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vlay 3.

2006 Et-pcrIoN Tnoy Dal

Tipp voters OK lery funds
drasmussen@tdnpu blishing. com
The Tipp City three-year,
7.57-mili emergency operat-
ing levy passed 53 to 46 per-
cent Tuesday night.
The passage of the levy
will generate
and allow some of the cuts
made in the
tion to the budget that were
put into effect this past year
to be reinstated, according to
Supt. Tim
The school
board also
will hire
staff for some grade levels to
keep class sizes down, Zigler
want to say thanks
to the community," Zigler
said. "It's nice to have this
behind us.
very appre-
ciative of the community in
seeing the need."
Zigler said he was worried
that the levy might not pass,
but said he and the levy com-
mittee went into it with confr-
dence that they conveyed the
message to the people.
"It's always tough to have
an entire community agree to
raise their taxes," he said. "If
levy) had gone down
tonight we'd have to start
working on making reduc-
tions. We have certain
requirements and if the
money isn't there you present
the needs and then ask the
community what they want
of their school system
Some felt 'well if you're able
to make cuts you didn't need
it in the first place,'but we'd
have to make cuts again and
cut deeply and that doesn't
mean cuts are good for the
kids. But I'm happy (the
munity) saw it was in the
best interest of the kids and
we're looking forward to con-
tinuing to provide a good edu-
cation for the community."

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