Ek Umowa o Prace Na Czas Okreslony Eng

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Employment contract for a defined period

concluded on in between:
data miejscowo
with its seat in
nazwa firmy
, ,
miejscowo, ulica nr domu i lokalu
represented by hereinafter referred
imi, nazwisko, stanowisko
to as the Employer.
residing in
imi i nazwisko
, ,
miejscowo, ulica nr domu i lokalu
hereinafter referred to as Employee.
The Employer shall employ the Employee as a
in the seat of the firm, in , ,
miejscowo, ulica nr domu, lokalu
for the defined period of time - in a full time job.
data data
The Employee starts his/her work on
data rozpoczcia pracy
Within the employment the Employee shall obtain the remuneration paid in the way and due
to the conditions determined in the labour regulation, passed in the firm
on , consisted of the following
data pryj!cia regulaminu data pryj!cia regulaminu
"trona # $
$. basic remuneration % &say: ' ()* gross,
kwota kwota sownie
+. bonuses on the conditions determined in the labour regulations passed in
nazwa firmy data przyjcia regulaminu
The (arties foresee the possibility of termination of this agreement with
dugo okresu wypowiedzenia
This agreement has been made in two identical copies, one copy for each (arty.
E,()-.EE E,()-.E/
podpis pracownika podpis pracodawcy
"trona # +

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