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Stoichiometry Review Day| Chemistry| Feb/March 2015

Student will use stoichiometry to analyze and
understand relationships amongst the reactants and
products in a chemical reaction.

Oregon State Science Standards
H.2P.2 Explain how physical and chemical changes
demonstrate the law of conservation of mass.

Base knowledge
-Law of Conservation of
- Dimensional Analysis
- Calculating Molar Mass

- Often times students
struggle with the units.
Either they do not include
units or they use incorrect

molar mass
molar ratio
molar volume
STP (Standard
Temperature and

Opener - Poll Everywhere

***At this time in the school year students should be accustomed to using Poll Everywhere in class.***

Poll Question:
How would you rank your proficiency level with stoichiometry?

***My experience is that student proficiency level of this chemistry skill relies heavily on their organization
and attention to detail, as well as their math reasoning skills. Math levels in my Chemistry class range
from Geometry to Pre-Calculus. ***

Poll results will be used start a short teacher led review. My goal is always to have students direct where
the review goes.

Questions to ask:
Those that responded as a 5, what skills do you feel you have mastery of?
Those that responded as a 4, what skills do you feel you have a good grasp on?
Those that responded as a 3, where do you think some of your errors are occurring?
Those that responded as a 2, what parts get you stuck?
Those that responded as a 1, what part do you want help most with?

Class - Group Review
Student will form their own groups of three. Person 1 ranked at a 1/2. Person 2 ranked at a 3. Person 3
ranked at a 4/5.

Once the groups are formed, the assignment will be passed out containing several stoichiometry problems
to practice. Examples: mass-mass, volume-volume, volume-mass, and mass-volume type problems.

Person 1 is the understudy. Listen, take notes, ask questions, be ready to try.

Person 2 is the actor. Do exactly what the director says. Answer any questions from your understudy.

Person 3 is the director. The director coaches the actor through the problem. Direct listens to actor as
they respond to understudy questions - making corrections as needed.

Person 1 stays understudy.

Person 2 becomes director.

Person 3 becomes actor.

Person 1 is director.

Person 2 is actor.

Person 3 is understudy.


Recap - Questions then Poll Everywhere

Ask students if there were any questions on the practice sheet that stumped them.

Post the same poll question as the opener. Compare growth from start of class to end of class.

Exit slip - need at least 5 minutes

Have students individually completed a mass-mass
stoichiometry problem.

Correct this problem together as a class before bell
Practice Opportunities

Mass-Mass Stoichiometry Homework Assignment

I think this outline could easy be applied to any skill.

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