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Making Big Dust Explotion

Part: 01
1. Add a Standard Flow. Delete Shape and Rotation operator.
2. Speed Operator : Speed = 650
Variation = 150
Divergence = 30 degree
Reverse = On
3. Birth Operator : Emit Stop =1
Amount = 500
4. Add Delete operator. =Check By particle age.
Life Span = 2
Variation = 2
Part: 02
1. Create a Fumefx Particle Source Helper. Add Particle System on it.
2. Create Fumefx grid.
Width : 165.0
Length : 165.0
Height: 215.0
3. Open Fumefx UI. Go to Obj/Src Tab. Add FFx Particle Src
Radius: 5.0
Variation: 45.0
Velocity Multiplier: Amount: 2.5
Variation: 35.0
4. Go to Simulation Tab.
Maximum Iteration : 100
Auto Key X-Turbulence Frame : 0 set: 3.5
Frame : 6 set : 0.1
Auto Key Time Scale; Frame 0= 2.5
Frame 10=1.0
Turbulence Noice : Scale : 3.0
Details : 5.0
Frames : 20
Blocking Side : [-Z]
Temperature Buoyancy : 0.3
Auto Key Burn Rate Frame =0 set : 20
Frame =7 set : 7.0
Burn Rate Variation : 0.9
Expansion: 2.2
Creating burn shaders and lightning
1. Go to Rendering Tab
Fire: Color : 0 .52; Activate Key Mode
Opacity : 2.2 ; Disable Graph.

Color: A: R=240 B: R=236 C: R=255 D: R=255 E:R=30
G=132 G=40 G=150 G=121 G=30
B=37 B=14 B=13 B=13 B=30
2. Add a Target Direct Light.
Shadows : ON
Ray Traced Shadows
Intensity: Multiplier: 0.96
Shadow Parameter : Atmosphere Shadows: ON
Copy it. Make total 3 Light from different sides. Add this 3 Light in Fumefx.

Adding Smoke Trails to our Explosions

1. Create Fumefx grid.
Width : 430.0
Length : 310.0
Height: 175.0
2. Copy the Particle Helper. Name it Smoke__Trails. Delete old PF
3. Copy the Old PF Source
Birth: Emit Start = 0
Emit Stop =1
Amount = 70
Speed: Speed = 300
Variation = 180
Divergence = 85
Delete: Remove = By Particle Age
Life Span = 5
Variation = 4
4. Add a Spawn Operator.
Spawn Rate and amount: By Travel Distance.
Step Size: 05.0
Speed: Inherited = 0.0

5. Add a Gravity Force

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