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1) If the introductory sentence starts in the present (Susan says), there is no backshift of
tensesin Reported speech.
Direct speech: Susan: "I work in an office."
Reported speech: Susan says (that) she works in an office.
) If the introductory sentence starts in the past (Susan said), there is often backshift of tensesin
Reported speech. (see: !ote)
Susan: "I work in an office."
Susan said (that) she worked in an office.
Backshift of tenses
from to
Simple "resent Simple "ast
Simple "ast
"ast "erfect "resent "erfect
"ast "erfect
#ill #ould
Progressive forms
am$are$is #as$#ere
had %een has %een
had %een
Backshift of tenses
from to
"eter: "I work in the &arden." "eter said (that) he worked in the &arden.
"eter: "I worked in the &arden."
"eter said (that) he had worked in the &arden. "eter: "I have worked in the &arden."
"eter: "I had worked in the &arden."
"eter: "I will work in the &arden." "eter said (that) he would work in the &arden.
"eter: "I can work in the &arden." "eter said (that) he could work in the &arden.
"eter: "I may work in the &arden." "eter said (that) he might work in the &arden.
"eter: "I would work in the &arden."
(could, might, should, ought to)
"eter said (that) he would work in the &arden.
(could, might, should, ought to)
Progressive forms
"eter: "I'm working in the &arden." "eter said (that) he was working in the &arden.
"eter: "I was working in the &arden."
"eter said (that) he had been working in the &arden.
"eter: "I have been working in the
"eter: "I had been working in the &arden."
If the sentence contains an expression of time, you must change it as well.
"eter: "I #or'ed in the &arden yesterday."
"eter said that he had #or'ed in the &arden the day before.
Shifting!onversion of expressions of time
this "evening# that "evening#
that day
these "days# those "days#
now then
"a week# ago "a week# before
last weekend
the weekend before the previous
here there
next "week# the following "week#
tomorrow the nextfollowing day
In some cases the %ac'shift of tenses is not necessary, e.&. #hen statements are still true.
(ohn: ")y %rother is at *eip+i& uni,ersity."
(ohn said (that) his %rother #as at *eip+i& uni,ersity. or
(ohn said (that) his %rother is at *eip+i& uni,ersity.
)andy: "-he sun rises in the East."
)andy said (that) the sun rose in the East. or
)andy said (that) the sun rises in the East.
-he #ord .that/ can %e left out.

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