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Credit Card Tweet Time

Directions - Create a fake Twitter feed that provides tips and explanations for budgeting and avoiding credit
card debt.
Step 1 Create fake info for the Twitter Account
Name of the Account - should relay that the account is about budgeting credit cards interest etc. !e
#ersonal name
Step 2 - %rite a tweet &'()* characters count them in %ord+ for each of the following topics. ,ou should
have (* tweets total"
(. ( tip to avoid credit card debt
-. Another tip to avoid credit card debt
.. Another tip to avoid credit card debt
). /xplain the importance of budgeting
0. /xplain the difference between minimum payments and paying your balance in full
1. 2ive an example of how long it will take to pay back a credit card bill with only minimum payments
3. /xplain how interest works on credit card bills
4. /xplain ( vocabulary word from a credit card statement
5. /xplain another vocabulary word from a credit card statement
(*. /xplain how to pay your credit card bill
,ou can look up 6ake Twitter 2enerators online and use one of those. 7r you can modify the text boxes over
the template below.
Tweets [4 points each]
o 8uality of information
o Accuracy
o Need (* total that meet re9uirements"
Creativity [5 points]
o :nteresting name of account bio location etc.
o ;se of hashtags or pictures
echanics [5 points]
o </=, few errors in spelling grammar or word usage
T!T"# 5$ %!&'TS
#ay your credit card balance in full every
month" >responsible
?eep track of all charges by keeping receipts and using a
check register" >besmart
Apply for only credit cards that you need" >stressless
Need to budget my money wisely so : can build an
emergency cash fund" >smartconsumer
:f you only pay the minimum balance you will end up
paying interest" >payitall
:t@ll take (( years to pay off A(0** bill with only minimum
payments >toomuchinterest
:f you don@t pay in full you get charge interest" >payitall
A penalty A#= is an interest rate charged on new transactions if
the penalty terms in the contract are triggered - don@t go over your
credit limit" >expensive
Annual fee is a fee that may be charged for having a credit card-
ask to make sure you get a low fee" >nofees
,ou can send in a check or pay online" >noworries
!arbie Cash
Biami 6$
Tweeting to help
stressful people

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