Week 1 Blogs

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Christof Teuscher

Spring 2014


Book Blog
A blog is a website wheie a usei iecoius infoimation, opinions, facts, images, etc. on a iegulai basis. Nost
blogging websites list all entiies (oi "posts") in ieveise chionological oiuei. Blogs aie iueal as a leaining
jouinal, to tiack youi piogiess, anu you iecoiu youi expeiience in this class. It's also a gieat way to oiganize,
connect, anu stoie all the infoimation (e.g., thiough lectuies, uiscussions, panels, piojects) you will we
exposeu to. Last but not least, it will be an integial pait of youi ePoitfolio to showcase youi subject mattei

The goal of the book blog is to collect youi thoughts about the book we aie ieauing.
Some suggesteu topics anu questions you may want to auuiess:
o What happeneu in the chapteis you've been ieauing. Summaiize the content, but also
analyze anu inteipiet it.
o Bow uoes the mateiial fit into the FRINQ theme. Tiy to establish connections between the
o What uiu you leain. What aie the insights you hau by ieauing the latest chapteis.
o What uiu you finu suipiising, shocking, boiing, tiivial. Why. Explain!
o What questions uiu the ieauing iaise. Biu you finu an answei.
o Establish connections between the book ieauing anu the class uiscussions, ieauings, anu
o Bow uiu the ieauing auuiess the 4 0NST goals.
o You aie encouiageu to auu images, illustiations, souices, oi othei mateiials that will help to
enhance youi blog entiies.
Note that the above list is not exhaustive. Also, you uo !"# neeu to auuiess all these topics in each
post. Insteau, I'm looking foi a thoiough coveiage of them thioughout the teim, acioss multiple
posts, anu fiom uiffeient peispectives.
As always, I'm fiist anu foiemost inteiesteu to see youi (ciitical) thinking.
You neeu to post at least one 01%2 3"#$4 53$ 633/ (staiting with the fiist week).
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uiauing ciiteiia:
o accuiacy,
o ciitical thinking,
o quality, anu
o establishing connections with othei couise ieauing, uiscussions, anu lectuies.

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Weu, }un 11, 2u14, 1u:uupm. (ePoitfolio ueauline)
The assignment must be incluueu in the final ePoitfolio. See ePoitfolio assignment foi moie uetails.

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