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Timestamp On Time Caring Respect Responsibility comments....

Student Teacher
12/5/2013 12:25 Yes 3 3 3 Gunner Gile Warren Brown 3
12/5/2013 13:04 Yes 2 2 2 Gunner Gile Briden 2
12/9/2013 12:26 Yes 3 1 3
Gunner is a hard worker in my
class. Today, he left class 2
minutes early without
permission. For the rest of the
week, I will have him leave for
lunch after the hallway is clear.
Gunner Gile Warren Brown 3
12/9/2013 13:15 Yes 3 2 3
Gunner has many days where he
just doesn't want to work.
Today was one of them.
Gunner Gile galvin 1 redirected many times.
12/13/2013 14:27 No 1 1 1
had a difficult time being
engaged in class activity,
constantly talking in class
Gunner Gile Manson 1st hour 1
12/13/2013 15:08 Yes 1 1 1
Worked with a partner, did not
complete his parts of the
Gunner Gile Surprenant 0
Communicated with Mr.
Johnson about Gunner and
attitude towards work.
12/16/2013 11:31 Yes 2 2 2 Gunner Gile walling 2
12/16/2013 14:43 Yes 2 1 2 Gunner Gile Knobloch 2
12/16/2013 14:46 No 1 2 1
Avoids the work, relies too
much on partners, would not
finish or have anything
completed if working
individually. Work avoidance.
Gunner Gile Surprenant 0
Keep re-directing needs help
staying focus
12/17/2013 14:29 Yes 2 2 2
Better job today of getting
started on his assigned task of a
study guide, but still a majority
of time spent talking and
walking/jumping around the
room. Also spent considerable
amount of time on phone/ipod.
Also messed with my fish tank
and other students in class by
hitting them in head with
Gunner Gile Surprenant 2
Redirecting and trying to get
him re-engaged in task at
12/17/2013 14:48 Yes 2 3 1 Gunner Gile Manson 1st hour 1
12/17/2013 0:00 Yes 1 2 1 gave up on quiz/didn't try Gunner Gile galvin 1
12/18/2013 14:52 Yes 2 2 2 Gunner Gile walling 2
1/3/2014 14:29 Yes 2 1 2
completed work today, rather
quickly, but completed it.
Gunner Gile surprenant 2
1/4/2014 6:46 Yes 3 3 0 Chose to not work on test. Gunner Gile Galvin 0
Reminded many times to keep
1/14/2014 13:22 Yes 2 3 0 Gunner Gile galvin 0
1/21/2014 12:36 Yes 3 3 3 had a great class today Gunner Gile Manson 1st hour 3
2/5/2014 13:35 No 2 2 2
Came to class late with pass and
tried to work, but did not stay
on task enough to get anything
Gunner Gile surprenant 2
2/26/2014 10:46 Yes 3 3 3 Gunner Gile Wintermote 3
3/6/2014 18:30 Yes 2 2 3
Good day - engaged in lesson,
some goofing off that had a
tendency to disrupt learning of
other students.
Gunner Gile White 2
3/11/2014 14:11 Yes 0 1 1
Is becoming increasingly
distracted and uncaring when it
comes to class work and staying
on task
Gunner Gile Surprenant 1
Tried to move him he refused,
but finally was able to talk
him to a different seat
Average Score 18.00 2.00 2.00 1.81 1.57
Percent Score 86% 67% 67% 60% 52%

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