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Dados los siguientes cuestionamientos, responde en un documento MS Word con

una longitud mxima de 1 cuartillas:

a) Investiga la estructura y menciona a que tipo de referencia bibliogrfica (APA,
MLA, Chicago, CSE, etc.,) corresponde cada uno de los siguientes trabajos:

Cedillo-Hernndez M., Garca-Ugalde M., Nakano-Miyatake M. and Prez-
Meana H.M. (2014). Robust hybrid color image watermarking method based on
DFT domain and 2D histogram modification. Signal, Image and Video
Processing, 8,1, 49-63. Retrieved
Cedillo-Hernndez M., Garca-Ugalde M., Nakano-Miyatake M. and Prez-
Meana H.M. "Robust hybrid color image watermarking method based on DFT
domain and 2D histogram modification" Signal, Image and Video Processing
8.1 (2014): 49-63. Web. 30 May. 2014.
Cedillo-Hernndez M., Garca-Ugalde M., Nakano-Miyatake M. and Prez-
Meana H.M. 2014. "Robust hybrid color image watermarking method based on
DFT domain and 2D histogram modification." Signal, Image and Video
Processing 8 (1): 49-63. Accessed May 30, 2014.

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