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Problem-based learning, just like any other learning theory, has its

strenghts and weaknesses. Its main strengths are collboration and hands-on
experiences, which increase learning. The main weakness is that since PBL
is fairly new, there are not enough resources and tests available to work
with this model in all schools. If this learning theory is used along with
other theories and an eclectic approach is taken, it can be very effective.

The chart below shows the main strengths and weaknesses associated with

Strengths Weaknesses
-focus on: team work,
problem-solving and
independent thinking.

- students role: active,
activity-based, and
approach to learning.

-hands-on experience
with research

-Model can be
changed to fit
instructors goals and
-sometimes criticized for
having an "inflexible"
and "linear" model.

-research has shown that
this approach may
increase certain skills but
often results in poorer
performance on
"traditional tests" based
on specific subject

-available resources for
this type of approach are
limited and sometimes
PBL is unrealistic in its

-Students learn
problem before
learning how to solve
it, giving them the
chance to explore
options and possible

-learning is more
"enjoyable and

-working with peers
expectations for such

-learning can be
frustrating for students
without proper
facilitation (students are
no longer being given the
answers as in traditional
methods of teaching)

-there may be conflicting
or confusing information
at times.

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