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4x3 Storyboard Template

Film Title: choice ..

Page Num.:

Vuig scene one
In this scene Chris in bed, the alarm goes off but he still
doesnt want to get up for from bed. Chris wake up hour
later, late for his for is two lessons which he missed
in the lesson.
In this part of the film, the angles which will be used are
bird eye view. This angle will be looking down at Chris,
which will show weakness and world looking down at
him. The transition used will be fade to the next scene
.the other transition is dissolve also to into the next
scene .

!cene two
In this scene chris leave is house to go to college . he is
in no rush to get to college . he get on the bus"hour late
for his lesson .
The transition used are fade , to get to the next scene .
this scene will be for around # to $ second.

Vuig scene two

this is an establish shot of the college .
This scene will show the setting %locations of the film
.in this part of the scene it will show the college. The
edit used will be &umping cutting. 'nd parallel editing.
!traight away the audience will be engage with the
The transition used is dissolve and (oom to get to the
next scene. 'll this transiting will not be noticeable to
the audience. The camera movement used are tracking
and planning .camera angle will be middle shot and
esbalish shot .

!cescene four

This will be set in the college, the
movement will be tracking. because it
will fellow inside the classroom . in the
scene also it will show a birds eyes
view. To symbolizes the character
weakness .
The camera angle used are middle
shot and long shot .

!ces scene five

this is the room will be the setting of the next scene ,
Chris the main character will walk into the classroom in
fractionally. This will upset the teacher and disrupt his
class mate learning.
!hot used in this scene are middle , close and long
shot . to show character emotion .
The camera angle used are middle shot on the teacher .
long shot on the class room . the camera movement
shot are crabbing . this will be right and left o the class
room .

!cene six
.chris has a argument with the teacher , the
teacher tell chris he will have a detention today
. The sound only you may hear is the teacher
shouting that the student Chris. The shot used
are close and middle shot.
The camera angle used are shot reverse shot.
this happen when Chris is having a
conversation with his teacher . the camera
movement used are crabbing , which will
move to left and right .
The transistion used are dissolve and fade , this
will go in and out of the scene.

!cene seven
And baby all Im saying is he sound like a hater
And baby he could just f@@k off and do us a favor
ind your business, nigga sto! being a hater
This shows a close up to show my artist emotion and
passion. I can also have more editing for example and
fade and dissolve. This will appear the target audience.

!cene eight
.it show chris is stealing from the shop , due
to the fact he doesnt have any money . and the
lack of education .
The movement used are tracking and
crabbing . the camera shot used are bird eye
views and close up to show the character
reaction . the transition used are dissolve and
fade will also continuing o scene to scene .

chris goes to the detention depress and not

interested . chris start sleeping ,. )as a dream, about his
life style in the further .shot used are middle shot and
close up to show tension.
The camera angle used are extremely close up .to show
chris emotion .another are two shot and middle shot and
the middle close up. Camera movement are planning .
the transition used are fade and (oom. This will
continuing to into scene to scene .

.chris is reported to be in &ail, for
processions of drugs. Close up
will be every important in this
scene, to show passion and
emotional. This scene is part of
the montage. The effect used are
black and white, this will be portray
to the audience has a dream. The
transition used are fade and
dissolve , this will be able to scene
to scene .

!cene nine
!cene ten
Chris has been exclude from the
college he has been studying . he
has to leave the college for good
.the effect used in this scene will be
dissolve .this part is also include in
the montage . the effect used are
black and white , this will portray
has a dream is on . the transition
used are fade .

!cene eleven
!cene twelve
.this part chris has a flashback
about his life . he decide to to
change is ways .the camera
movement used are planning and

in scene will be the twisted , the

views will find out that Chris has
made the wrong choice in life . that
the presented time he is begging for
food out the shop and move from
location to location . the shot used
are close up shot . to show chris
emotional .

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