Melissas Resume

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9436 Stanfield Ct

Stockton, CA 95209
Melissa M Maultsby
May 2014- Current University of the Pacific Stockton, CA
Teaching Cedential in School of !ducation
o Antici"ated Co#"letion $ate% May 20&5
August 2010- May 2014 University of the Pacific Stockton, CA
'achelo of Ats in (ealth, !)ecise, and S"ot Science *edagogy+
o $i,ision - .ield (ockey *laye fo 4 yeas+
o !aned in May, 20&4
August 200- !une 2010 "a##$rook Union %igh Schoo# "a##$rook, CA
(igh School $i"lo#a
o !aned /une, 20&0
May 2014 University of the Pacific Stockton, CA
0ni,esity of the *acific S"ots Technology Se#ina
o -nteacted 1ith Coaches and S"ot Technology *ofessionals
o 2eaned ho1 to use and install S"ot,u and S"ot Tech
&cto$er 200'(2012 )ucas &i# Stadiu* +ndiana,o#is, +A
3ational ..A 2eadeshi" Con,ention Attendee
o *ofessional de,elo"#ent
o *oble# sol,ing 1oksho"s
A,ri# 200'(2010(2012 "resno State University "resno, CA
Califonia State ..A 2eadeshi" Confeence
o *ofessional $e,elo"#ent
o *oble# Sol,ing 4oksho"s
o Caie $e,elo"#ent
-o#unteer .ork
August 200-Current /0E0+010S "a##$rook, CA
5+!+-+3+S Thea"eutic (ose#anshi"
o Assist students and instuctos thoughout the lesson
o 4ash, lead, feed, and tack hoses
o Side1alk in lessons to insue the safety of the students
May 2014 University of the Pacific Stockton, CA
6ne+ T2C Ad,ocacy *o7ect
o 6gani8ed a ,aiety of fundaises
o 9oal 1as to "o,ide the students 1ith the #eans to be "hysically acti,e
o 6gani8ed a field day to "o,ide instuction and engage the students in "hysical acti,ity
!#ail% #:#aultsby;u+"acific+edu
Tel% <=60> 6?9@5&5=
9436 Stanfield Ct
Stockton, CA 95209
Melissa M Maultsby
!anuary 2014 one0 2)C Stockton, CA
6ne+ T2C <ho#eless school in Stockton, CA>
o Ceated *hysical !ducation lesson "lans fo teaches
o *o,ided *hysical !ducation instuction fo students
o 5ecuited othe #e#bes of the *edagogy Club to attend
!anuary 2014 C#eve#and E#e*entary Schoo# Stockton, CA
Tige *ide
o 6bse,ed a "ee teaching and e,aluated hi# though Syste#atic 6bse,ations
o 5etie,ed students fo# classoo# and lead the# to thei "hysical education lesson
o 5ecoded lessons 1ith a ,ideo ca#ea and u"loaded the# fo the teache to ,ie1
!o$ E3,erience
August 200-!une 2011 "a##$rook Union %igh Schoo# "a##$rook, CA
MelissaAs Mu#s and Moe
o CeatedBo1ned nusey #ateial co#"any
o Tans"lanted, 1ateed, fetili8e and tans"oted "lant #ateial
o -n chage of #aketing, custo#e elations, and business tansaction
August 2011- May 2014 University of the Pacific Stockton, CA
*esonal Cae Assistant
o 5es"onsible fo 1heel chai tansfes
o Assisting 1ith daily tasks and needs
o 5es"onsible fo #aintaining the "atients "lace of esidency
May 2014- Current University of the Pacific Stockton, CA
Tuto fo Students 1ith -#"ai#ents
o Assistant students 1ith technology challenges
o *oof eading assign#ents befoe they ae sub#itted
o 'eing a esouce 1hen student does not undestand the #ateial being studied
!une 2012 San 4iego County "air 4e# Mar, CA
2i,estock !)hibit 4oke
o 6gani8ed and set u" li,estock sho1s
o Tans"oted li,estock ani#als
o Assisted e)hibitos 1ith any concens o needs
!anuary 2015- May 2014 USA "ie#d %ockey Stanford, CA
.utues Assistant Coach
o 6gani8e field hockey "actices
o Co##unicate 1ith "aents and athletes
o Coach elite le,el taining sessions fo high school athletes that 1ant to "usue highe le,el hockey
!#ail% #:#aultsby;u+"acific+edu
Tel% <=60> 6?9@5&5=
9436 Stanfield Ct
Stockton, CA 95209
Melissa M Maultsby
A,ri# 2015- A,ri# 2014 "a##$rook Union %igh Schoo# "a##$rook, CA
(igh School .ield (ockey 5efeee
o !nfocing the ules of field hockey at high school le,el touna#ents
!une 2012-August 2012 -ista %igh Schoo# -ista, CA
(ead Coach of Cista (igh School Su##e .ield (ockey *oga#
o Ceate su##e fitness "lans
o 6gani8e "actices and enfoced the#
o 'e a esouce fo both the athletes and thei "aents
May 2015 University of the Pacific Stockton, CA
Coaching and (o1 Thei 4ods Affect The *efo#ance of College Athletes
o Co#"lied data and co#"aed it to aleady e)isting eseach
o *esented it to fello1 "ees at the 0ni,esity of the *acific
o *o,ided the eseach to so#e collegiate coaches at the 0ni,esity of the *acific
"ie#d %ockey E3,erience
August 2010- May 2014 University of the Pacific Stockton, CA
0ni,esity of the *acific .ield (ockey Tea#
o 6utstanding 6ffensi,e *laye in 20&&
o To" Scoe in 20&2
o 5anked fouth in o,eall "oints in *acific .ield (ockeyAs (istoy
!anuary 2012- May 2012 USA "ie#d %ockey Stanford, CA
(igh *efo#ance
o !lite le,el field hockey taining fo athletes 1ith at least & season of collegiate e)"eience
May 2012 University of Mary#and Co##ege Park, M4
0SA .ield (ockey 3ational Cha#"ionshi"
o Me#be of the Califonia tea#
August 200- !une 2010 "a##$rook Union %igh Schoo# "a##$rook, CA
.allbook .ield (ockey
o S"ots#anshi" A1ad in 2009
o C-. .inalist in 2009
o .esti,al Cha#"ions in 2009
!#ail% #:#aultsby;u+"acific+edu
Tel% <=60> 6?9@5&5=
9436 Stanfield Ct
Stockton, CA 95209
Melissa M Maultsby
&+ Andy S#ith
(ead .ield (ockey Coach
0ni,esity of the *acific
!#ail% as#ith=;"acific+edu
Tel% 209 946 2249
2+ 2i8 Skeels
5egional $e,elo"#ent Manage
0SA .ield (ockey
!#ail% d#&&;usafieldhockey+co#
Tel% 209 50= 606?
3+ 2isa 'ittan
*esonal Cae Assistant
!#ail% l:bittan;u+"acific+edu
!#ail% #:#aultsby;u+"acific+edu
Tel% <=60> 6?9@5&5=

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