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Name: Brianna deFaria - Leite Date of Visit:

College/University Visited: University of Rhode Island Camps Lo!ation: "/#$/#%

&ith 'hom did yo attend this event( )atrday *!ademy

College Visit Reflection
#+ &hat are three things that stood ot to yo on yor visit(
,he !amps is large+
,he 'ild life arond the !amps+
,here are many !l-s yo !an .oined in+
$+ &hat is one ne' thing yo learned a-ot this parti!lar !ollege/niversity or life -eyond high s!hool in general/ that
yo did not 0no' -efore(
1o !an .oin ,D -efore going to the !amps+
2+ &hat did yo not do that yo 'ish yo !old have 'hile on this !amps(
)ee a dorm room+
%+ Refle!ting on this visit/ 'hat is one 3estion yo didn4t as0 -t 'ill as0 on a ftre visit to a different
Do yo have to live on !amps freshman year(
"+ *fter seeing 'hat this !ollege/niversity has to offer/ do yo thin0 yo 'old -e happy here( &hy or 'hy not(
I thin0 I 'ill -e -e!ase it offers a great marine -iologist and it offers a photography !orse+ I 'ant to -e a marine
-iologist and o!eanographer in the ftre+ *lso i love the area of the !amps+
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9+ :o' did yo trly feel a-ot this !amps( &hat did yo li0e the most( ,he least(
I love the area the !amps is in and the fa!t yo are a-ot $; mintes a'ay from the -ea!h+ I 'asn<t a -ig fan of the si=e/
I honestly thin0 I 'old get lost a lot as stdent there+
>+ &hat seemed different or spe!ial a-ot this s!hool to yo(
URI has a td program that yo !an apply for -efore and attend -efore attending the s!hool+

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