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Ome sai ram

Ome namo venkatesaya
Soft Ware Testing:
Why did you choose this Course?
* 1. Scope of getting job is very high.
2. No need to depend up on any technoogies.
!. "esting remains forever
#. $ %ant to be consistent through out my ife
Why e&picity the s'% companies are recruited the test

1. One person cannot efficienty perform t%o tas(s at a time
2. Sentimenta attachment.
Who can do the course?
)ny graduate can do this course at this point of time
What e&acty %e re*uire to get a job?
1. Stuff
2. Communication s(is
!. Confidence
#. +ynamism
,roject is some thing that is deveoped based on the particuar customers
re*uirements and used by that customer ony . /.g.- 0arriage addu1
It is some thing that is developed based on the companies specification and used by
the multiple customers e!g!: Thirupathi laddu"
$lassical definition for %uality: & #uality is defined as 'ustification of all the
re%uirements of customer in a product!
(OT): #uality is not defined in the product* it is defined in the customers mind
+efect: & +efect is defined as deviation from the re%uirements 1
Page ,
-atest definition for %uality: & %uality is defined as not only the 'ustification of
re%uirements but also the presence of value .ser friendliness"
Testing is processes/ in 0hich the defects are identified/ isolated/ sub'ected for
rectification 1 ensure that the product is defect free! In order to produce the %uality
product in the end and hence customer satisfaction!
2idding The Pro'ect:
2idding the pro'ect is defined as re%uest for proposal/ estimation and signing off
Official agreement"!
3ick Off 4eeting:
It is an initial meeting conducted in the soft 0are company soon after the pro'ect is
signed off! In order to discuss the overvie0 of the pro'ect and to select a pro'ect manager
for the pro'ect!
.sually high level management/ Pro'ect managers/ team managers/ %uality
managers/ team leads and %uality leads 0ill be involved in this meeting!
PI( Pro'ect Initiation (ote":&
It is a mail prepared by the pro'ect manager and sent to the $)O of the soft 0are
company in order to get the permission to start the pro'ect developments!
Soft0are +evelopment -ife $ycle S+-$":&
S+-$ contains si5 phases they are
1! Initial phase or re%uirements phase!
,! 6nalysis phase
7! +esign phase
8! $oding Phase
9! Testing Phase
:! +elivery 1 4aintenance Phase!
I. Initial Phase or Requirements Phase :
a" Tasks: Interaction 0ith the customer and gathering the re%uirements!
b" ;oles: 2usiness 6nalyst 2!6"/ )ngagement 4anager )!4"
Process: <irst of all the business analyst 0ill take an appointment from the customer/
collects the templates from the company/ meets the customer on appointed day/ gathers the
re%uirements 0ith the help of template and comes back to the company 0ith the
re%uirements documents!
Once the re%uirement document has come to the company the engagement
manager 0ill check 0hether the customer gives any e5tra re%uirements or confused 2
Page 7
re%uirements! In case of e5tra re%uirements he deals the e5cess cost of the pro'ect! In case
of confused re%uirements he is the responsible for prototype demonstration and gathering
the clear re%uirements!
Proof: The proof document of this phase is ;e%uirements +ocument! This is called 0ith
different names in different companies!
1! <;S <unctional ;e%uirements Specification"
,! $;S $ustomer ;e%uirement Specification"
7! .;S .ser ;e%uirement Specification"
8! 2++ 2usiness +esign +ocument"
9! 2+ 2usiness +ocument"
:! 2;S 2usiness ;e%uirement Specification"
Some companies may maintain the over all business flo0 information in one document and
the detailed functional re%uirement information in the other document
Templates: It is a pre defined format/ 0hich contains the predefined fields/ and used
for preparing a document in an easy/ comfort and perfect manner!
Prototype: &+efined as a roughly 1 ;apidly developed model 0hich is used for
demonstrating to the client/ In order to gather the clear re%uirements and to 0in the
confidence of a customer!
II. Analysis Phase:
a" Tasks:
1!<easibilty Study
,!Tentative planning
7! Technology Selection
8! ;e%uirement 6nalysis
b" ;oles: System 6nalyst/ Pro'ect 4anager/ and Team 4anager!
1! <easibility Study: & It is detailed study of the re%uirements in order to check
0eather the re%uirements are possible or not!
,! Tentative Planning: In this section the resource planning and the time planning
scheduling" is done temporarily!
7! Technology Selection: & The list of all the technologies that are re%uired to
accomplish this pro'ect! Successfully 0ill be analy=ed and listed out in this section! 3
Page 8
8! ;e%uirement 6nalysis: & The list of all the re%uirements that are re%uired to
accomplish this pro'ect! Successfully 0ill be analy=ed and listed out here in this
S;$& System re%uirement specification
Proof: & The proof of this phase is system ;e%uirement specification!
III. Design Phase: -
1! >igh level designing
,! -o0 level designing
;oles: >igh&level designing is done by the chief 6rchitect 1 -o0 level designing is
done by the Technical -ead
Process: The $hief architect 0ill be dra0ing some diagrams using unified modeling
language in order to divide the 0hole pro'ect in to modules!
The Technical lead 0ill also dra0 some diagrams in order to divide the modules in to
sub modules!
The technical lead 0ill also develop the PS).+O code in order to make developers
comfortable 0hile de7veloping the actual code!
Proof: The proof document of this phase is Technical design document!
IV. Coding phase:
a" Task: +eveloping or Programming
b" ;oles: +evelopers or Programmers
Process: +evelopers 0ill develop the actual code by using the technical design document
as 0ell as follo0ing the coding standards like Proper indentation/ color coding/ proper
commenting and etc!!/
Proof: The proof document of this phase is source code +ocument!
)!g!: The programmer 0ill develop some programs every one 0ill develop his program in
different colors but the soft 0are companies 0ill ask the developers to develop the
program according to the company standards using proper color/ coding/ commenting! So
as to understand it easily!
V. Testing Phase:
a" Task: Testing 4
Page 9
b" ;oles: Test engineers
1! <irst of all the test engineers 0ill collect the re%uirements
document and try to understand all the re%uirements
,! While understanding it at all they get any doubts they 0ill list out
all of them in a revie0 report!
7! They 0ill send the revie0 report to the author of the re%uirements
document for clarifications!
8! Once the clarifications are given and after understanding all the
re%uirements clearly/ they 0ill take the test case template and
0rites the test cases!
9! Once the first build is released then they 0ill e5ecute the test cases
:! If at all any defects are found! They 0ill list out all of them in a
defect profile template then
?! They 0ill sent the defect profile document to the development
department and then 0ill be 0aiting for the ne5t build to be
@! Once the ne5t build is released then they re&e5ecute the test cases!
A! If at all any defects are found they 0ill update the profile document
and sent it to the development department and 0ill be 0aiting for
the ne5t build to be released !
1B! This process continuous till the product is defect free!
Proof: The proof of the testing phase is #uality Product!
Test $ase: def" Test case is an idea of a test engineer based on the customerCs
re%uirements in order to test a particular feature or a function!
VI. Delivery & aintenan!e Phase:
a" Task: & Installing the application in the clientCs environment 5
Page :
b" ;olls: &+eployment engineer or Senior test engineers!
Process: & The senior test engineer or deployment engineer 0ill be going to the clients place
and install the application in their environment 0ith the help of the guidelines provide in
the deployment document!
6fter delivering the soft 0are 0hile using if at all any problem occurs then
that problem becomes a task/ based on that problem corresponding roles 0ill be
appointed/ the roles 0ill defined the process and solve that problem!
Some clients may re%uest for the continuous maintenance in such situations a group
of people from the soft0are company 0ill be continuously 0orking on the clients place and
taking care of the soft 0are!
Where e5actly the testing comes in to pictureF
Which sort of testing you are e5pectingF
>o0 many sorts of testing are thereF
There are t0o sorts of testingG!
1! .n&conventional testing
,! $onventional testing
1!.n&conventional Testing: &.nconventional testing is a sort of testing done by the
%uality assurance people/ in 0hich they test each and every out come document right from
initial phase of the S+-$ Soft 0are development life cycle"
,!$onventional Testing: It is sort of testing done by the test engineers on the application
in the testing phase of S+-$!
Testing 4ethodology or Testing techni%ues:
There are three methods of testing
a" 2lack&2o5 Testing
b" White&2o5 Testing 6
Page ?
a" Grey&2o5 Testing
a" 2lack&2o5 Testing: If one performs testing only on the functional part of an
application 0ith out having any structural kno0ledge then tat method of testing is
kno0n as 2lack&2o5 testing/ usually the test engineers perform it!
b" White&2o5 Testing: If one performs testing on the structural part of an
application then that method of testing is kno0n as 0hite bo5 testing/ usually the
developers or 0hite bo5 testers perform it!
c" Grey&2o5 Testing: If one performs testing on both the functional part as 0ell as
the structural part of an application then that method of testing as kno0n as gray
bo5 testing using the test engineers 0ho have structural kno0ledge 0ill perform
gray& bo5 testing!
-evels of Testing:
There are five levels of testing
1! .nit -evel Testing
,! 4odule -evel Testing
7! Integration -evel Testing
8! System -evel Testing
9! .ser 6cceptance Testing .!6!T"
1!.nit -evel Testing: &
It is a level of testing in 0hich one 0ill perform testing on the units! It is a 0hite bo5
testing and usually developers or 0hite bo5 testers 0ill perform!
,!4odule -evel Testing: &
4odule: 4odule is defined as a group of related functionalities to perform a ma'or task
It is a level of testing in 0hich one 0ill perform testing on the modules! It is a black bo5
testing and usually test engineers perform it!
7!Integration -evel Testing: &
It is a level of testing in 0hich the developers 0ill develop some interfaces to
integrate the modules and test 0hether the interfaces are 0orking fine or not! It is a 0hite
bo5 testing usually developers or 0hite bo5 tasters perform! 7
Page @
The developers may follo0 one of the follo0ing approaches 0hile integrating the
1!Top&do0n approach
,!2ottom Hup approach
7!>ybrid or Sand0ich approach
8!2igbang approach
1!Top&do0n approach: & In this approach one 0ill develop the parent modules first and
then integrate them 0ith the related child modules
,!2ottom&up approach: & In this approach one 0ill develop the child modules first and
integrate them to the parent modules
7!>ybrid approach Or Sand0ich approach:& This is a mi5ed approach of both the
top do0n and bottom up approaches
8!2ig bang approach:&In this approach one 0ill 0ait till all the modules are ready and
finally they 0ill integrate all the modules at a time
ST.2: & While integrating the modules in top do0n approach if at all any mandatory
module is missing then that module is replace 0ith a temporary program kno0n as ST.2
+;II);: &While integrating the modules in bottom up approach! If at all any
mandatory module is missing then that module is replaced 0ith a temporary program
kno0n as +;II);
8!System -evel Testing:
It is a level of testing in 0hich one 0ill install the complete application in to the
environment and then perform testing on it! 6t this level different types of testing 0ill be
done one among those is system integration testing!
9!System integration Testing: &
It is a type of testing in 0hich once the complete application is developed one 0ill
perform an action at one module and checks for the reflections at the corresponding
modules! It is a black bo5 testing and usually test engineers perform!
:!.ser& 6cceptance Testing: &
It is the level of testing in 0hich one 0ill perform the same system testing in the
presence of the user in order to make him accept the application! It is a black bo5 testing
and usually Test engineer performs it!
)nvironment: & )nvironment is a combination of three layers e!g!: Jahoo"
a! Presentation layer 8
Page A
b! 2usiness layer
c! +ata base -ayer
System: The application installed in to an environment combinable called as system!
a! Presentation -ogic: The logic that is used for vie0ing application is kno0n as
presentation logic
b! 2usiness -ogic: & The logic that is used for performing the operations on the
application is kno0n as business logic!
c! +ata 2ase -ogic: & The logic that is used for sharing and retrieving the data is
kno0n as database logic!
Types of )nvironment: & There are <our types of environments
a. Stand alone environment or One-tier environment
b. Client server environment or Two-tier Architecture
c. Web environment or Three-tier Architecture
d. Distributed environment or N-tier Architecture
a! Stand 6lone environment: &
In this type of environment all the three layers that is presentation layer/
2usiness layer1 +atabase layer 0ill be present in al single tier! This type of
environment is suitable for single user application!
One&Tier 6rchitecture
2- One tier 6rchitecture
b! $lient Hserver environment:
In this type of environments there 0ill be t0o tiers/ one tier is for clients and
other tier is for database servers! The presentation layer and the business
layer 0ill be present in each and every client ! The database layer 0ill be
present in the database server! This type of environment is suitable for multi
user application in a single or a limited area!
T0o tier 6rchitecture 9
Page 1B
P-K2- +2-
$lients Server
c! Web environment: & In his type of environment three tiers 0ill be there! One is for
clientCs the middle one is for application server and the other one is for database
servers! Presentation layer 0ill be present at clients/ 2usiness layer 0ill be present in
the application server/ and database layer 0ill be present at the database servers! This
type of environment is suitable for the applications that are used all over the 0orld by
limited number users
Three&tier 6rchitecture:
Web server: &
It is soft0are/ 0hich provides 0eb services to the clients!
)!g!: & Internet Information service IIS"!
)5ample for 6pplication servers: Tom pact/ Web logic/ 0eb sphere etc!!/
d! +istributed environment: &
It is similar to the 0eb environment but the number of application servers are
increased and represented in individual tiers in order to distribute the
business logic so that the logic 0ill be distributed!
(&tier 6rchitecture: 1
$lients 6ppl Server +atabase server
Page 11
be displayed LInvalid username Please try againM
.pon entering valid username/ In valid pass0ord and clicking on login button an
error message should be displayed LInvalid Pass0ord Please Try againM
.pon entering Invalid username/ Invalid pass0ord and clicking on login button an
error message should be displayed LInvalid user name and pass0ord Please try

Pre&$onditions: -ogin screen must be available
Post&$onditions: )ither home page or admin page for the valid user and error message
for the invalid users 1
$lients 6pl server1 6pl server, 6pl server, +atabase server
Page 1,
<lo0 of )vents: There are three flo0s for the application
1! Main Flow
2.Alternative Flow
3.Exceptional Flow
1!4ain <lo0:
6ction ;esponse
1!6ctor invokes the application!
,!6ctor enters valid user name/ Ialid
pass0ord and clicks on login button!
7!6ctor enters valid user name/ valid
pass0ord/ selects a database option and
clicks on login button!
8!6ctor enters invalid user name Ialid
pass0ord and clicks on login button!
9!6ctor enters valid user name/ Invalid
pass0ord and clicks on login button!
:!6ctor enters both username and
pass0ord invalid and clicks on login
?!6ctor enters some information in to any
of the fields and clicks on clear button!
@!6ctor clicks on the cancel button!
1!-ogin Screen is displayed 0ith the follo0ing fields
.sername/ Pass0ord/ $onnect to/ -ogin/ $lear1
,!)ither home page or admin page is displayed
depending up on the actor entered by authenticating!
7!6uthenticates/)ither home page or admin page is
displayed depending up on the action entered 0ith
mentioned data base connection!
8!Go to 6lternative flo0 table 1
9!Go to 6lternative flo0 table ,
:!Go to 6lternative flo0 table 7
?!Go to 6lternative glo0 table 8
@!Go to 6lternative flo0 table 9!
1!6lternative flo0 table 1: &Invalid .ser name"
6ction ;esponse 1
Page 17
6ctor enters invalid user name/ valid
pass0ord and clicks on login button
6uthenticates an error message is
displayed LInvalid .ser name Please Try
,!6lternative <lo0 Table ,: &Invalid Pass0ord"
6ction ;esponse
6ctor enters valid user name/ invalid
pass0ord and clicks on login button
6uthenticates an error message is
displayed LInvalid .ser Pass0ord Please
Try againM!
7!6lternative <lo0 Table 7: & Invalid username 1 Pass0ord"
6ction ;esponse
6ctor enters invalid user name/ invalid
pass0ord and clicks on login button
6uthenticates an error message is
displayed LInvalid .ser name and
pass0ord Please Try againM!
8!6lternative <lo0 Table 8: & $lear $lick"
6ction ;esponse
6ctor enters some information in any of
the fields and clicks on clear button
6ll the fields are cleared and cursor is
placed in the user name fields
9!6lternative <lo0 Table 8: &$ancel click"!
6ction ;esponse
6ctor $licks on the cancel button! -ogin screen is close
Identify the module to 0hich the use case belongs!
Security module!
Identify the functionality of the use case 0ith respect to the total functionality
Identify the functional points and prepare the functional point document!
Identify the input re%uired to perform testing
Ialid 1 invalid Inputs
Identify the actors involved in the used case
(ormal user 1 6dmin user!
Identify 0hether the use case is linked 0ith any other use case!
>ome page and 6dmin page use cases
Identify the pre conditions
-ogin Screen mist be available
Identify the post conditions 1
Page 18
)ither home page or admin page for valid users and error message for invalid users
.nderstand the main flo0 of the application
.nderstand the alternative flo0 of the application
.nderstand the special re%uirements
+ocument the test cases for the main flo0
+ocument the test cases for the alternative flo0
+ocument the test cases for the special re%uirements
Prepare the cross&reference matri5!
<unctional Point: &
The point 0here an user can perform some action is kno0n as functional
Testing Process: &
<;S <P+ 4T$+ +T$+ +P+
!"#$ !unc%ional "&'uir&m&n% #(&ci)ica%ion
!PD$!unc%ional (or% Docum&n%
*+,D$*as%&r +&s% ,as& Docum&n%
D+,D$D&%ail&d +&s% ,as& Docum&n%
DPD$D&)&c% Pro)il& Docum&n%
$ross ;eference +ocument: &Traceably +ocument"
It is a document/ 0hich contains a table of linking information used for tracing back
for the reference in any kind of ambiguous confusion" or %uestionable situation! 1
Login ,lic1
,anc&l ,lic1
,l&ar ,lic1
2alida%& Login
2alida%& ,anc&l
2alida%& ,l&ar
Page 19
$ommon Tracebility 4atri5
;e%uirement Tracebility 4atri5
T$I+ ;)# I+
+efects Tracebility +ocument
+I+ T$I+
Types Of Test Cases:
There are T0o types of test cases if 0e see broadly they are:
1. GUI Test Cases
2. Functional Test Cases
The <unctional cases are further divided in to T0o types
(a) ositive Test Cases!
(") #e$ative Test Cases!
Guide -ines fro developing the G.I Test $ases:
$heck for the availability of all the ob'ects
$heck for the alignments of all the ob'ects up on customer re%uirements
$heck for the consistency of all the ob'ects
$heck for the spellings and grammar
6part from the above guide lines any thing else that can be tested 'ust by looking
0ith out doing any actions 0ill fall under G.I test cases 1


!PD *+,D D+,D DPD
,@ 1
Page 1:
Guide -ines for Positive Test $ases:
6 test engineer should have positive mind set up
>e should consider the positive flo0 of the application
>e should use only the valid Input
Guidelines for developing (egative Test $ases:
6 test engineer should have negative mind set up
>e should consider the negative flo0 of the application
>e should use at least one invalid input per a set of data
Test $ase Template: &
a" Test Ob'ective
b" Test scenario
c" Test procedure
d" Test +ata
e" Test $ases
"a# Test $%&e!tive: -
The main purpose of the document is described here in this section
"%# Test '!enarios: -
The list of all the scenarios that are to be tested 0ill be listed out here in this
"!#Test Pro!edure: -
+)<: It is a functional level term/ 0hich describes ho0 to perform testing on
the functionalities of the application!
The plan for testing the functionalities is briefly described here in this
"d# Test Data: -
The date that is re%uired for testing is made available here in this section
"e# Test Cases: -
The format of a test case template is given belo0
T$I+ T$
+)S$;IPTIO( )I 6I ;esult Severity Priorit
;eference 1
Page 1?
Test case Table
$+ "4,/ +escription /&pected 5aue )ctua 5aue 6esut Severity ,riority 6eference
Check for the availability
of all the objects as per
the Login Obj Tab
All the objects !st be
available as per the
login obj tab
All the objects
are available as
per the login
obj tab ,ass
Check for the constancy
of all the objects
All the objects !st be
consistent #ith each
All the objects
are consistent
#ith each other ,ass
Check for the spellings of
all the objects as per the
Login obj TabLogin 4b5
All the objects !st be
spelle% properly as per
the login obj tab
All the objects
are spelle%
properly ,ass
Check for the enable
property of login' clear
an% cancel b!ttons
Initially login' clear
!st be %isable% an%
cancel b!tton !st be
Login' clear an%
cancel b!ttons
are enable% 7ai
Check for the initial
position of the c!rsor
Initially the c!rsor !st
be positione% in the
!ser nae fiel%
Initially the
c!rsor is present
in the !sernae
fiel% ,ass
) *ositive
+nter soe inforation in
to !ser nae an%
pass#or% fiel% an% check
for the enable% property of
login b!tton
Login b!tton !st be
Login b!tton is
enable% ,ass
, *ositive
+nter soe info in to any
of the fiel%s an% check for
the enable% property of
clear b!tton
Clear b!tton !st be
Clear b!tton is
enable% ,ass
- *ositive
+nter !ser nae'
*ass#or% as per the .IT
an% click on login b!tton
Correspon%ing page
!st be %isplaye% as
per the .IT
pages are
%isplaye% as per
vali% in p!ts
table ,ass
/ *ositive
+nter !sernae'
*ass#or% as per the .IT
an% select a %ata base
option an% click on login
Correspon%ing page
!st be %isplaye% as
per the .IT 0ith the
entione% %ata base
pages are
%isplaye% as per
the .IT #ith the
entione% %ata
base connection ,ass
11 *ositive
+nter soe inforation in
to any of the fiel%s an%
clear b!tton
All the fiel%s !st be
cleare% an% the C!rsor
sho!l% be place% in the
!ser nae fiel%s
All the fiel%s are
cleare% b!t the
c!rsor is not
place% in the
!ser nae fiel%2 7ai
11 *ositive Click on the cancel b!tton
Login screen sho!l% be
Login screens
close% ,ass 1
Page 1@
1" *ositive
Check for the tabbing
or%er of all the objects
Tabbing or%er !st be
as follo#s User nae'
*ass#or%' Connect to'
Login' Clear' Cancel
Tabbing or%er is
as follo#s
Connect to
Login' clear'
Cancel ,ass
1$ 3egative
+nter !sernae'
*ass#or% as per the I.IT
an% click on login b!tton
essages sho!l% be
%isplaye% as per I.IT
error essages
are not %isplaye%
as per I.IT 7ai
1& 3egative
+nter soe inforation
only in to the !ser nae
fiel% an% check for the
enable% property of login
Login b!tton !st be
Login b!tton is
enable% 7ai
1( 3egative
+nter soe inforation
only in to the pass#or%
fiel% an% check for the
enable% property of login
Login b!tton !st be
Login b!tton is
enable% 7ai
2O8$N O39 ")3
Sno Obj Name "ype
1 :ser name "e&t 3o&
2 ,ass%ord "e&t 3o&
! Connect "o Combo bo&
# 2ogin 3utton
; Cear 3utton
< Cance 3utton
5aid $nputs "abe
Sno :ser Name ,ass%ord /&pected ,age )ctua vaue 6esut
1 Suresh *tp )dmin )dmin ,ass
2 6aja rani =ome page =ome page ,ass
! Chiru mbbs =ome page =ome page ,ass
# ,raveen puppy =ome page =ome page ,ass
; N"6 iu =ome page =ome page ,ass
< )dmin )dmin )dmin )dmin ,ass 1
Page 1A
6 test )ngineer 0ill do the follo0ing during the test e5ecution
1! >e 0ill perform the action that is described in the description column
,! >e 0ill observe the actual behavior under the actual value column!
7! >e 0ill document the observed value under the actual value column!
In this phase the test engineer 0ill compare the e5pected values 0ith the actual values and if
both are matched they 0ill document the result as pass other 0ise they 0ill document the
result as fail!
2ug Tracking is a process in 0hich the defects are identified/ Isolated and managed
+efect HI+: & 1
5aid $nputs "abe .$5$"1
Sno :ser Name ,ass%ord /&pected ,age )ctua vaue 6esut
1 Suresh1 *tp Invali% User nae *l4 try again )dmin 7ai
2 6aja2 rani Invali% User nae *l4 try again
Invali% User nae *l4 try
again ,ass
! Chiru +)+)
Invali% pass#or% *l4 try
Invali% pass#or% *l4
try again ,ass
# ,raveen "O,$
Invali% pass#or% *l4 try
Invali% pass#or% *l4
try again ,ass
; N"61 iu#
Invali% !ser nae 5
pass#or% *l4 try again
Invali% !ser nae 5
pass#or% *l4 try again ,ass
< )dmin; )dmin<
Invali% !ser nae 5
pass#or% *l4 try again
Invali% !ser nae 5
pass#or% *l4 try again ,ass
Page ,B
The lists of defect numbers are mentioned here in this section!
Defect Description: -
What e5actly the defect is clearly described here in this section!
Steps for reproducibility: &
The list of all the steps that are follo0ed by the test engineer to identify the defect 0ill be
listed out here in this section!
Submitter: -
The name of the test engineer 0ho has submitted the defect 0ill be mentioned here in this
Date Submission: -
The date on 0hich the defect is submitted is mentioned here in this section!
Version No: -
$orresponding Iersion number is mentioned here in this section!
Build No: -
$orresponding build number is mentioned here in this section!
Assigned To: -
The development lead 0ill fill the developers name for 0hom the defect is assigned! 2
Page ,1 2
+efect $d
Steps for
6eproducibiity Submitter
+ate Of
to Severity,riorityStatus
Initially Login' cear
b!ttons are
enable% instea% of
being %isable%
3ot Applicable
6ri Balaji 11>7eb>?@ 1.?.? 1
Upon Clicking on
clear b!tton all the
fiel%s are cleare%
b!t the c!rsor is not
place% in the !ser
nae fiel%
12+nter soe
inforation in to any
of the fiel%s
"2Click on clear
$2Observe that the
c!rsor is not place%
in the !sernae
fiel%s after clearing
all the fiel%s
6ri Balaji 11>7eb>?@ 1.?.? 1
Upon entering
6!resh1 as
!sernae an% 7tp
as pass#or% an%
clicking on login
b!tton a%in page
is %isplaye% instea%
of error essage
12+nter 6!resh1 in
to the !ser nae
fiel% "2+nter
7tp in to the
pass#or% fiel%
$2Click on login
&2Observe a%in
page is %isplaye%
instea% of error
6ri Balaji 11>7eb>?@ 1.?.? 1
Up on entering the
inforation only in
to the !ser nae
fiel% login b!tton is
enable% instea% of
being %isable%
12+nter soe
inforation in to
!sernae fiel%
"2Check for the
enable% property of
login b!tton2
$2Observe that login
b!tton is enable%
instea% of being
6ri Balaji 1#>7eb>?@ 1.?.? 1
Upon entering the
inforation only in
to the pass#or%
fiel% login b!tton is
enable% instea%
being %isable%
12+nter soe
inforation in tho
pass#or% fiel%
"2Check for the
enable% property of
login b!tton
$2Observe that login
b!tton to enable
instea% of being
6ri Balaji 11>7eb>?@ 1.?.? 1
Page ,,
Defect- Id: -
The list of defect numbers are mentioned here in this section
Defect Description: -
What e5actly the defect is clearly described here in this section
Steps for reproducibility: -
The list of all the steps that are follo0ed by the test engineer to identify the
defect 0ill be listed out here in this section
Submitter: -
The name of the test engineer 0ho has submitted the defect 0ill be mentioned
here in this section!
Date Of Submission: -
The date on 0hich the defect is submitted is mentioned here in this section!
Version No: -
$orresponding Iersion number is mentioned here in this section!
Build No: &
$orresponding build number is mentioned here in this section!
Assigned To: -
The development lead 0ill fill the developers name for 0homthe defect is
Seerity: -
>o0 serious the defect is defined in terms of severity/ Severity is classified in to
four types:
1!<atal Sev1" or S1 or 1
,!4a'or Sev," or S, or ,
7!4inor Sev7" or S7 or 7
8!Suggestion Sev8" or S8 or 8
If at all the problems are related to the navigational blocks or unavailability of
functionality then such type of defects are treated to be fatal defect! 2
*ain *&nu

Page ,7
*.a&or: -
If at all the problems are related to the 0orking of ma'or functionalities then
such types of defects are treated to be ma'or defects!
+.inor: -
If at all the problems are related to the -ook 1 <eel of the application then
such type of defects are treated to be minor defects
,.'uggestions: -
If at all the problems are related to the value of the application then such type
defects are treated to be suggestions!
KIe integer 2o5 2
Pl= Try
Page ,8
Priority: -
Priority defines the se%uence in 0hich the se%uence in 0hich defects has to be
rectified! It is classified in to four types
1!$ritical Pri1" or P1 or 1
,!>igh Pri," or P, or ,
7!4edium Pri7" or P7 or 7
8!-o0 Pri8" or P8 or 8
.sually the <atal defects are given critical priority/ 4a'or defects are given
>igh priority/ 4inor defects are given 4edium Priority and suggestions are given -o0
Priority/ 2ut depending up on the situations the priority 0ill be changing!
I & $ase:
-o0 severity&>igh Priority $ase: &
.p on customer visit to the company all the look and feel defects are given
highest priority!
II & $ase:
>igh severity H-o0 Priority $ase: &
When ever @BN of the application is released to testing department as ,BN is
missing the test engineers 0ill treat them as <atal defect but the development lead 0ill give
least priority for those defects as features are under development! 2
Page ,9
2ug -ife $ycle: &
Build 91
Build 92

.o 2
8s i%
<i5ed for
6s per
Page ,:
Status: &
(e0: & When ever the defect is found for the first time the test engineer 0ill set the status as
Open: &When ever the developer accepts the raised defect then he 0ill set the status as open!
<i5ed for verification Or <i5ed for rectified: & When ever the developer rectifies the raised
defect then he 0ill change the status to fi5ed!
;e open and $losed: &When ever the defects are rectified/ ne5t build is released to the
testing dept then the test engineers 0ill check 0hether the defects are rectified properly or
not! If the defect is rectified properly then the test engineer 0ill set the status as L$losedM! If
the defect is not rectified properly then the test engineer 0ill set the status as L;e openM!
>old: & When ever the developer is confused to accept or re'ect the defect then he 0ill set
the status of the defect as hold!
Testers )rror or Testers 4istake Or ;e'ected: & When ever the developer is confirmed it is
not at all a defect hen he 0ill set the status of the defect as L ;e'ectedM!
6s Per +esign: & When ever the test engineer is not a0are of ne0 re%uirements and if he
raises defects related to the ne0 features then the developer 0ill set the status L 6s Per
(ote: This is a rare case not usually Occurs 2
Page ,?
+efect $ycle: 2

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