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Sample essay

Q. In the past sporting champions used to be motivated primarily by the desire to win a match or
to break world records. These days they are more likely to be motivated by the price money and
the opportunity to be famous. What message does this sent to young people and how does this
attitude to sport affect the sport themselves.

Sports competitions have played an imperative role in the social life of the mankind since time
immemorial. In the past the impetus for sports personnel to excel in their realm was only the
unflinching attitude to succeed in a match or to clinch onto a record. However, presently
monetary benefits and fame are the driving forces for sportsmen to win titles in a sporting
challenge. This is an attempt to illustrate about the idea that this shift in emphasis conveys to
young buds along with the implications that it would create on sports sector.

To start with, as the current scenario in sports is all about cut-throat competition, it would
catapult many upcoming sports talents to use illicit ways to steal the lime light than exhibiting
their real finesse. Thus, gradually a sense of acceptability regarding use of illegal ways to win
championships will be put across to sportsmen. To exemplify, it is an open secret that certain
drugs are used as performance boosters in many competitions conducted around the world,
which reveals the magnitude of this issue.

To detail the repercussions of this menace, owing to the strong footing of quest to fetch money n
fame in the realm of sport will turn into a battle ground where many unlawful activities and
unhealthy competitions will take the precedence over true sportsmanship. Subsequently, sports
once considered to be catalyst ease out international tensions will make things worse in future.

To wrap it up, it can be stated that, going behind material prospects will create a wrong mentality
in budding sports talents and will eventually result in an upheaval in this field.


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