconds while the AP light on Ihe Annunclator Panel Ilashes.

NOTE: For system limitations refer to your Flight Manual Supplemel1lt.

Attitude Gym Operation Note: When shutting down tlhe aircraft for snort periods of time, make sure the Attitude Gyro has corn pletely spun downbefo~e starting ooera tlons again. Gyro spin down occurs when the

air supp:ly cut off to the gyro and usually takes about 10 minutes.

During Gyro spin down most gyros have a tendancy to "tilt" (precess) to one side. II the alr supply i'5 reapplied to 1M gyro wh~le in this state, unusually slow gym erection (leveling) will· occur. II aircraft operations aremitlated before tM gyro is fully erected .. there is a greater possibilHy !hat the gyro may tumble causinp loss 01 primary attitude information trern Ihe Attitude Gyro.


Select a desired heading by positioning, the heading -bug" on the PNI. Tlus is done wilh the HOG knob on the PNI.

Depress the HOG button on the Mode Controller to activate the HDG mode. -HOGWill light on Ihe Armunclator Panel and a computed. visually displ;ayedbank command is shown on the Fel. FollOWing this bank command. tile aircraft will bank and roll out on the desired preselected headinQ.

The Command voar on Ihe FCI Will deflect In the direction altha shortest turn 10 satisly the commanded! turn 01 the preselected heCl.ding, The aucran may be manually banked 10 r€ Ihe V-bar and sausty Ihe command or, ilthe Autopilot is engaged. the arrcralt Will automatically bank, turn to, ronoor and hold tne preselected heading .. As ,1M aircran approaches the selected nsaoIng the v-bar will command a rollout to wings level.

With tile HOG mode in operanon. subsequent,changes made In Ihe headinq "bug" pcsilion on the PNI will immediately cause tile V·bar on Ihe Fel to call for a tum to the new heading, unless Ihe HOG button on the Mode Controller has been depressed again to cancel the HOG mode.

The HOG mode is cancelled when NAV or APPR coupling occurs. or when FD mode button is pushed 10 ··OFF"

NOTE: For system limitations refer to your Flight Manual Supplement,

- - -

~.JI5 FD ALl





The NAV mode provides visual bank commands on 'the Flight Command Indicator and deviation guidance on the PNI to intercept and track a VOR course or an RNAV course.

Operation of the NAV mode requires tna

pilot to:

1. Tune to the frequency of the selected VOR (or VORTAC) station. For RNAV operation, set in waypoinl distance and bearing lrom the VORIAC station.

2. Set t!he PNI course polruar on the desired course.

3. Establish angle of intercept by 5etting heading "bug· and activate "HDG" mode. 4. Depress the NAV button on Ihe Mode Controller.

When the "NAV·· button on the Mode Controller is depressed, "NAV/ARM" will be lighted on the Annunciator Panel and the autorna ic capture circuit is armed. Heading select, If opsratnq, is retained unlit capture occurs.

ThE! VOR or RNAV "ccurae-capture" poin! is variable to prevent overshoot and depends on angle of intercept and the rate the course deviation is changing. Upon capture. a bank command will be displayed on the Fel: the HOG, if on, will be cancelled and "NAV/CPLO" willi be lighted on the Annunciator Panel.

The pilot can manually bank the aircraft to satisfy the command display which will call for a rollout ro wings level when on course centerline to track tine course. Crosswind compensation is provided in the "track" state.

I! the NAV mode us selected with the aircraft tevel within::!: 4" 01 bank and wilhiflthree dots of course deviation. NAV/ARM will be bypassed ano NAVIOPLD will engage directly

If the Autopilot is engaged, the aircraft will bank to satisfy the command display and rollout on course automatically.

Upon station (or waypoint) passage, an outbcunc course other than the inbound reciprocal can be selected by resetting the NAV course arrow on the PINI. This will cause an immediate V-bar deflection on the Fel directing a turn to the new course

The NAV mode is cancelled by depressing lhe NAV button. or selecting HOG (when in N.AV coupled) or APPR modes, or pushing FD to "OFF". Going back to HDG while adjusting DBSis desirable.

NOTE: Operation ,altha Marker Test function of the marker beacon receiver after AP· PRDACH CPUD will reduce ~he Flight Control system gains. If this should occur, the APPROACH mode should be recycled.


The APiPR mode provides visual roll and pitch commands on the Fel V-bar to capture and track precision ILS (lOe and Glideslope) beams, or non-precision VOR or RNAV radials, Laterat and vertical deviation can be monitored on the PNI.

Operation 01 the APPR mode requires

the pilot to:

1. Set the NAV receiver frequency.

2. Set the PNt course pointer to the inbound runway heading or the front course in case 01 ILS precision approach. Do this evan on back course approach.

3, Set the HDG SEL "bug" on the PNt to the desired int'ercept angle and activate "HOG" mode.

4. Depress the "APPR" button on the mode controller.

The automatic APPR capture function will be immediately armed. "APPRfARM" will be lighted on the Mode Annunciator Panel.

In APPRJARM mode, prior to capture, H DG is retained to allow the pilot to adjust heading to Approach Control vectoring instructions ..

The LOC beam or VORIRNAV "capture' point will vary, depending on angle of intercept and rate of change of deviation indication. Upon capture, a bank command wil] be introduced on the FCI, the existing heading mode will be cancelled and "APPR/CPLO" will be lighted on the Annunciator Panel.

The pilot may manually bank the aircraft to satisfy the command display, which will command a rollout to wings level when the aircralt is on course. Automatic crosswind compensation will provide precise tracking. VOR/LOC deviation is shown on the PNI, and actual crab angle will be shown by offset 01 the course arrow from the lubber line.

Throughoul APPR mode operation LOC and Glideslope deviation or VORIRNAV deviation are displayed on the PNI.

If the Autopilot is. engaged during operation in the APPR mode, automatic steering response will follow the command display on the FCI.

The Glideslope mode is armed lor autornatic capture if LOC front course capture has occurred Automalic Glides/ope capture occurs as the aircralt approaches, the glid'e path from above or below.

Upon inlerception of the Glideslope, capture occurs and "GS" is lighted on the Annunciator Panel. A smooth capture pitch command is displayed! by Ihe Command V-bar. The pilot (or Autopilot) controls the aircrall to satisfy the Command V-bar. Siewilng ALT at time of GS centering will inhibit GS capture.

Upon GS capture, the AlT HOLD mode (ii active) is cancelled. However, ALT HOLD may be manually reselected to maintain altlitude upon reaching MDA if visual contact is

-- - ----

liDS FD All


not established.

During VOR or RNAV approches, Glideslope capture will not occur because the NAV receiver is channeled 10 a VOR station, nol an ILS, and this locks oul the Glideslope function"

APPRICPLD mode is cancelled by selection of HDG, NAV, or Go-Around modes ... or pushing FD or APPR to "OfF"

NOTE: For system rimitations refer to your Flight Manual Supplement.


(~--~=:~- - .. ~-~~\ ~PlD ~



Whenever a LOG orlLS Irequency is selectedl_ Ihe Be mode may be aclivaledby depressing the Be bullon on the Mode Contronsr. after selecting APPR. When ill Be mode and Localizer capfur,e occurs, ths system will turn and track ouibound on the tront course or lnoound on the back course. "Be" is lighted on trne Annunciator Panel.

Operation on Be is idenllcal to Iront course operation, except thai automatic Glideslope' capture is "locked out" by the switchi:ng circuitry. Localizer cieviation on PNI will have the proper sensing ~if the trent inbound t.ocanzer course was set on the PNI.


The Go-Around mode ls primarily de' signed to assist the pilot in establishing the proper pitch attitude under missed-approach conditions. The Go-Around switch is located on the throttle lever lor pilot convenience when applying cfmb-out power.

Depression of the Go-Around switch during an approach cancels the existing Flight Director modes ano enga.ges the Go-Around (GA) mode while also disengaging the Autqpilot, ,if it is engaged'. A wJngs-level and pitch-up command is displayed by the Fel and "G,t\" is lighted on the Annunciator Panel. The magnitude 01 the pitch-up command 'is set to match F.light Ma.nual criteria lor each alrcratt model.

Go"Mound may be cancenen by use 01 Verlical Tr,im, Altitude Hold mode. Control Wheel Steering mode or by turningolf the Flight Director.

• Some airplanes are cer/ified with the Autopilot remaining engaged when GA is selected.


This mode allows the pilot to select an altitude and, upon approaching that selected altitude, obtain an automatic visual pitch cornmandon the Fel to capture and hold the preselected allitlldfL To operate in this mode the

pilot must: ,

t. Set the desired altitude into the "selected alntude" window of the KAS 297 Altitude Selector.

2. Establish a climb or descent as appropr~ale.

3. Depress the ARM button on the Altitude Seleclor. This may be done al any time curing tile climb or descent before the selected aillilude has been attained "'ARM·' will light on the Almude Selector.

4_ The AJtiitude "ALERT" annuncjatorm the KAS 297 will illuminate 1,000 tt. prim 10 reaching selected altitude and will cancel at 300 rt, prior, An aural tone will sound upon reaching altitude.

As the aircraft approaches the selected altitude, an "adaptive" pitch rate command will automatically guide tM pilot through it at a low rate, As the aircraft reaches the selected altitude, ALT HOLD will automatically engage, "ALT " will light on the Annunciator Panel and "ARM" will disappear on the KAS 297, The command bars on the FCI will call for level flight al the selected altitude. If autopilot is engaged, the' system will perform the required maneuvers,

ALT ARM is disengaged by dei'iressHng the ALT ARM button, by engaging AU HOLD, by GS capture, or selecting FU OIR to OFF.


This mode wiill cause a oomputed visual pitch command on the FCI command bars to holcllhe aircraft at the pressure slltilude existing at Ihe time it was activated.

The mode is activated either autornatically by the ALT ARM function, or manually by depressing the ALT button on the Mode Controller.

If the autopilot is engaged, it will automatically hold the aircraft at that allit'ude.

The Vertical Trim switch may be used to adjust the selected altitude up or down at a constant rate of 61]0 fpm without disengaging the mode. This enables the pilot to conveniently adjust the aircraft altitude to match f,eseUing of the altimeter, or 10 make short descent segments during a nonprecision approach.

The ALT HOLD mode is cancelled by automatic Glideslope capture or selection of ALT ARM, or GO·AROUND modes, or setection of FLT DIR to OFF.


Manual Electric Trim switch On the yoke automatically disengages the AP (roll and pilch, but not ya.w) in all installations, bLJI will not affect the FO,

Use of the AP DISC/TRIM INTERRUPT switch on the control wheel willi disengage ~he AP, Yaw Damper and, in some inslallations, the Flight Director.

It is important thai you consult the Fllglht Manual Supplement for your particular aircraft for detailed instructions.


When the Autopilot is engaged, Control Wheel Ste'ering provides the pilot with Ihe capability for natural and convenient manual maneuvering 01 the aircraft without the need 10 disenglage and reengage the Autopilot, or raselect any modes of operation.

The CWS mode is engaged by continuous pressure on the CWS button, normally located on Ihe lell-hand horn 01 the control whee1. Opsranon of Ihe CWS button causes immediate release of Au!opilol servos and allows the pilot to assume manual control,

while Autopilot centre: functions and Pitch Command and Altitude Hold modes are synchronized so that, upon release of the CWS mode button, the Autopilot will smoothly reassume control of the aircraft 10 Ihe original lateral command and existing vertical command.

Since all 'engaged modes remain coupled (in synchronization) during operation of the CWS mode, their annunciator lights will continue to show on the Annuncialor Panel. The CWS nrode is not separately annunciated,

NOTE: lFor system limitations refer to your Flight Manual Supplement.


1'[ ·r


'< rn ...... • ,~

~ .V\."

", ,

1. Tne FD has been engaged, Takeoff is in the GO~AROUND mode, activated by depressing the GO-AROUND button located on the throttle. "GO-AROUND" is lighted on the annunciator panel Wings are commanded I evel and the nose up to the GOAROUND angle. Takeoff is on runway 35 as shown on the PNt.


2. The aircraft is well oft the groulld and climbing.

The heading "bug" on tl1e PNI is turned to a desired heading and HDG mode has been pushed on.

The Flight Director has responded with the Command v-bar calling lor a left turn to the 27(J' heading and takeof pitch attitude. The aircraft has not yet responded 10 the heading command but will as soon as the Autopilot is engaged.

'. tc

3. WiI'h the Autop.ilot engaged, the alrcratt is responding to the Fel' commands with a Ie'll bank. Takeoff climb altitude ccntinues, (Deslred altitude may now be selected and armed on the optional KAS 297 altitude selector. Altitude alerting will be provided as you approach your selected altltude.)

4,. Desired altitude has esen reached, ALT HOLD mode has been engaged and the aircraft has [stunned to level fliight The 270" heading has been acquired.


Outbound on front course 360'

for procedure turn

to IllS approach.

(~- .. , ... -~- .. '\ L', _)

(~ •. ::.'!

\ . " )

---------.;.:. -----


~~<, ," ~·C'{

1. In HOG SEL and ALT Hold mode on a. LOC channel. the aircraft is heading 270'· toward the Localizer. The front inbOUlld localizer course 01 58· is selected. APPR mode and "SC" have been selected. The back course (Be) mode 15 selected to go outbound on the front course. The capture point is now being computed, based on closure rate.


2. When the computed capture point is reached the APPR CPlD mode is automatically activated and a left turn outbound on tile localizer is commanded by the FCI" and is satislied by the Autoptlot,

Note that the left-right: deviations of the bar give "fly-to" indications just as on title front course inbound,

3. During the procedure turn outbound 1M deviation bar shows pictorially thai tlie aircraft is !lying away from Ihe Localizer centerline at a 45" angle on a selected heading 01 283"

4. Now you have reset the heading select bug 10 103' and made a 180" turn 10 Ihis heading, This 103' heading will intercept Ihe front course. You must naw reselect Approach mode by depressing the APPR button on the Mooe Controller. The PNI clearly pictures 'the course you are to intercept and Ihe angle of interception. APPR ARM mode has bsen selected so that autcrnatic capture 0'1 the Localizer will occur.


Front course ILS approach wj,th missed approach

and Go-Around.

1. Continuing the maneuver on preceding page. APPR coupling occurs and the Glideslope mode is actornancauy armed. The Command V-bar wil! command a turn 10 the LOG course and tM PNI shows your position in re'lalion to the LOG course.


2. The Autopilot (or pilot) 'is following Ihe Command V-bar on the Fel which command the necessary heading to maintain on centerline of the Localtzer. At the Outer Ma.rker the Glideslope pointers are approximately at midpoint. Altitude Hold is automatically disengaged and Glloaslope capture occurs when the alrplancs passes thru beam center. The v-bar will command a descent on the G~idesloDe and on Localizer.

3. At the Middle Marker a missed approach 'is executed by p~essing the Go·Around button on the throttle as you increase power. This disengages tlhe Autopitot and Ihe Fet commands the correct nose-up attitude and wings level. At the rnscrenon of the pilot, the Autopilot may be reengaged to compleie the missed approach. (Some airplanes are certified with aotconot remaining engaged when GA selected.)

4 .. The heading "bug" has been previously set to the missed approach headrng. 90~ Activating the HOG mode will cause Ihe Command V-bar in the FGI to command a tum to that heading. Pitch-up attitude may be .adjusted from the Go-Around angle by usingl CWS or the Vertical Trim control on the Autopilot controller. either of which terminates "GA" mode.


IRNAV Capture:


.... ....1. _

'T 80°-.

1. The aircraft is flying an OMNI airway in HDG mode on a heading of 80",


2. A waypolnt has been established and the RNAV corncuter Is In ENROUTE mode, A 112" course to the w8yjpoirit has been selected and NAV mode pushed "on", HDG and NAV/ARM modes are activaled lor automallc capture of the 1120 course to the weypoinl. Ths capture rate is now being computed based an closure rate, The airplane musl be headed toward the selected course in order for NAV/CPLD to occur.



3. Capt ure sequence starts when NAV ICPLO mode is automatically engaged. caroc·elling, the NAVIARM aM HOG modes. The Command v-bar will call lor a right bank wh~cn is being satisfied by the Autopilot.

4. The aircraft has compleled lis lurn to the 112· course. A wind correction prccuces arralrcratt heading ot 105", displaying a 7° "crab" angle to rnamtaln tile ~12~colJr$e.



1. Disengage APIYAW Damp

a) Simultaneously regain control otalrcratt and hold down Autop~lot Disconnect! Trim tnterrupt burton,

b) Pull AlP clrcuitbreaker.

c) Re~ease' AlP Dlsconnectrlrtrn Inlermpt b[J,tton"i

2. The following conditions will cause AP to automatically disengage:

a) Ex~ernal power tailure.

bl Actuating manual slectnc Irim.

c Internal Flight Control System failure.

d) With KCS 55Asystem a 105501 compass valid, (di'splaying HOG, flag) disengages the AP and FD when a mode using Heading information is engaged, With compass lIag present, only FO and vertical modes can be selected.

3. Manual Electric pitcn trim can be disengaged by: Press AP DISC/HUM INTERRUPT switch and hold down until recovery can be made. Then turn off AVIONICS MASTER switcih and manually r'etrim the airplane using the manual trim control wheel. After the airplane is trimmed out. pull ths (PITCH TRI M) breaker and tum the AVIONICS MASTEtR switch back on.


4. Engine Fallurel!ll Multi-engine Aircraft (Coupled)

a) Simultaneously contra! alrcrattand hold down Autopilot: Disconnect/Trim lntsrrupt butter.

b) Re!ease button.

c) Follow baslc Airplane !Flight Manu;al single engine procedures,

0) Airplane rudder and aileron axes should be manually trimmed prior 10 engaging autopilol for single engine operations ·CAUTION: Exact Emergef'lcy Proce-

dures vary from aircraft to aircraft. because ·01 differences in electrical systems, instrument arrangements and 1fight characteristics. Consult the Flight Manual Supplement lor your particular aircraft lor d!!tail!!o instructions 011 emergency procedures

System Weight and Power Hequirements

KFG 200 Flight Director/Autopilot Components for 2-axls system:

KCS 55A Silver Crown Compass System KI 2563" Fl:ighl Command Indicator

KC 295 Flight Computer with Altitude


KS 21'0 Pilch Servo w/KM 27'5 Mount/Capst,an

KS 271 Aileron Servo w/KM 27'5


IKA 285 Mode Annunciator KC 290 Mode Controller

IKS 272 Trim Servo w/KM 276 Mount/Capstan

TOTAL FOR 2·AXIS SYSTEM 28.3Ibs. (12.9 kg) 14V/1S.5 AMP 28Vf9,5 AMP .

Additional Components for 3-axis system:

KS 271 Rudder Servo w/KM 275


KC 291 Yaw Controller

KC 296 Yaw Computer KRG 33~ Yew Rate Sensor

TOTAL FOR 3-AXIS SYSTEM 32.8lbs, (15.0 kg) 14V11e.l AMP 28Vll1 ,5 AMP

KAP 2001 Autopilot System

Components lor 2-axis system:

KCS 55A Silver Crown Comoass System KG 258 Gyro, panel-mounted

KG 295 Flight Computer with Adapter Card

Kg, 270 Pitch Servo wlKM 275 Mount/Capstan

KS 271 Alleron Servo wlKM 275


KA 285 Mode Annunciator KG 292 Mode Controller

KS 272 Trim Servo w/KM 2716 Mount/Capstan

TOTAL FOR 2-AXIS SYSTEM 28.1Ibs, (12.9 kg) 14V/14.7 AMP 28V/8.7 AMP

Additional Components lor 3·axis system:

KS 271 Rudder Servo w/KM 275 MountlCapslan

KG 296 Yaw Computer KAG 331 Yaw Rate Sensor

TOTAL FOR 3,·AXtS SYSTEM 32.6Ibs. '14,9 I<g) 14V/18.' AMP 28V/l1 ,5 AMP

The third axi~ may be installed with or without thaKe 291 Yaw Mode Controller.


King Warranty Service

Warranty service for your King KAP/KFC200 Flight Control System iis avatlable at hundreds of King Authorized Sales and Service Centers th roughout the world. These Authorized Service Centers are carefuilly selected for thei r technical competence and total support capabilities .. Each is equipped with all the required test facilities and training to professionally check and maintain your King avionics system. And they're backed by a full staff of King field engineers and product specialists, oncalli to handle any service question that might arise.

Ollly these qualifiedl King Sales and Service Centers are authorized to perform a warranted installation of your King system ... or to provide service under the Kiing Warranty.

Upon completion of your aircraft's flight control installation, you will be provided with a plastic warranty card which lists the model, serial number and warranty expiration date for each unit of King equipment installed.

This King warranty card systenn is honored by King Service Centers throughout the world as unquestioned proof of your warranty authorization. Keep your King Warranty Card in your airplane at all times 10 verify your warranty status at any King Serviice Center. [It's your key 10 outstanding warranty service protection.

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Tomorrow's Avionics Today ... from KIN G of course

KIog R."bC"'I"''"''on. 0(1(] Ncoh ,~" _.010' .... Ko ..... 6«101 ·1~13! >82·Q400· TELEX WUD 10) ... 2299· CABLL O\lI'<G""D

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Printed in U.S.A.

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