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Social Studies Unit Plan

Day 1- Introduction to Civil Rights (Prior to 1963)
1. Class Data This will be an ideal classroom.
2. Standards Applicable
Common Core: 8. D!"#ST$C P!%$T$CS A&D '#(!'") The ci*il ri+hts mo*ement and the
,reat Societ- were attempts b- people and the +o*ernment to address ma.or social/ le+al/
economic/ and en*ironmental problems. Subse0uent economic recession called 1or a new
economic pro+ram.
Proessional !istory "tandards (#C$%): "tandard &%) The student understands the 2Second
'econstruction3 and its ad*ancement o1 ci*il ri+hts.
Common Core $iteracy "tandard: CC458'67SS2 Determine the central ideas or in1ormation o1
a primar- or secondar- source8 pro*ide an accurate summar- o1 the source distinct 1rom prior
9nowled+e or opinions.
Proessional $iteracy "tandard (aasl): 2.1.1 Continue an in0uir-5based research process b-
appl-in+ critical thin9in+ s9ills :anal-sis/ s-nthesis/ e*aluation/ or+ani;ation< to in1ormation and
9nowled+e in order to construct new understandin+s/ draw conclusions/ and create new
9nowled+e.2.1.= Use strate+ies to draw conclusions 1rom in1ormation and appl- 9nowled+e to
curricular areas/ real world situations/ and 1urther in*esti+ations.
=. %esson !b.ecti*es :Students will><
'no(: the 9e- details and e*ents o1 the ci*il ri+hts mo*ement to 14=.
#nderstand: the role that racisms and lac9 o1 e0ualit- pla-ed in the ci*il ri+hts mo*ement.
Do: Students will do research to acti*ate prior 9nowled+e based on the e*ent that occurred
durin+ ci*il ri+hts mo*ement.
?. Prior7Subse0uent %earnin+ Connections Students prior 9nowled+e will consist o1 basic
9nowled+e o1 e*ents and in1luential people durin+ the ci*il ri+hts be1ore 14=.
@. %esson Acti*ities
A. $ntroduction As the students enter the classroom we will ha*e a *ideo pla-in+. Ae will in1orm
the students that we are startin+ a new unit/ and this *ideo is an introduction to our new unit and
topic. This *ideo will include pictures and clips o1 9e- e*ents and people that were in*ol*ed with
and in1luenced the Ci*il 'i+hts mo*ement. A1ter the *ideo ends/ we will as9 the students what
the- thin9 we will be learnin+ about. The- will complete a thin95 pair share. This will ensure that
all o1 our students are in*ol*ed7participatin+.
B. $ndi*idual Aor9 The indi*idual wor9 in this lesson consists o1 the *ideo that is pla-ed at the
be+innin+ o1 the lesson. Durin+ this time the- will be tr-in+ to identi1- what our new units topic is.
C. ,roup Aor9 !ur +roup wor9 time is the main 1ocus o1 this lesson. Durin+ this time the
students will be completin+ a ci*il ri+hts Aeb Cuest. This Aeb Cuest consists o1 8 9e-
people7e*ents. The- will ha*e access to this document on our classroom blo+. !nce each student
+ets out their laptops/ and accesses the Aeb Cuest/ we will split the students up into +roups. The
9ids will be split up into hetero+eneous +roups based on abilit- :hi+her and lower le*el students
will be +rouped to+ether<.
#ach +roup will be assi+ned two 9e- people7e*ents to start with. The- will use the lin9s on the
document to answer the 0uestions about these 9e- people7e*ents. #ach student will ha*e a
laptop and will be readin+ all the articles that are on the lin9. The- will discuss all the 0uestions as
a whole +roup/ and will come up with an answer to+ether. The- will do this 1or all the 0uestions.
$1 an- +roup 1inishes earl-/ the- will ha*e access to arti1acts :primar-7secondar- sources< in which
the- will eDamine. These sources will help them +ain a lar+er understandin+ o1 the topic. Then the
students will complete a .i+saw acti*it-.
D. Closure !nce the acti*it- is complete/ each student will share with the class one 1acts that
the- 1ound interestin+ durin+ their .i+saw discussion.
4. "aterials5 computers/ wor9sheets/ Aeb Cuest/ pencils/ primar- sources
E. Assessments :As Applicable<
The students will be assessed based on their eDit tic9et. The students will be assessed on their
abilit- to eDpress one interestin+ 1act that the students learned about a di11erent topic other than
the one that the- studied durin+ the .i+saw.
8. Possible Ad.ustments to %esson
$1 the student +roups are ha*in+ di11icult- wor9in+ to+ether/ we will ad.ust the +roups so that the
students are more compatible. $1 students 1inish earl-/ the- will ha*e the option to loo9 at *arious
primar- sources that relate to the e*ents7people that the- ha*e studied. The- could also research
a second e*ent that the- would li9e to learn more about.
Da-s 2 and =5 %etters to Birmin+ham
"ocial "tudies "tandard:
Social Studies 8.a Students will compare and contrast the strate+ies
used b- ci*il ri+hts acti*ists such as Thur+ood "arshall/ 'osa Par9s/
"artin %uther Fin+ Gr./ and "alcolm H.
)nglish $anguage %rts "tandards:
Anal-;e a case in which two or more teDts pro*ide con1lictin+ in1ormation
on the same topic and identi1- where the teDts disa+ree on matters o1 1act
or interpretation.
%%"$ "tandards:
2.1.1 Continue an in0uir-5based research process b- appl-in+ critical
thin9in+ s9ills :anal-sis/ s-nthesis/ e*aluation/ or+ani;ation< to in1ormation
and 9nowled+e in order to construct new understandin+s/ draw
conclusions/ and create new 9nowled+e.
2.1.= Use strate+ies to draw conclusions 1rom in1ormation and appl-
9nowled+e to curricular areas/ real world situations/ and 1urther
*+,ective) Students will be able to respond to the in.ustices that the- ha*e learned
-aterials: Copies o1 %etters 2A Call to Unit-3 and 2%etters 1rom Birmin+ham3 1or the
students/ wor9sheets/ and IouTube *ideo.
$earning %ctivities) .ac/ground:
Dr. "artin %uther Fin+ Gr. was arrested on April 12
/ 14= in Birmin+ham/
Alabama 1or paradin+ without a permit and 1or de1-in+ a state order
bannin+ demonstrations. The same da- that Fin+ was arrested/ a letter/
si+ned b- ei+ht white ministers 1rom Birmin+ham and titled 2A Call 1or
Unit-/3 was printed in The Birmin+ham &ews. The letter called 1or an end
to protests and demonstrations 1or ci*il ri+hts in Birmin+ham. Fin+ spent
ei+ht da-s in .ail in Birmin+ham. !n April 14/ 14=/ Fin+ responded to 2A
Call 1or Unit-3 with his own call/ which has come to be 9nown as his
2%etter 1rom Birmin+ham Gail.3
Jocabular- to 1ocus on)
Students will be as9ed to 1ocus on 9nowin+ and usin+ these *ocabular-
words in their discussions. $ will pre5teach the words prior to the lesson
and students will be usin+ them throu+hout the lesson. The 2%etter 1rom
Birmin+ham Gail3 is a document 1ull o1 compleD *ocabular- so students
will be able to write down words the- donKt 9now on post5it notes and we
will be able to discuss them a1ter the lesson.
Students will 'ecei*e a cop- o1 both documents the letter 2A Call 1or
Unit-3 and the 2%etter 1rom Birmin+ham Gail3. The- will 1irst read 2A Call
1or Unit-3 which will act as a prelude into Dr. "artin %uther Fin+Ks
Since the document is so len+th-/ $ will pla- an audio recordin+ o1 the
document so students will listen to the readin+/ while 1ollowin+ alon+ and
ta9in+ notes.
Students will chat in small +roups wor9in+ to+ether to answer the
1ollowin+ 0uestions on their laptops :usin+ ,oo+le DocKs<
1. $n Fin+Ks response he writes/ 2$n.ustice an-where is a threat to
.ustice e*er-where. Ae are cau+ht in an inescapable networ9 o1
mutualit-/ tied in a sin+le +arment o1 destin-. Ahate*er a11ects
one directl-/ a11ects all indirectl-.3 Ahat are the implications o1 this
statement 1or all people in relation to social in.usticesL Do -ou
belie*e he is ri+htL Ah- or wh- notL
2. 6ow does Fin+ de1ine 2.ust3 laws and 2un.ust3 lawsL Ah- do -ou
a+ree or disa+ree with his reasonin+L Are there laws toda- that
-ou thin9 are un.ustL $1 so/ wh- are the- un.ust and wh- do people
continue to obe- themL
=. Fin+ writes/ 2Shallow understandin+ 1rom people o1 +ood will is
more 1rustratin+ than absolute understandin+ 1rom people o1 ill
will. %u9ewarm acceptance is much more bewilderin+ than
outri+ht re.ection.3 Ahat does he mean b- thisL Do -ou a+ree with
this statementL #Dplain -our answer.
?. $1 -ou were one o1 the cler+-men/ who wrote 2A Call to Unit-/3 how
do -ou thin9 -ou would *iew Fin+Ks letterL Ah-L
A1ter the students complete their 0uestions/ the- will print o11 their paper/
so that the- will ha*e a cop- 1or themsel*es/ as well as somethin+ to
re1erence durin+ the whole class con*ersation about the 0uestions.
%ssessment: P%A&) (or tic9et out the door/ students will write down their 1inal thou+hts
on in.ustice and what it means to them and the- will also ha*e access to
the two letters as a re1erence material.
T!!%) The tic9et out the door acti*it- as described in the assessment
#JA%UAT$!&) Students who can use e*idence 1rom the letters to
support their thin9in+ about in.ustice will ha*e pro*en that the-
accomplished the ob.ecti*e. $ would also hope that students will be able
to use the abo*e *ocabular- words.
Da- ? and @5 Birmin+ham Bombin+
"tandard Connection: "ocial "tudies "tandards) 8. D!"#ST$C P!%$T$CS A&D '#(!'")
The ci*il ri+hts mo*ement and the ,reat Societ- were attempts b- people
and the +o*ernment to address ma.or social/ le+al/ economic/ and
en*ironmental problems. Subse0uent economic recession called 1or a
new economic pro+ram.
Proessional "ocial "tudies "tandards #C$%: "tandard &% The
student understands the 2Second 'econstruction3 and its ad*ancement o1
ci*il ri+hts.
Proessional $iteracy "tandards:
2.1.1 Continue an in0uir-5based research process b- appl-in+ critical
thin9in+ s9ills :anal-sis/ s-nthesis/ e*aluation/ or+ani;ation< to in1ormation
and 9nowled+e in order to construct new understandin+s/ draw
conclusions/ and create new 9nowled+e.2.1.= Use strate+ies to draw
conclusions 1rom in1ormation and appl- 9nowled+e to curricular areas/
real world situations/ and 1urther in*esti+ations.
Common Core: CC458'67SS2 Determine the central ideas or
in1ormation o1 a primar- or secondar- source8 pro*ide an accurate
summar- o1 the source distinct 1rom prior 9nowled+e or opinions.
*+,ectives) Students will be able to 1ind meanin+1ul and rele*ant phrases 1rom a
primar- source about the SiDteenth Street Baptist Church Bombin+.
Students will be able to identi1- a *ariet- o1 perspecti*es on the SiDteenth
Street Baptist Church bombin+ 1rom the 9ids who li*ed in Birmin+ham in
14= throu+h discussion with their classmates.
-aterials: PowerPoint/ computers/ sentence strips/ chart paper/ wor9sheets/
the website) http)779idsinbirmin+ham14=.or+7
$earning %ctivities) .ac/ground: Students will start tal9in+ about their prior 9nowled+e o1
bombin+ and terrorist attac9s :The- mi+ht share 711/ etc.< Ae will share
as a class/ and lead into the introduction 1or the Birmin+ham church
bombin+. &eDt/ we will re*iew a PowerPoint/ as well as a *ideo on the
church bombin+. Ae will then re*iew *ocabular- and add it to the word
wall/ to build the students bac9+round 9nowled+e o1 the topic.
Jocabular- to 1ocus on)
Alabama/ Birmin+ham
The students will 1irst +et a computer 1rom the computer cart/ and then +o
to http)779idsinbirmin+ham14=.or+7 . Ahile on this website the- will be
readin+ three actual stories 1rom 9ids :whom are now adults< who
witnessed the e*ent. The students will complete a wor9sheet about each
person and their eDperience.
#ach student will write the most impact1ul 0uote that the- read 1rom the
9idKs stories on the blo+ and write wh- the- choose this 0uote.
&eDt/ the students will write one 0uote 1rom each person on a sentence
!nce the students are done/ the students will +et into small +roups and
discuss the people that the- studied.
(inall-/ the students will create a poem out o1 the sentence strip 0uotes
about the 9ids 1rom the Birmin+ham bombin+.
%ssessment: P%A&) (or the 1inal poem/ students will write down an impact1ul 0uote
1rom each stor- and in a +roup/ piece to+ether di11erent 0uotes 1rom
di11erent 9ids to ma9e a poem.
T!!%:S<) The wor9sheet and the poem as described abo*e.
#JA%UAT$!&) Students who showed understandin+ on the topic as well
as a collaborati*e e11ort to wor9 in a +roup will be .ud+ed as completin+
the ob.ecti*es.
Da-s 4 and E) The "arch !n Aashin+ton
"tandard Connection: 8. Domestic Politics and 'e1orm) The ci*il ri+hts mo*ement and the
,reat societ- were attempts b- people and the +o*ernment to address
ma.or social/ le+al/ economic/ and en*ironmental problems. Subse0uent
economic recession called 1or a new economic pro+ram.
2.1.1 Continue an in0uir-5based research process b- appl-in+ critical
thin9in+ s9ills :anal-sis/ s-nthesis/ e*aluation/ or+ani;ation< to in1ormation
and 9nowled+e in order to construct new understandin+s/ draw
conclusions/ and create new 9nowled+e.
*+,ective) Students will be able to understand the rationale 1or the "arch
Aashin+ton/ as well as what occurred durin+ the march.
Students will be able to thin9 criticall- about the teDt that is presented to
them/ as well as 1orm an opinion about the teDt.
-aterials: PowerPoint presentation/ handouts: character roles</ laptops 1or
students/ IouTube *ideo :music 1rom the march</ !nline documents 1or
students to read/
$earning %ctivities) As the students enter the classroom a IouTube *ideo will be
showin+7pla-in+ actual 1oota+e o1 the music that was pla-ed durin+ the
A1ter the *ideo is o*er :about ? minutes</ the topic will be introducedN
The "arch on Aashin+ton. $ will let students 9now that we will be learnin+
about wh- the march was ta9in+ place/ and what happened durin+ the
Prior to the readin+s we will discuss *ocabular- that the students should
9now/ and that we will come across durin+ the readin+s. These words will
also be placed on our classroom word wall.
&on5*iolent demonstration
%i*in+ petition :1rom the "arch on Aashin+ton Arti1acts<
De5se+re+ation :1rom the "arch on Aashin+ton Arti1acts<
(air %abor Standards Act
(irst/ we will read an online article to+ether :on laptops< that +i*es the
students some bac9+round 9nowled+e on the topic/ neDt/ we will read a
portion o1 a ci*il ri+hts boo9 to 1urther understand the preparations that
went into plannin+ the e*ent7 and "artin %uther Fin+ GrsK role.
Durin+ both o1 the readin+s the students will be ta9in+ notes in
their noteboo9s on important in1ormation that the- come across/
and in1ormation that the- thou+ht was surprisin+.
A1ter that/ students will be split into ? +roups and will each +roup will ta9e
on the role o1 a 1ictional person 1rom the -ear o1 14= :the- will learn
about their character *ia a slip o1 paper +i*en to them5 each +roup has a
di11erent role<. The +roups will all be +i*en actual arti1acts :handouts 1rom
the march</ and a PowerPoint presentation :accessed *ia laptop< which
will help them decided whether or not the- would ha*e .oined The "arch
!n Aashin+ton.
A1terwards/ the- will share out with the class their 1indin+s/ and will ha*e
a brie1 discussion on wh- the- decided to .oin or not .oin the march.
%astl-/ the students will watch a *ideo that shows actual 1oota+e 1rom The
"arch on Aashin+ton and tal9s about all that the march entailed.
(or homewor9/ the- will ha*e to respond to a prompt that is on the
classroom blo+/ and repl- to one other classmateKs response.
%ssessment: P%A&) Students will be sharin+ their response to whether or not their
indi*idual would march. The- will also respond to the prompt that is on
the blo+.
T!!%) !ral responses/ as well as written response as described abo*e.
#JA%UAT$!&) Students whom ha*e showed an understandin+ o1 wh-
their character would7would not .oin the march/ as well as showed
9nowled+e about the e*ents o1 the "arch as shown in their blo+ post will
be .ud+ed to ha*e accomplished the ob.ecti*e.
Da- 8) "artin %uther Fin+ Gr. and his 2$ 6a*e A Dream3 speech
"tandard Connection: "ocial "tudies "tandards:
8.a The ci*il ri+hts mo*ement be+an in the postwar era in response to
lon+5standin+ ine0ualities in American societ- and e*entuall- brou+ht
about e0ualit- under the law but slower pro+ress on economic
)nglish $anguage %rts "tandards:
#n+a+e e11ecti*el- in a ran+e o1 collaborati*e discussions with di*erse
partners on +rade 8 topics/ teDt/ and issues/ buildin+ on othersK ideas and
eDpressin+ their own clearl-
Anal-;e the purpose o1 in1ormation presented in di*erse media and
1ormats :e.+./ *isuall-/ 0uantitati*el-/ orall-< and e*aluate the moti*es
:e.+./ social/ commercial/ political< behind its presentation.
0C1)2IR% )nglish $anguage %rts "tandards:
Students participate as 9nowled+eable/ re1lecti*e/ creati*e/ and critical
members o1 a *ariet- o1 literac- communities.
#C$% !istory "tandards:
Standard ?A
The student understands the 2Second 'econstruction3 and its
ad*ancement o1 ci*il ri+hts.
*+,ective) Students will learn about strate+ies used b- ci*il ri+hts acti*ists such as
"artin %uther Fin+ Gr.
-aterials: Computer/ pens/ wor9sheets
$earning %ctivities) Students will start b- 1illin+ brainstormin+ what 2e0ualit-3 means. The- will
1ill out the e0ualit- wor9sheet with a partner. A1ter the students ha*e
completed the wor9sheet/ the class will share with each other what the-
wrote. &eDt students will listen to a recordin+ o1 "artin %uther Fin+ Dr.Ks
speech. A1ter the students listen to the speech/ the- will ha*e a
discussion about what the- listened to. The teacher will as9 the students
about speci1ic 0uotes 1rom the speech and as9 the students what the-
thin9 the- mean. The- will 1ill out a wor9sheet that +oes alon+ with it.
The tic9et out the door 1or the students will be the 2$ ha*e a dream too3
wor9sheet. Students will write their own speech and 1ollow the prompts
on their wor9sheet.
%ssessment: P%A&) Students will write their own speech usin+ the 2$ 6a*e a Dream
Too3 wor9sheet
T!!%) 2$ 6a*e a Dream too3 wor9sheet
#JA%UAT$!&) Students will be +raded on their class participation and
their speech that the- write.
Da- 1O) Assessment
"tandard Connection: "ocial "tudies "tandard) 8. D!"#ST$C P!%$T$CS A&D
'#(!'") The ci*il ri+hts mo*ement and the ,reat Societ- were
attempts b- people and the +o*ernment to address ma.or social/
le+al/ economic/ and en*ironmental problems. Subse0uent
economic recession called 1or a new economic pro+ram.
Proessional "ocial "tudies "tandard<)
"tandard &%The student understands the 2Second 'econstruction3
and its ad*ancement o1 ci*il ri+hts.
Proessional $iteracy "tandards: 1.1.E "a9e sense o1
in1ormation +athered 1rom di*erse sources b- identi1-in+
misconceptions/ main and supportin+ ideas/ con1lictin+ in1ormation/
and point o1 *iew or bias.1.2.= Demonstrate creati*it- b- usin+
multiple resources and 1ormats.2.1.4 Use the writin+ process/
media and *isual literac-/ and technolo+- s9ills to create products
that eDpress new understandin+s.=.1.? Use technolo+- and other
in1ormation tools to or+ani;e and displa- 9nowled+e and
understandin+ in wa-s that others can *iew/ use/ and assess.
Common Core $iteracy "tandard: CC458'67SSE $nte+rate *isual
in1ormation :e.+./ in charts/ +raphs/ photo+raphs/ *ideos/ or maps<
with other in1ormation in print and di+ital teDts.
*+,ective) Students will be able to create an in5depth anal-sis on a speci1ic
e*ent durin+ 14=/ the ci*il ri+hts mo*ement.
-aterials: Aeb Cuest e*ent/ partners/ computers/ and *arious materials
:such as paper/ mar9ers/ poster boards/ etc.<
$earning %ctivities) Students will choose a partner as well as one e*ent that we studied
either in 14= or durin+ our Ci*il 'i+hts Aeb Cuest.
Students will not be able to choose the same e*ent as another
+roup. Students will create an in depth anal-sis on a speci1ic e*ent
and present this anal-sis to the classroom b- means o1 creatin+ a)
website/ pla-/ technolo+- based application/ brochure/ mo*ie
trailer/ inter*iew/ colla+e/ etc.
Students will be instructed to see9 permission 1rom teacher 1irst
be1ore pursuin+ presentation idea.
#ach student will ha*e to write a one5pa+e/ double5spaced/ 125pt
1ont paper based on what he or she ha*e learned about their topic
and wh- it is important. Students must utili;e the *ocabular- that
was tau+ht in this unit throu+hout the paper as well.
%ssessment: P%A&) (or the 1inal pro.ect/ students will create an in5depth
anal-sis based upon their chosen ci*il ri+hts e*ent in 14=.
Students will also indi*iduall- write a paper on what the- ha*e
learned and wh- it is important
T!!%) The student paper described in the assessment plan
#JA%UAT$!&) The students will be assessed on their *isual/ as well as
their paper. The teacher will determine the students le*el o1 9nowled+e
and whether or not the ha*e accomplished the ob.ecti*es usin+ rubric that
the teacher and students ha*e created to+ether.

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