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Guest Name
Conf No.
Room No.
Arrival Date
Arrival time
Departure date
Departure time
Billing Instruction :
Invoice No. / Page : 1 / 1
Date Description !uantity
#otal Amount:
$ayment Received:
Balance Due:
#otal Amount (INR)
+)-+"" Room C/arge +)-+""Rm. "-+
+)-+"" Cess " 0
+)-+"" 1A# "+.. 0
+)-+"" Cas/ $ayment Advance deposit
Cas/ier2s 3ignature
Guest2s 3ignature
4 I agree t/at my lia5ility for t/is 5ill is not 6aived
and agree to 5e /eld personally lia5le in t/e
event t/at t/e indicated person& company or
association fails to pay for any part or t/e full
amount of t/e t/ese c/arges 7
$89A39 D9$:3I# ;:<R R::= >9; CARD. ($lease collect receipt 6/en paying 5y cas/)

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