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Q. Some people say that air transport should be restricted only for people and shifting of
vegetables and eatables by air should be stopped. Do you agree or disagree.
Air travel has made possible the notion of quick conveyance for both people and freight across
countries. But with it, the practice has entailed in raising many eye brows suggesting that flight
transport should only be used for human travel and not for conveying eatables and vegetables.
As this proposition does not hold water, the same disagreement is further explained with tangible
Focusing on the issue, aviation sector has outstripped any other means of its kind in conveying
perishable goods in quick manner which facilitated to keep the quality intact. To assimilate this,
as it is possible to transfer such items within no time to any part of the world, the chances of
spoiling in the quality of groceries are minimal, To exemplify this, in bygone days many
vegetables from India were only used in the same country owing to lack of proper means of
conveyance. But, flight travels wiped out such a menace.

To add on, many countries around the globe, especially in the oriental region depend on
exporting of vegetables to scrape together the foreign exchange. Therefore, lack of flight service
for the same will ultimately crumble their economy. To epitomize this, a recent strike called on
by the personnel of national airlines in India created a inertia in the economic development of the
country. Thus, it is able to foresee the magnitude of ominous repercussions that may result
owing to the stoppage of this means of transit.
All in all, it can be stated that banning flight service for transiting perishable goods would a
preposterous idea as the alternatives of this may not be able to maintain the freshness of the
product as well as it may invite drastic economical slump to developing countries.

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