Centenary Dinner - Letter To Parents

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Francis Xavier
Ballarat East
In the Land of the Wadawurrung People

100 Fortune St.
Ballarat East
VIC 3350

PO Box 2027
Ballarat Mail Centre
VIC 3354

(03) 53316311

(03) 53318337

Tuesday 20
May 2014

Dear Parents

Re: Centenary Dinner

St Francis Xavier Primary School Ballarat and the Sisters of Mercy have a reason to celebrate. This year
marks 100 years since the registration of the school and the philosophies of community spirit and
excellence in education still ring true.

To celebrate this remarkable achievement, we are having a Centenary Dinner on Saturday 25

October at The Old Collegians Pavilion St Patricks College Ballarat. We have confirmed The Hon Steve
Bracks AC Premier Victoria (1999-2007) to give a key note address, and will also have an opportunity
to hear from past and present students and staff. Mr. Bruce Roberts will join us as our Master of

The two course dinner will commence at 7pm and the ticket price is $55 per person. The dress code
for the evening is semi-formal, drinks will be available at bar prices.

We are seeking an early bird booking from those that would be interested in booking a table of 10 for
the evening. It will be a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the schools centenary with friends, other
parents and staff. It will also be an opportunity to hear more about our school and how it has
developed into the innovative educational facility we have today.

If you would like to take up this opportunity, gather up your friends and family, and fill out the form
below and return to the school office by Friday 27
June. We would also request that you pay a
deposit of $100, with the remaining money to be paid prior to the dinner in October.

If you have any questions please contact the Centenary Committee via our email

Thank you for your continued support of St Francis Xavier Primary School.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Bissinella

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
Please complete and return to the P&F Box in the school office by Friday 27

Contact Name________________________________________________________________

Email ___________________________________ Phone______________________________

Number of tables ______________

$100 deposit paid by:
Payment details: Cash / Cheque / Credit Card
(please circle)

Credit card type_________ Number __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Expiry___ ____ Signature_____________________________________________

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