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Periodic Table Quizlet Lesson| Conceptual Chemistry/ Chemistry/ Physical World| Semester 1:

Actual dates will vary depending on the course. (This lesson could also be used in our Physical Science
Course - low level juniors.)

Students will recognize the general chemical
reactivity of elements based on position in
the Periodic Table.

(This is necessary before we can move forward and
explain why an element will have a particular
reactivity. )
Oregon State Standard
H.1P.1 Explain how atomic structure
is related to the properties of elements
and their position in the Periodic

Base knowledge
Students will know the group

Students will know the number of
valence electrons in each group.
Students often mix up the names
of groups 1 and 2 (Alkali Metals
and Alkaline Earth Metals).

Students also tend to forget the
pattern of reactivity around
Groups 13-15.

Groups vs Periods

Transition Metals confuse
students when it comes to valence
Physical Property
Chemical Property
Alkali Metal
Alkaline Earth Metal
Transition Metal
Noble Gases
Valence Electrons

Post It! On students periodic tables, students need to place a post it correctly labeling each group on the
periodic table. (Interactive review of prior lesson)

As a class we will make a set of flashcards. I have found many students do not actually make flash cards
unless you do it as a class activity. A physical set of flashcards allows students to study during quiet work
time in class where cell phones or other such devices are not allowed. Also, many students are on the bus
for after school for school activities and their phones die and then they cannot study. So I still believe in
physical flashcards. This set of flashcards can also be used as answer cards and warm up activities in class.

Physical Set of Flashcards
Group 1 = 1 v.e
= Alkali Metals = high w/ nonmetals
Group 2 =2 v.e
= Alkaline Earth Metals = med. w/ nonmetals
Groups 3-12 = cant determine v.e
; d orbital messes everything up

= Transition Metals = low w/
Group 13 = 3 v.e
= No Special Name = low w/ other elements
Group 14 =4 v.e
= No Special Name = low w/ other elements
Group 15 =5 v.e
= No Special Name = low w/ other elements
Group 16 = 6 v.e
= Chalcogens =med. w/ metals
Group 17 =7 v.e
= Halogens = high w/ metals
Group 18 =8 v.e
= Noble Gases = not reactive
*** How students decided to make the flashcards is up to their personal preference but this is the essential

Quiz-Quiz-Trade for 5 minutes

Computer Lab - to use Quizlet
Students already have a phsyical set of flashcards. The use of Quizlet in this case to help students extend
their knowledge and for me to formatively assess their understanding. There will probably only be enough
time left for students to start this formative assessment.

Quizlet Task
Each student will be given 10 elements at random. Students will create a stack of 10 flashcards in Quizlet
centered around their elements and the information learned in class.


Student has Carbon.

Possible questions a student could write for the element Carbon: What is the name of Carbons group?
How many valence electrons does Carbon have? What group number is Carbon found in? What is the
general chemical reactivity of Carbon?

Then the student would have to provide the answers to any questions they generate.

Review student expectations and due date on Quizlet Task.
Demonstrate how to share/email the stack of flashcards created in Quizlet.

Exit slip
Exit Ticket Question similar in nature to their
Quizlet Task.

Practice Opportunities
- Students will be practicing writing their own
questions similar to those that will be on the Unit
- The stack generated by students allows me to
formatively assess their knowledge and provide
appropriate intervention prior to Unit Assessment.
- Student stacks that show mastery can be used as
additional practice with many media options. I
could use a students generated stack of questions to
write a worksheet. That student can share their
stack with rest of class to provide extra practice.
- A students stack could be converted into a pop
quiz to assess class readiness before Unit

Reflection (to be filled out at end of lesson and end of unit)
What worked?
What didnt work?
Any tech glitches to be aware of next time or to warn a substitute in the future?
How did student performance compare to previous years before the lesson?

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