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Fibonacci Numbers and Phi In

What is the relation?
Fibonacci is very clear on the
Example of Fibonacci in Music
In this picture we can see that a keyboard
works the same way as Fibonacci does.
The chromatic scale is divided into 12 half
tones. The thirteenth is the octave.
Perfect Major Chord
A perfect major chord includes the 1st, 5th, 8th and 13th
chords. An example is C,E,G,C.
Fibonacci on Piano
Here you can see that the most important
chords are all Fibonacci numbers.
Chromatic Scale and Diatonic Scale
The red box shows the Chromatic cale. The blue
box shows the diatonic scale.
elationship bet!een Chromatic Scale and Diatonic Scale
1.! is the "olden number #se$uence of 1% &%
'% (% 1&).The perfect chord responds to this
Puttin" the Chromatic and Diatonic
Scale to"ether
This shows the C chord #chromatic
scale) and the Tonic% Third and
Fifth #diatonic scale). This
works accordin" to real life as
well. It,s the same interval
between each ma-or chord.
#pplications in eal son"s $ust %i&e
Me # eason
.ocals start on the
fifth measure%
Fibonacci number.
/re0chorus starts on
measure 1&% another
Fibonacci number.
Chorus starts on
measure 21% another
Fibonacci 1umber
'o! is Phi related to this son"?
Take the time of the son"2
4ultiply this by .!1( #small phi)
1ow you divide by !5.
This way you will "et the approximate climax of the son"2
6ou"hly 2.' mins.
7orkin" out2
8rid"e starts on measure ''%
another Fibonacci 1umber.
)ther son"s*
omebody to love 9 :ueen2
Call me 4aybe 9 Carly 6ae >epsen2
Hey Ho 9 ?umineers2
)ur son"
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