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Rambabu Talluri

350 S. Regent, Apt: 3N

Port Chester, New Yor, !05"3
,ate: 05(!&(-0!$
.ar /. 0alish, Presi1ent
0alish 2 Asso+iates, /n+.
!#"# .ar+us A3enue, Suite -!0
4ae Su++ess, NY !!0$-
T54: 5!'%'--%-33'
6A7: -!-%-0&%-#'&
S5N, R5S8.5 9/A 5%.A/*
,ear .r. .ar
/ saw the )ob a13ertisement in in1ee1 website with the title ,ire+tor o< ,e3elopment. / ha3e ' =ears o<
e>perien+e as a 1ire+tor o< the organi?ation an1 networing together with other organi?ations an1 liemin1e1
people <or <un1raising <or the mission an1 3ision o< the organi?ation. Spe+iall= e>+ellent in online <un1raising
@6a+eboo, wor1press an1 twitterA. / got an e>+ellent e>perien+e with the so+ial me1ia, managing the 3olunteers
an1 +oor1inating the programs with other +oworers.
/ raise1 5 .illion 1ollars through 6a+eboo <or the organi?ations that / wore1 in a =ear an1 people who
+ommitte1 to the +auses are still supporting the organi?ations be+ause the= are emotionall= atta+he1 to the
+auses an1 ma1e them to +ommit <or the +auses.
/ am more intereste1 in this )ob be+ause / want to use m= pro<essional 1egree as a law=er to bring +orre+tional
)usti+e to the people who e3er +ome in +onta+t with the organi?ation. / now that m= <luent 5nglish speaing an1
writing will be a big asset to the organi?ation to rea+h its 1esire1 3ision an1 <ul<ill its mission. /< gi3en the +han+e
then / will +at+h up with it lie a wil1 <ire. Thaning =ou <rom the bottom o< m= heart <or the opportunit= to pro3e
m=sel< to the worl1 in nee1 with m= in1 1ee1s.
Rambabu Talluri
5n+losure@sA: Resume

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