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Ian Schuster

Film 1070

" / Methamphetamine Lab
Incidents." /
Methamphetamine Lab Incidents.
N.p., n.d. Web. 09 June 2014.
Requiem for a Dream (2010)
Darren Aronofsky
Matthey Libatique
Bibliography Drugs in the Movies

Kinds of drugs
Drugs are classified in a few
different ways depending on how
they affect the body. Here are a
-Heroin - Methadone Oxycodone
- Cocaine - Methamphetamine
- LSD - Ecstasy - Inhalants
I recommend watching
this film
- Because it has a message and very
real perspective on drugs. This movie
shows the inside look on drugs and
how some addicts might function.
People use drugs because they allow
one to cope with their environment.
Drugs are so dangerous because of
addiction and suddenly people cant
do anything without them.

The American Dream
This film is about the pursuit of the
American Dream. Everyone wants
to grow up and be rich and marry.
Thats all the characters wanted.
Money is one of the biggest
motivating factors. Its no wonder
people like to get there easily by
selling drugs, its quick and easy or
so the stereotype goes.
Teens are subject to drugs
because of their lack of coping

Ages of drug users in U.S.
Total Meth Clandestine Laboratory
Incidents in the U.S. (2012)
24 Hour Addiction Helpline
Salt Lake County Behavioral
Health Services:

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