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Vegetables and Salads

Mashed Potatoes
teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons margarine
1 cup instant mashed potato flakes
Combine salt, milk, and margarine in
saucepan and simmer. Add instant
potatoes and mix well. If too thick, add
hot water to desired consistency. ield! 2
Blended Vegetables
cup cooked "egetables
# tablespoons milk or hot broth
$alt and pepper to taste
%lace "egetables and li&uid in blender.
Co"er. %rocess on low speed until smooth.
'o test if smooth, rub a small amount
between your fingers. If any large particles
can be felt, process again. Add salt and
pepper to taste. (eat and ser"e. ield! 1
Broccoli and Cheese
) ounces fro*en broccoli in cheese
+ tablespoons milk or water
Cook broccoli as directed. Add milk or
water. ,lend until smooth. ield! 1 cup
2 ripe a"ocados
1 tomato
1-2 tablespoons lemon .uice
/arlic salt to taste
%eel a"ocados and cut into small pieces.
0ash with a fork. Cut tomato into small
pieces. Add lemon .uice and garlic salt.
,lend all ingredients until smooth. ield! 1
Spinach Souffle
1 package fro*en spinach souffle
can cream of chicken or cream of
mushroom soup
Cook spinach souffle according to
directions. (eat soup. %lace cooked souffle
and hot soup in blender and blend until
smooth. Add water as needed to make
more li&uid. ield! 2 - 2 cups
Cole Slaw
2 cups finely chopped cabbage
1 tablespoon of your fa"orite dressing
$alt to taste
%ut cabbage in blender with enough cold
water to co"er. %rocess on chop cycle.
%our into strainer and drain well. %ut
drained cabbage, dressing, and seasoning
into blender. ,lend until cabbage is no
longer "isible. ield! 2 cups
Gelatin Salad
2 tablespoons fla"ored gelatin powder
1 cup boiling water
cup fresh or cooked fruit
%ut gelatin into boiling water. $tir until
dissol"ed. %ut gelatin and fruit into blender
and blend until smooth. 1et cool to
drinkable temperature. 2rink warm. ield!
1 cup
Cottage Cheese and Fruit
1 cup cottage cheese
cup cooked or canned fruit
cup fruit .uice
Add all ingredients to blender. ,lend well.
ield! 1 ser"ing
Potato or Macaroni Salad
1 cup potato or macaroni salad
1 cup milk
%ut salad into blender. ,lend until smooth.
Add milk and blend until of li&uid
consistency. ield! 1-132 cups

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