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Attention Vance Spouses:

A special request is being made by Greg Waide of Vance Airman & Family

I am looking for some help for a student pilot.
He is graduating from pilot training next Friday morning (13 June).
This member's parents are coming into town for the occasion, and they are
bringing his 26-year old disabled brother with them. His brother is prone
to seizures; the close quarters of the auditorium and all the people could
easily trigger a seizure. So, they are looking for a medically-trained
professional who would be willing to sit with the brother in the member's
house here on base during the graduation ceremony (from about 9am to 1pm).
I was wondering if there is a military spouse, who is a medical
professional, who is available and willing to care for the brother next
Friday morning. If you could send this request out to your squadrons, I
would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,

Greg Waide
Flight Chief
Vance Airman & Family Services
DSN 448-6213; Commercial 580-213-6213

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